~*Chapter 2*~


            I looked at her from over my shoulder. She was tying her long hair into a tight bun. Making her look more serious and powerful than she already was. It was parent teacher conference day. Yeah you know the long boring day where you listen to your kids teacher whine about how bad your child is. Come on we know how bad they are, we live with them. Dana on the other hand wasn’t ill disciplined at all. Probably because Aaliyah could straighten you out with one look. If she dared to even act up it was on. No I’m not saying like Aaliyah is some crazed control freak but she doesn’t take being immature very well, even though she has her times when she does it herself.  All of Dana’s teachers say the exact same thing; she’s such a angel, she does everything we ask her, she’s passing with flying colors. I yawned and looked at her as I leaned against the head board of the bed. “Do I have to go? I really don’t like going to these type of things...”


            “Yes you have to go. Besides it would really make Dana feel good if you went...”


            She always played the Dana card on me. Damn was I a sucker for that child. “Alright but please don’t talk for a long time ok? I really don’t want to be there for forever.”


            “Whatever just come on...”


~*2 hours later*~


            “Dana is a great child. She’s like a little angel. We can ask her to do anything and she does it.”


            What did I tell yall? They all say the same thing every year. See this is what happens when you have well behaved children.  “Well that’s great to hear. I’m glad she’s very well behaved.”


            “I’m taking Dana to the bathroom I’ll be back.” Aaliyah said and stood up with Dana.


            “Alright.” I sighed. What was I supposed to say to her teacher while they were gone? Ms. Williams you have a nice ass? I hate when they leave me like this.


            “So Mr. Timberlake...you look nice...”


            Was she hitting on me? Was she actually trying to strike a conversation with me? “Thanks...you look pretty nice yourself.”


            “Thanks...So are you really happy with your wife?”


            What in the hell type of question is that? Is she trying to feel me out. “Excuse me?”


            “I mean, the looks you two give each other are just a little...weird.”


            Weird? Come on, we had our moments just like everyone else, but of course I love my wife. She’s the whole reason I’m still here today. “Of course I’m happy with my wife...I would never not be happy with her. Look Lana this is not up for talk ok?”


            “I feel like you’re lying to me Justin...”


            Yeah I knew her. I slept with her a few times. So what. It’s not like it mattered anymore anyway. All I knew was I had to stay away from her. Now you knew why I didn’t want to come to this conference. “Look Lana, I have to go...” I stood up and headed towards the door. Trying to get away from her crazy ass.


            “She’ll find out Justin...She’ll find out...”


            Aaliyah finding out was at the bottom of my worries list. The top was her catching me and Lana having this chat. It was time for me to go cuz her crazy ass would do anything right about now.