~~Rice Cakes~~

RICE CAKES chapter 1

SUMMARY—Lovepotions, rice cakes, and the intertwining of people’s lives.

A/N—In this story the hero is named Riou and it is the Tonberry Army. This is a yaoi fic so if it offends you please don't read it just to flame me. It is Flik x Camus and Viktor x Miklotov centric with a few other pairings thrown in here and there.

Disclaimer—Sadly I do not own any of the characters in Suikoden II :( they belong to KONAMI.

A swirl of red and brown leaves flew through the crisp fall air as the people of the Tonberry Army enjoyed one of their first days dedicated to relaxation.

Ellie, Rina, and Bolgan were in the front of the castle rehearsing for a new show for the upcoming Autumn Festival. Bolgan began blowing fire and almost caught Shiro’s tail on fire.

Ellie laughed at the look of Kinnison’s face as he gave a speech on how fires can destroy poor, defenseless animals and forests to Bolgan. Bolgan sweat-dropped and gave his apologies to Shiro for not paying closer mind to his presence.

Ellie continued her practice of throwing knives over Riou’s head as he stood with his back to the target behind him. Rina sighed at the sight. After a few minutes Rina slipped out to Leona’s Tavern for a little extra “relaxation” and to get away from the racket outside.

As Rina entered the tavern she saw the familiar sight of Nina running around yelling for Flik to come out.

”OH FLIK???. . . . .Come on out, Sir Flik!!!!! My darling Flik, where art thou. I made you some delicious rice cakes, with a hint of something extra special!” Nina wooed, the look of desperation swept over her child-like features.

Rina sighed at the sight of the love-struck, puppy-eyed maiden, knowing that her love for Flik is one-sided. “Leona, I will have my usual”, she said with a smile.

“Aw, its one of those days”, Leona said with a glint in her eye.

Rina smiled slightly and said, “Yes, it’s one of those days.”

Rina took her usual spot in the tavern, sat down and quietly waited for her drink. She decided to look around the room to see who was there. She saw Humphery drinking, Anita and Valeria in a heated debate by the counter, and Lo-Wen with her brother laughing and drinking.

“Well, well, well, what is such a lovely lady doin’ in Leona’s tavern on such a beautiful day?”, a dark haired, muscular figure said.

Rina looked up, smiled and said, “Well, look what the cat dragged in. I would ask you the same, but you’re no lady.”

Viktor laughed at the comment and said while he took a seat next to Rina, “Here’s your drink. . .Leona asked me to keep you company. I didn’t know you drank such a manly drink!”

Rina’s attention was perked-up with the comment that Viktor made.

“I wouldn’t test her if I were you, or you’ll eat those words,” Leona said with a smirk across her face.

“What!?” Viktor said as he bolted up to look Leona in the eye. “I bet she can’t even hold down a light chardonnay let alone harder liquor!,” Viktor laughed.

“Well, then. It’s decided. . .you and me, Viktor. In a drinking contest. . .tonight at 10:00pm. Hard-core beer.” Rina said as she got up, closed in on Viktor and gave him her seductive signature look.

Viktor was a bit startled by the assertiveness Rina put on the table. And that look, her eyes narrowed in on Viktor’s. . .the feeling of being violated and striped washed over him.

Man, now I understand what everyone says about her. Wow, those are the eyes of a panther just about to have dinner. Viktor could not help the color that washed over his cheeks at that very moment. . .it was intense.

Rina smirked, Just the effect I was going for.

“I will see you later, don’t be late, dear Viktor.” Rina gave him a wink and naturally turned around and walked out.

“Looks like you got yourself in quite a fix, Sir Viktor,” Camus said in a calm manner.

“A fix. . .don’t be ridiculous. . .who can drink more than me anyway!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. . .,” Viktor said with much confidence.

Leona and Camus looked at each other knowingly before they sighed in sync.

Feeling a chill run down his spine. . .he looked around his room before bolting out the door and ran down the hallway and down the stairs before he made it to the main room.

“Phew! How did she know I was in my room?,” Flik whispered as he began to catch his breath.

“Sir Flik. . .what are you doing?” A tall, dark haired, man said.

Flik, out of breath looked up at Miklotov and said, “Nothing. . .I was just. . .er. . .going for a walk. Walks are nice in the castle, yeah. . .”

“Oh. . .I see. Well, I’m off to the dojo. . .Care to join me Sir Flik?”

Flik stared at the enthusiastic man that stood before him and said, “Sure, why not. . .I don’t have anything in particular to do today.”

Miklotov was so happy to hear Flik say those words, he grabbed Flik’s hand and in an instant they were standing in the dojo hall.

After three hours of grueling sword fighting, Miklotov said, “That was a great workout! I haven’t had it this good for the past few days.”

Huffing and puffing, Flik finally spat out, “Why do you say that? I thought that you and Camus are always practicing. . .at least that’s what everyone says about you guys.”

Miklotov passes Flik a nice cold soda and says, “Yeah, usually that is so, but as of late, he has been attending to other errands.”

