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X-men Evo

I like a lot of parings in X-men (Evo)...but i'm only going to talk about a few lol.. Don't wanna make these to long do i ^_^ First up and my favorite favorite is...



Rogue and Gambit have been together almost as long as Jean and Scott (in the comics). They are incrediby adorable and defiantly one of my MOST favorites if not my #1 Pairing. They're love is complicated since Rogue can not touch but it's sweet and true. They have gone through a lot of things together , both painful and joyful. What you're about to read is a LOT of evidence that proves Rogue and Remy were destined...


The Comics

Rogue- Rogue's from the South (Mississippi). Her mutation power is to take others powers, memories, ect. leaving her unable to make skin to skin contact. Rogue was raised by Mystique and was a member of the BoM. While she was in that team she met Ms. Marvel and absorbed her powers and memories, permanently (Mystique's Fault). This gave Rogue the ability to fly, have super strength and she is almost invulnerable. After seeing that her powers were uncontrollable she went to Xavier for help, after a while she became a trusted member of the team.

Remy- He was born in New Orleans and grew up as an orphan. He was adopted by Jean-Luc Lebeau and was then trained to become a master thieve. He was then put in an arranged marriage to stop the Thieves Guild and Assassin Guild from fighting, he married Belladonna Boudreaux. Soon after their wedding Belle brother challenged Remy and Remy killed him. He was exiled from the city after that. After wondering around for a while he met Storm and saved her from the Shadow King, that caused him to join the X-men and meet someone who would become the love of his life (^_^). Remy has the ability to charge objects with kinetic energy (putting molecules in motion), usually causing them to explode.

The Couple- Rogue and Remy meet after Remy joins the X-men by helping storm and leaving Sinister. At the time Rogue was already and X-men but was in the Savage Lands. When she rreturned she met Remy Lebeau. For him it was love at first sight hehehe, she however found him annoying lol. After lots of pursuading they finally went out on a date. They eventually became a couple...YAY!! but unfourntitly so much drama loves following these too. Many problems tried breaking them apart, Remy's 'dead' wife Belladonna who came back to live, Sabertooth telling Rogue how remy left the woman he 'loved' to die and the faftal kiss that Rogue was forced to give Remy making her absorb his thoughts and memories. Rogue found out Remy's secret and left him in Antartica, he returned and there was some tension. There was also Joe, Rogue and him had something going on, but in the end Rogue and Remy got back togther...YAY!!! This couple was MEANT to be, they go through so much just to be can anyone not believe in these two? Anyway Remy and Rogue go through all those troubles and in the end still get together...if it weren't true love I think they would have called quits by now.


Remy: "This is how I've wanted it t'be since I FIRST looked at you, Roguie. Beyond all the flirtin' an' teasin'---past all the games an' all the uncertainty---I KNOW we can be hurt, girl. Physically as well as emotionally--I know one kiss from you--one touch, flesh to flesh-- might give me some serious hurtin'--- but I'm willin' t'take the RISK for willin' t'do the same for me?
Rogue: "ah...ah can't....ah want to--but ah can't. Ah'm so afraid--ah might hurt' if ah kiss you an' if ah hurt you---ah know---ah JUST KNOW----ah'd want to DIE."

Rogue: " For the FIRST time in my entire life, ah felt.... HOPE. Ah knew that underneath ALL that HAIR --all that ATTITUDE --there was a person who CARED about me....Ah could FEEL it. A person who LOVED me. A person AH could love. And ah DO, Remy. you."

Remy: "Leave me be, chere. 'Cause with your love came somethin' else. Somethin' I never took a hard look at b'fore...m'conscience."

Rogue: "....Ah jus' FOUND you, Remy, an' ah ain't ABOUT to lose you....Don't you understand? AH LOVE YOU! Unconditionally!"

Rogue: "..ah've never had anyone touch my HEART like you did... NEVER. Why can't ah HAVE that? Why can't AH be HAPPY? Who says YOU have to do whatever THIS is, instead of spending your life with ME?"

Rogue: "Ah love REMY. He loves me. So what's the PROBLEM?"

Rogue:"All ah ask--all ah NEED is somebody t'HOLD me. Stroke his fingers through muh HAIR. PROMISE me that EVERYTHIN'S gonna be FINE....more than ANYTHING, REMY..... ah want that person t'be you."
Remy:"Everything's gon'be fine, chere."

Rogue: "Don't throw your LIFE AWAY."
Remy: "Girl, don' you ever listen? Wit'out you...I don't have much of a life!"

Remy: "....C'mon chere--hang in there. Don't die, girl! Y'can't die, not now. Not when we were just....we could've...I LOVE you, Rogue. I've ALWAYS loved you. You need to know that..."

Rogue: "Gambit's MINE!An' ah don't take kindly t'folks who want t'do him HARM!."

Rogue: "Listen up, Cajun. Ah won't be long. Meantime, don't you die on me, hear? Ain't your time."
Remy: "Ain't your call t'make, chere."
Rogue: "Don't SASS me none, Gambit."
Remy:"Den you remember--ain't YOUR time, neither."

Remy:: "We b'long T'GETHER"
Rogue: "Ah know."

The Animated Series

There were also Romy moments in the animated series, these two just can't stay away from each other hehehe...and that's good for all of us Romy crazed fans ^_^ Anyhoo hint time ^_^ I'm only gonna point out the HUGE hints lol...



Okay...the Romy greatness in Evolution. Rogue and Remy didn't meet till the third season cause for some raeson people thought that it'd be nice to make the Romy lovers wait that long to see clues of the Rogue and Gambit romance. Even though they only went on like 5 epiosdes there were some clues that they were destined hehehe...and here the are ~_^

And that's that folks...;_; Cajun Spice was the best episode of X-men evo...and...i DIDN'T RECORD IT...*starts sobbing... Anyhoo ROMY is the best and if this doesn't prove it then i suggest you go to another website and dig some more cause they really are the best ^_^ They were meant to be and they look so cute...*coughs*damn you X-men movies*cough*...anyhoo ROMY'S #1 This cute couple will always live on...if not in the comics then always in our hearts ~_^


X-men Evo


Disclaimer - Rogue, Gambit and the rest of the X-men don't belong to me. They're the property of Marvel.