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God/Godess Background

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The Japanese Gods for Mystic Goddess

  1. Kaiiki/Uzumaki: KAWA-NO-KAMI God of rivers. Larger rivers have their own gods, but all waterways are under Kawa-No-Kami's authority. When rivers flooded, the gods were sometimes appeased with human sacrifices.
  3. Tatsumaki/Juusanso: SHINE-TSU-HIKO God of the wind. Shine-Tsu-Hiko fills up the empty space between earth and heaven, and with his wife Shina-To-Be, he holds up the earth.
  4. Jishin: NAI-NO-KAMI God of earthquakes. A late addition to the Japanese pantheon, Nai-No-Kami was inducted in the seventh century C.E.
  5. Tsuta: NINIGI Grandson of Amaterasu, sent to rule the earth, the ancestor of all the Japanese emperors.
  6. Niji: SUSA-NO-WO God of storms, snakes and farming. Amaterasu's brother and greatest enemy. From the moment he was born, he was a troublemaker. After Amaterasu was finally taken out of her cave, Susa-No-Wo was punished. The other gods shaved his beard and moustache, pulled out his fingernails, and banished him to live as a mortal on the earth.
  7. Kashoku: O-KUNI-NUSHI God of sorcery and medicine. Originally the ruler of the province of Izumo, he was replaced by Ninigi, but in compensation he was made ruler of the unseen world of spirits and magic.
  8. Moeagaru/Kyuuzou: HO-MASUBI Fire god. His birth killed the creator goddess Izanami, and his father, the creator god Izanagi, was so enraged with grief that he killed the baby. From his blood came eight gods, and from the body came eight mountain gods.

Name Translations