ÿþ<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Daniel Moskovich</title> <META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.3513.900" name=GENERATOR> <META name="description" content="Daniel Moskovich's Homepage"> <META name="keywords" content="Daniel Moskovich,Moskovich,Topology,homepage,mathematician, Israel, Japan, Knot Theory, Mathematics, University of Toronto, Geometric Topology, Quantum Topology, Alexander polynomial"> <LINK href="mailto:dmoskovich&#64;[remove-me]gmail.com" rev=made> </head> <body aLink=#ff5500 background=graybackground.jpg link=#000080 text=#000000 vLink=#000080> <P> <table width="700" border="0"> <tr> <td width="23%"><IMG align=left src="sumamathpic.jpg"></td> <td width="71%" align="left" valign="bottom"> <H1>Daniel Moskovich</H1> <B>Post-Doctoral Researcher</B> <BR> <B><A href="http://www.math.toronto.edu/">Department of Mathematics</A> <BR><A HREF="http://www.utoronto.ca/">University of Toronto</A></B><BR> <b><em>e-mail:</em></b> <a href="mailto:dmoskovich@gmail.com">dmoskovich@[remove-me]gmail.com</a> </td> </tr> <tr></table><BR> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>General</font></B></td> </tr></table> <table width="700" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p><br> I am a postdoc working on quantum topology of knots and 3-manifolds, although most of what I'm actually doing is fairly classical. I'm currently working with <a href="http://www.math.toronto.edu/drorbn/">Dror Bar-Natan</a> at the University of Toronto. I blog on mathematics that interests me at <a href="http://ldtopology.wordpress.com/">Low Dimensional Topology</a>. <br> </font> <P> </p></td> </tr> </table> <br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Publications</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <li><b><em>Surgery presentations of coloured knots and of their covering links</em></b> (Joint with A.J. Kricker). Alg. Geom. Topol. 9 (2009), 1341-1398.<br> See <a href="http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0805.2307">arXiv:math.GT/0805.2307</a><br><font size=-1> We consider knots equipped with a representation of their knot groups onto a dihedral group D_{2n} (where n is odd). To each such knot there corresponds a closed 3-manifold, the (irregular) dihedral branched covering space, with the branching set over the knot forming a link in it. We report a variety of results relating to the problem of passing from the initial data of a D_{2n}-coloured knot to a surgery presentation of the corresponding branched covering space and covering link. In particular, we describe effective algorithms for constructing such presentations. A by-product of these investigations is a proof of the conjecture that two D_{2n}-coloured knots are related by a sequence of surgeries along unit-framed unknots in the kernel of the representation if and only if they have the same coloured untying invariant (a Z_{n}-valued algebraic invariant of D_{2n}-coloured knots).</font><br><br> <li><b><em>Notes on Yoshida's Coordinates on Hitchin's Prym Cover </em></b>(Joint with S.K. Hansen). Acta Math. Vietnam. 33(3) (2008), 291-320. <br> See <a href="http://www.math.ac.vn/publications/acta/pdf/0803291.pdf"> HERE</a>.<br> <font size=-1> As the first stage of his proposed geometric quantization of the SU(2) WZW model, T. Yoshida introduced coordinates on a Prym variety which covers the moduli space of semi-stable rank 2 holomorphic vector bundles with trivial determinant over a Riemann surface. We explain Yoshida's coordinates, and reprove their key properties using elementary combinatorial arguments.</font><br><br> <li><b><em>Vanishing of 3-loop Jacobi diagrams of odd degree</em></b> (Joint with T. Ohtsuki). J. Combin. Theory Ser. A. 114 (2007), 919-931. <br>See <a href="http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/math.GT/0511602">arXiv:math.GT/0511602</a><br><font size=-1> We prove the vanishing of the space of 3-loop Jacobi diagrams of odd degree. This implies that no three-loop finite-type invariant can distinguish between a knot and its inverse.</font><br><br> <li><b><em>Acyclic Jacobi Diagrams </b></em> Kobe J. Math. 23 (2006), 29-50. <br> See <a href="http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/math.QA/0507351">arXiv:math.QA/0507351</a><br><font size=-1> We propose a simple new combinatorial model to study spaces of acyclic Jacobi diagrams, in which they are identified with algebras of words modulo operations. This provides a starting point for a word-problem type combinatorial investigation of such spaces, and provides fresh insights on known results.