“Excuse me sir, but I was wondering if you have seen Sir Flik anywhere,” Flik tensed up hearing the young blonde’s voice, he knew that he had to leave.

“Miklotov, why don’t we. . .um. . .hit the bath. . .yeah. . .lets go. . .NOW!!,” Flik grabbed Miklotov’s hand and ran in the opposite direction of Nina’s voice.

The two ran far away from Nina, and Flik hoped that Nina would not dare follow suit, especially into the men’s bath. As soon as they reached the bathhouse, Flik quickly undressed, and was getting ready to dive into the tub.

“Wait Sir Flik! You must wash before entering the bath. . .or have you forgotten?”

Flik slowly turned around, color hit his cheeks and said, “Hehehehe. . .yeah. . .you’re right.”

Flik and Miklotov washed their sweaty bodies and then entered the bath.

Miklotov could not help himself, he had to ask Flik about Nina. “So, I see that the young lady who is pursing you, is some one you fear, Sir Flik.”

Startled by the comment, Flik said, “What!!! No! It’s not that. . .it’s just that I. . .I don’t want to be caught by her. . .she is always pestering me! She’s always asking me questions about my past. . .especially my love life. Besides, it will pass soon. . .she just has some sort of school girl’s crush on me. . .nothing more.” At least I hope so. . .I don’t want to be running away from a school girl my whole life!

Miklotov saw the concerned look on Flik’s face and laughed.

“Wha. . .what’s so funny!!!,” Flik retorted.

“You are, Sir Flik. Why don’t you just tell the young lady that you are not interested. Surely, she would understand.”

“Are you crazy!! I tried telling her that I was not interested. . .of course in subtle ways. . .but she doesn’t catch a clue!,” Flik said flustered and frustrated.

“Well, I don’t think that you could stay in the bath house forever, Sir Flik. At some point you will run into the young lady again,” Miklotov said calmly, looking at Flik directly. “Anyway, enough about the problems in our daily lives, are you looking forward to the festivities that are taking place later on this evening?”

Flik stared into Miklotov’s eyes, and then channeled his gaze downward, “Well, I’m not so sure. I know that the festivities will be good, considering how many of the individuals in the castle have been preparing for it and looking forward to it. . .but. . .I’m just not in the mood for such good times.”

Miklotov looked at Flik with concerning eyes, “Well, I hope things will turn up for you Sir Flik. . .I must go.” Miklotov got out of the bath, dried himself off and put a bathrobe on.

Before Miklotov was out of sight, he flashed a genuine smile and waved. Now, Flik was alone in the bath.

I sure hope things start getting better. . .I can’t keep this up forever, I’ll go insane if I have to keeping running from that damn brat.

During the evening, Tonberry Castle was bustling with music, laughter and bright lights.

(Sigh) “I went through all the trouble of making these wonderful rice cakes for Sir Flik and I to eat before the celebration today. Alas, I am unable to find my darling. And I also put that special ingredient that Mazus gave me! Just how am I suppose to make Flik fall in love with me when I can’t even find him!!!,” Nina said to herself as she is walking through the streets of the Castle.

Mazus looked at Nina from the kissing booth and chuckled. He had been making love potions for years for young women to give to their potential boyfriends.

“Hey mister. . .you are the so-called Kissing booth, right?” An old woman said to Mazus.

“Eh?. . .Are you talking to me miss?” Mazus said.

“Why. . .yes I am old man. . .I paid the young lady next to you. . .now. . .pucker up!,” Taki said.

Mazus looked at the old woman with disbelief, (sigh) “Just what did I get myself into. . .hey. . .wait a minute. . .how did you know that I was older than you!?!”

Taki looked at Mazus straight in the eyes and said, “Come closer. . .and I will tell all!”

Mazus looked at Taki wide-eyed and thought: Well, it can’t hurt. . .she just a harmless old woman! Mazus closed the distance between them. I didn’t realize how short Taki is!

When Mazus got close enough to her, she pulled him down to the ground and gave him. . .the kiss of death. For some reason, Mazus was unable to break away from the kiss. The kiss itself lasted for five whole minutes! When Taki broke the passionate kiss, she said, “I did promise that I would tell you about how I knew about your age. . .and really it is no secret. Sonny, when you get to be my age. . .as a woman. . .you just know!”

Mazus dazed from the death grip the old woman had on him. . .did not know how to react to such an all-knowing-witch. “How. . .how. . .did you do that!!! You. . .you paralyzed me. . .o. . .or something!! Damn. . .you are one serious little lady!!”

Taki smiled and said, “Well, sonny. . .it’s a good sign that you see it my way. Oh, by the way, I bought you for the night at well.”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!,” that was the only thing that Mazus could say!

“Nina, Nina, Nina, Nina, Nina!!!! You have to come with me right now!!,” Nanami said to Nina in the middle of the street.

“Nanami! What is so important!,” Nina said to Nanami.

