Chapter 4*~Underneath...


            I sat cross-legged on the floor reading a book to Dana. Aaliyah hadn’t woken up but they said hopefully she would be ok. We hadn’t heard anything from her for at least a week. Me and Dana would come and spend the afternoons with her in her hospital room after Dana got out of school. Drew, our son would be coming home next week but it my worries were more on Aaliyah and if she would ever wake up. “And so they lived happily ever after...the end.” I closed the book and looked down at Dana who looked up at me with her bright eyes.


            “Do people actually live happily ever after daddy?”


            I looked at her and smiled. “Sure, some of them. If they’re lucky enough...” Why couldn’t I just live happily ever after? Why couldn’t I be able to live my life without the hassle of everyday life? Why was it that my wife had to be the one in a comma? Why did my life have to be shit? Why am I asking you like you’ll give me a good answer? All these questions and no answers so I took it to a professional.


~*the next morning*~


            “So how do you feel Justin? Come on tell me what you’re thinking and feeling...” Amanda said and looked him over.


            My psychiatrist, who would most defiantly would become one of my close friends over the next week. I looked at her and shrugged. “I’m pretty pissed. I very much upset with the fact that I left my pregnant wife there at that party. I should have been there. I’m pissed off because she may never wake up and I have messed up so many times over our relationship. I feel like I’m failing Dana. I just can’t take all of this going together.”


            “Lets think of this ok? What if Aaliyah does die and you are forced to raise these kids by yourself. Do you feel like you could do it?”


            “I really don’t know.” I ran my hand through my hair and shrugged and looked at her. “I hope that it never comes down to that. I don’t want my wife to die. I want her to spend the rest of her life with me and our kids. I just can’t imagine my life without her because I live my life because of her.”


            “So you wouldn’t be here without her?”


            I shook my head knowing it was the truth. I would be nothing without her. She was the reason why I am still alive. I wanted to die after I felt like she would leave me; taking our children with her. “No, I would have killed myself that day. There is no way in the world that I would have lived. I just couldn’t take our break up. It would have tore me apart for her to file for divorce, but she didn’t because she loved me. Not because I was Justin Timberlake, or because I was cute and have money, she stayed because she loved me. I don’t know too many men who can say that.”


            “You’re right. She’s an extraordinary woman and I can really tell she loves you, but you know what she said right?”


            “If anything should happen to me, I want you to be strong and take care of our children...” I felt tears again and had to contain myself. I didn’t want it to seem like I was a sissy. I sighed and shook my head. “I just won’t let her die.”


            “But there is no way you can stop her from dieing if it is gods will for her to die.”


            “I don’t care what god wants right about now. I know I’ve been completely selfish lately but this is one thing I would give up anything for. I’d even give up my career for that woman because I love her. I would jump off a bridge if someone told me it would save her. I would give my life for hers. I LOVE that woman and I don’t think people quite understand that. I would do anything for that woman and our children because she is not only my wife. She is my wife, my lover, my best friend, and the mother of my children and I refuse to let her go out like this.” I watched as Amanda’s eyes filled with tears. At that moment I think everyone had finally gotten that I really did love Aaliyah. I didn’t love her because she was beautiful, or because she was wealthy. I married her because I loved her and when you’re in love, you will do anything. I stood up and shook my head. “I have to go.”


~*2 hours later*~


            As I arrived at the hospital I noticed a lot of people. Dana and JC were sitting outside playing game boy and I walked up to them, wondering why there was so many people here today. “Hey man.”


            “Hey Jay, I’m glad you’re here.”


            “What’s going on?” I asked and looked around, catching the glance of Kimberly who waved at me and I rolled my eyes.


            “Li woke up.”


            “She what?”


            “About two hours ago. You may wanna go in there. She wants to see you.”


            I felt a smile form across my face as I opened the door and walked in; catching her glance and her smile. She was holding Drew and he even turned his little head to look at her. “I’m glad you’re up.”


            “So am I...” She said in a low whisper. “I’m just glad you’re here. Thank you.”


            “For?” I looked at her as she laughed and smiled softly as I sat down beside her.


            “Loving me.”


            “You’re welcome.” I laughed and kissed her softly. “That I can handle.”