</font><br><br> <li><b><em>Surgery Untying of Coloured Knots </b></em> Alg. Geom. Topol. 6 (2006), 673-697.<br> See <a href="http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/math.GT/0506541">arXiv:math.GT/0506541</a><br><font size=-1> For p=3 and for p=5 we prove that there are exactly p equivalence classes of p-coloured knots modulo 1-framed and -1-framed surgeries along unknots in the kernel of a p-colouring. These equivalence classes are represented by connect-sums of n left-hand (p,2)-torus knots with a given colouring when n=1,2,...,p. This gives a 3-colour and a 5-colour analogue of the surgery presentation of a knot.</font><br><br> <li><b><em>Framing and the Self-Linking Integral </b></em> Far East J. Math Sci 14(2) (2004), 165-183.<br> See <a href="http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/math.GT/0211223"> arXiv:math.GT/0211223</a> (This was a reading project under the supervision of <a href="http://www.math.toronto.edu/~drorbn">Dror Bar-Natan</a>) <br><font size=-1>The Gauss self-linking integral of an unframed knot is not a knot invariant, but it can be turned into an invariant by adding a correction term which requires adding extra structure to the knot. We collect the different definitions/theorems/proofs concerning this correction term, most of which are well-known (at least as folklore) and put everything together in an accessible format. We then show simply and elegantly how these approaches coincide. </font><br> <br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Preprints</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <li><b><em> Surgery presentations for knots coloured by metabelian groups </b></em><br> See <a href="http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/1101.0532"> arXiv:1101.0532</a>. <br><font size=-1>A G-coloured knot is a knot together with a representation of its knot group onto G. Two G-coloured knots are said to be rho-equivalent if they are related by surgery around unit framed unknots in the kernels of their colourings. The induced local move is a G-coloured analogue of the crossing change. For certain families of metabelian groups G, we classify G-coloured knots up to rho-equivalence. Our method involves passing to a problem about G-coloured analogues of Seifert matrices. </font><br> <br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Work in Progress</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <li><b><em>A Kontsevich Invariant for Coloured Knots</em></b> <br><font size=-1> Using our surgery presentation of a D_{2n}-coloured knot, we construct a non-commutative version of the rational Kontsevich invariant for D_{2n}-coloured knots as a dihedrally-equivariant invariant of their irregular dihedral covering spaces. As part of the construction we prove a non-commutative analogue of the Kirby theorem for untying links of D_{2n}-coloured knots.<br></font><br> <br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Translations</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <li><b><em>Doubles Mélanges des Polylogarithmes Multiples aux Racines de l'Unité</b></em> By <a href="http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/racinet/">Georges Racinet</a>. Translation from French.<br><font size=-1> A translation of <a href="http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/math.QA/0202142">Georges Racinet's landmark paper</a> relating shuffle relations of multiple zeta functions to Drinfel'd's associator. My French is very bad so there may be mistakes, and corrections are most welcome!<br> To download it click <a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/RacinetENG.pdf"> HERE</a></font>. <br><br> <li><b><em>Fibrés de Rang 2 sur une Courbe, Fibré Déterminant et Fonctions Thêta</b></em> By <a href="http://math.unice.fr/~beauvill/">Arnaud Beauville</a>. Translation from French.<br><font size=-1> A translation of <a href="http://math.unice.fr/~beauvill/pubs/fibres1.pdf">Arnaud Beauville's paper</a> quoted by T. Yoshida. Again, corrections are most welcome!<br> To download it click <a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/BeauvilleENG.pdf"> HERE</a></font>.