Chapter 1*~


            He watched her pace the floor; back and forth, back and forth. She had been on the phone for the better part of the early morning. She was always very committed to her work. If she had a meeting to be at, at 12, she was there by 11. Sometimes he just felt that she took her career a little to seriously. Sure she was a very important woman. In her career and in the careers of others but she hadn’t seriously taken a break in years. He heard little footsteps coming down the hall and he instantly knew who it was. “Buenos Dias senorita Dana.”


            “Buenos dias daddy.” Five year old Dana smiled as she jumped on the bed with her father.


            “Where’s candy at?” Justin asked; referring to Dana’s Alaskan Husky who was usually following her.


            “Asleep still, she had a bad dream last night so she didn’t get a lot of sleep.”


            “Ah,” Justin nodded and pulled the cover up over him and Dana as they laid across the bed watching tv.


            “Alright buh bye.” Aaliyah turned off the phone and sat it down; smiling at Dana. “Good morning baby girl. How you feelin this morning?”


            “Good mommy.” She looked at her mother with a wide smile.


            Justin glanced up at her and met eyes with her. “Are you ok?” He watched her nod and patted next to him to tell her to sit down. “Why don’t you just take off for awhile. Let someone else do your job for you for a little while.”


            “It’s not that easy...”


            “It’s not that easy or you don’t want it to be that easy?” He watched her look away and laughed slightly. “Liyah look at me.” He watched as she turned and looked at him. “You do everything, and I know you want to show everyone that you have so much to offer than just a pretty face and a pretty voice but honey I think there is a time when you have to take a break.  Let someone else help at the label for a few weeks. Just hang out with me and Dana. Besides I think she would like it if you took some time off too. Right Dee?”


            “Right.” Dana said and looked at her mother.


            “Alright, but only because you pulled the cute one into this.” Aaliyah laughed slightly. She leaned against Justin and took in a deep breath as she closed her eyes. “I’m exhausted.”


            “Really? You just woke up.” Justin watched as she nodded.


            “I didn’t sleep too well last night.” She rubbed through her hair. “I really haven’t slept well in days.”


            “Stress...” He shrugged and ran his fingers through her hair and smiled softly. “Well you know what. How about you get some sleep and me and Dana will go out for awhile? You know maybe go to a few stores, do some shopping. Then later if you’re feeling any better we’ll come get you and go out for dinner or something. How about that?”


            “Alright that’s good with me, but please don’t embarrass yourself...”


            “How could I possibly do that?”


~*3 hours later*~


            “Like a Virgin!! Touched for the very first time!” Justin sang and looked over at Dana who was laughing. “When your heart beats....Next to mine...”


            Gonna give you all my love, boy...My fear is fading fast...Been saving it all for you...’cause only love can last...”


            “You’re so fine and you’re mine...Make me strong, yeah you make me bold...Oh your love thawed out...Yeah, your love thawed out...What was scared and cold...”


            “Like a virgin...Touched for the very first time...Like a virgin...with your heartbeat...Next to mine...” They sang and laughed.


Ok so I guess that was what she was talking about when she said...don’t...embarrass...yourself...OH I get it now. Justin laughed and shook his head. Oh well, it’s not like anybody saw it other than just him and Dana. He looked over and looked at two girls in a car next to them and sighed. “Shit...” Well too late for the don’t embarrass yourself thing...