<br><br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Courses Taught</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <li><a href="http://www.math.toronto.edu/bpigott/mat137/">MAT137</a>- <b>Calculus!</b> University of Toronto, Autumn-Spring 2010-2011. <br> <li>MAT1900- <b>Dehn Surgery</b>. University of Toronto, Summer 2011.<br> <li>MAT137- <b>Calculus!</b> University of Toronto, Autumn-Spring 2011-2012.<br> <li><a href="http://www.math.toronto.edu/ddmoskov/mat332/">MAT332</a>- <b>Introduction to Graph Theory</b>. University of Toronto, Autumn 2011. <li>MAT224- <b>Linear Algebra II</b>. University of Toronto, Mississauga, Spring 2012.<br><br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Seminars Organized</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <li><b>Yoshida's Abelianization (informal seminar)</b>- joint with K. Ueda. At RIMS, 2005. <br> <font size=-1> We worked together on understanding Yoshida's proposed abelianization of the WZW model. </font><br> <li><b>Low dimensional topology</b>- joint with P.A. Gastesi and J.J. Zuniga. At TIFR, 2008.<br> <font size=-1> I gave a talk on Wajnryb's MCG presentation, and 4 talks introducing knot thoery. </font><br><br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Lecture Notes</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <a href="http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/math.CO/0609516">Lectures on Topology of Words</a> - by Vladimir Turaev. <br>Notes taken jointly with Eri Hatakenaka and Tadayuki Watanabe. <br><br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Talks Given</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <li><b><em> Framing and the Self-Linking Integral</b></em><br> KOOK Seminar, Osaka City Univesity, Algebra and Geometry of Knots and Manifolds I, August 23-26 2003.<br> <li><b><em> A Combinatorial Calculus for $\mathcal{A}$-Spaces</b></em><br> East Asian School of Knots, Links, and Related Topics, Seoul, February 16-20 2004.<br> <li><b><em> Symmetrizing Vassiliev Invariants of Links</b></em><br> International Workshop for Graduate Students about Knot Theory and Related Topics, Osaka City University, July 5-7 2004.<br> <li><b><em> A Surgery Presentation for Irregular Branched Dihedral Covering Spaces of Knots</b></em><br> III Joint Meeting Japan-Mexico in Topology and its Applications, Oaxaca, December 6-10 2004.<br> <li><b><em> Presenting p-Coloured Knots by Links in the Kernel of the Colouring of a (p,2)-Torus Knot</b></em><br> 2005 International General Topology Symposium in Zhangzhou, May 25-28 2005.<br> <li><b><em>Coloured Untying of Knots</b></em><br> Osaka University, Low Dimensional Topology Seminar, Osaka University, July 17 2005. <br> <li><b><em>A Surgery Presentation for 3-Coloured Knots and for 5-Coloured Knots</b></em><br> KOOK Seminar, Algebra and Geometry of Knots and Manifolds III, Kobe, August 29-September 1 2005.<br> <font size=-1>To download the notes click <a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/MosKOOK.pdf"> HERE</a>.</font><br> <font size=-1>To download the article for the proceedings click <a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/MosHokok.pdf"> HERE</a>.</font><br> <li><b><em>A Kontsevich Integral for Fox Coloured Knots</b></em><br> NZ-Japan Knot Theory conference. University of Auckland, January 4-7 2006.<br> <font size=-1>To download the notes click <a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/NZtalk.pdf"> HERE</a>.</font><br> <li><b><em>Quantum Topology for Coloured Knots</b></em><br> Geometry and Topology Seminar, University of Copenhagen, November 6 2006.<br> <li><b><em>Vanishing of the Space of 3-Loop Jacobi Diagrams of Odd Degree</b></em><br> Workshop- Geometry, Dynamics, and Complex Analysis, Schaeffersgarden, Gentofte, September 24-25 2006.<br> <li><b><em>A Non-Commutative Analogue of the Rational Kontsevich Integral</b></em><br> Topology Seminar, Aarhus University, January 30 2007.<br> <li><b><em>Finite Type Invariants of Knots</b></em><br> Departmental Colloquium, Technical University of Denmark, February 28 2007.<br> <li><b><em>Yoshida's Abelianization Explained</b></em><br> International Conference on Quantum Topology, Institute of Mathematics, VAST, Hanoi, August 6-10 2007.<br> <li><b><em>Two Surgery Presentations for Dihedral Covering Spaces</b></em><br> Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka City University, Osaka, Novermber 30 2007.<br> <li><b><em>Surgery Presentation for Dihedral Covering Links</b></em><br> The Fourth East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, January 21-24 2008.<br> <font size=-1>To download the slides click <a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/TokyoTalk.pdf"> HERE</a>.</font><br> <li><b><em>Towards surgery presentations of metabelian coloured knots and their covering links</b></em><br> Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka City University, Osaka, May 30 2008.<br><font size=-1>To download the slides click <a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/OsakaTalk.pdf"> HERE</a>.</font><br> <li><b><em>Surgery Presentations for Coloured Knots and for their Covering Links</b></em><br> Geometry and Topology Seminar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay , Mumbai, India, August 20 2008.<br> <li><b><em>Surgery Presentations for Coloured Knots and for their Covering Links</b></em><br> Departmental Colloquium, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, August 21 2008.<br> <li><b><em>Surgery Equivalence Classes of Knots Coloured by Metabelian Groups</b></em><br> The Mathematics of Knots: Theory and Application, Heidelberg, Germany, December 15-19, 2008.<br> <font size=-1>To download the slides click <a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/Heidelberg.pdf"> HERE</a>.</font><br> <li><b><em>An Alexander polynomial for coloured knots</b></em><br> The 5th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Gyeongju, Korea, January 11 16 2009.<br> <li><b><em>Equivalence relations generated by surgeries which preserve metabelian information</b></em><br> Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan, April 24 2009.<br> <li><b><em> Surgery presentations for metabelian-group-coloured knots</b></em><br> RIMS Postdoc Seminar, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, June 6 2009.<br> <li><b><em> Surgery presentations for knots coloured by metabelian groups</b></em><br> Workshop on Topology and Geometry--- Quandles and Related Topics, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, July 11-12 2009. <br> <li><b><em> Surgery and bordism for coloured knots </b></em><br> University of California, Berkeley, October 21 2009; University of Nevada, Reno, October 28 2009; Indiana University, November 3 2009; University of Toronto, November 6 2009; Brandeis University, November 10 2009; Columbia University, November 13 2009. <br> <li><b><em> Symmetric surgery presentations for symmetric manifolds</b></em><br> The 6th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, January 25-28 2010. <br> <li><b><em> Untying coloured knots</b></em><br> Geometry and Topology Seminar, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea, March 9 2010. <br> <li><b><em> Untying coloured knots</b></em><br> RIMS Postdoc Seminar, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, April 8 2010. <br> <li><b><em> Untying coloured knots</b></em><br> MS Seminar, Institute for the Physics and Mathematic of the Universe, Kashiwa, Japan, May 11 2010. <br> <li><b><em>First steps in coloured knot theory</b></em><br> Topology Seminar, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, January 28 2011. <br> <li><b><em>First steps in coloured knot theory</b></em><br> Special session on "Topological, Geometric, and Quantum Invariants of 3-Manifolds", Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, April 10 2011. <br><br> <table width="700" border="0"> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><B><font size=+1>Miscellaneous</font></B></td> </tr></table> <br> <li><b><em><a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/favourite/books.html">My favourite books</a></b></em><br> <li><b><em><a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/favourite/LaTeX_resources.html">Useful LaTeX resources</a></b></em><br> <li><b><em><a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/Kirby.html">Proofs of the Kirby theorem</a></b></em><br> <li><b><em><a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/Misc-Math-Stuff/misc-math-index.html">Miscellaneous mathematical stuff</a></b></em><br> <li><b><em><a href="http://www.sumamathematica.com/favourite/homepages.html">Some homepages</a></b></em><br> <!-- Start of StatCounter Code --> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var sc_project=1533119; 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