“Just come, you have to see Annalee sing!!,” with that said, she grabbed Nina forcefully and ran off to the stage.

But, as Nanami was pulling Nina away from the streets, the precious rice cakes that Nina made were stolen by Hoi!

“Hahahahahahahahahahaha. . .I finally have something precious!,” Hoi marveled at the delicately wrapped rice cakes. Just as he was about to open up the package, a figure stood right before him. A tall red-head, glaring down at him.

“Hehehehe. . .I was. . .just. . .um. . .going. . .to. . .give this to you!!!,” Hoi said as he gave the package to Camus and ran off in the other direction.

Camus looked down at the item that now was in his hands. He looked at the card that was attached to the item and read it aloud to himself. To my dear Flik, my one and only blue thunder man!

Camus could not help but let out a laugh. Poor Sir Flik, being chased by a school girl.

Camus looked around the street for a familiar face and found Miklotov by the kissing booth. Camus being the curious type went over to see what his blue counterpart was doing.

“Why Sir Miklotov. . .I am offering my prized possession to you,” Jeane said in a soft, sexy tone.

Blushing furiously, “La. . .Lady Jeane. . .I. . .cannot do such an act. . .in. . .public.”

Flattered by the modesty of the young knight, “A knight such as yourself, works too hard, you deserve it dear knight. I know you want to caress them.”

“If. . .you are certain. . .that it’s alright. . .La. . .Lady Jeane,” Miklotov said.

“Why, certainly Sir Knight,” Jeane said naturally with a soft sparkle in her eyes.

Miklotov moved his hands toward Jeane’s breasts and said, “Wow. . .it. . .it’s amazing. . .it’s so smooth.”

Camus was shocked, he could not believe his eyes. Mik. . .Miklotov. . .I. . .thought that you could not talk to women very well. . .and here you are caressing a woman.

Miklotov who was still blushing furiously, smiled and said gleefully, “Lady Jeane, is it real?”

Camus’ jaw dropped. The item that he was carrying almost fell to the floor, but instead his grip tightened and he furiously walked over to Miklotov.

“Miklotov, I can’t believe what. . .,” Camus looked more closely to where Miklotov’s hands were caressing, and was quite shocked and embarrassed for over-reacting.

Miklotov turned around and said, “Hi, Camus. Look at this necklace that Lady Jeane is wearing. She told me that it is the gold necklace. You know, the one that only Chaco and Sid are able to wear because they are Wingers, but she got this gold necklace modified so that people like us could wear it!”

Jeane smiled and said, “I saw you watching us, Sir Camus and I know what you were thinking. . .tee hee.”

Camus blushed and said, “I apologize Lady Jeane, I did not mean. . .”

Jeane interrupted and said, “Don’t apologize. No harm was done. . .but since I am surrounded by two handsome men standing in the kissing booth, I would appreciate it if you both could participate.”

Miklotov said with confusion, “Participate. . .what would we have to do?”

Jeane gave the two young men a devilish smirk and said, “Both of you will satisfy these young girls’ needs.” Jeane points to the long line of girls waiting and willing to pay for a kiss.

Miklotov still confused, “I don’t understand. . .do they want us to train them?”

“Excuse me Lady Jeane, I need to borrow Sir Miklotov and Sir Camus, they are registered to duel at the dojo in fifteen minutes. I apologize for the inconvenience,” Flik said bowing his head.

“Oh, well. . .that’s alright, I understand,” Jeane said with disappointment.

Camus said, “I am truly sorry, if the circumstances were different, I would be more than happy to help a gorgeous lady in need,” Camus lifted Jeane’s hand to his lips and kissed her hand lightly.

Jeane blushed at the gesture, “Oh, no. . .there is no need for an apology Sir Camus.”

As Miklotov, Camus and Flik walked away from the booth, Camus said, “Thank you Sir Flik for saving us.”

Miklotov said, “What are you talking about. . .I thought that the young women wanted to learn how to duel.”

Flik hit his head lightly, “If only that were true, I wouldn’t need to come and get you guys. . .would I?”

Camus said, “I need a drink, why don’t we head to the tavern. . .since it’s on the way.”

Flik said with a smile “That sounds good.”

As the three swordsmen walked into the tavern, they instantly noticed Viktor and Rina sitting across from each other with several beer mugs in front of them and a roar of men and women surrounding the two.

Flik said with astonishment, “What is going on?”

Camus said coolly, “Looks like a drink-off.”

The three walked toward the group. Flik looked at Viktor and yelled, “Just what the hell do you think you are doing, Viktor?”

Viktor turned around slowly and said, “Wha the hell do ya think I’m doin’ Flik? I am tryin’ to prove that I am a man.”

Rina put the mug that she was drinking down, wiped her mouth with a napkin gracefully and said, “That makes it 14 pints for me Sir Viktor. If you are planning to take me down, you better do it now.”

Viktor gritted his teeth and forced himself to grab the next pint. “No. . .wo. . .man will beat me. . .the bear!”

He took the pint and drank it quickly. Viktor got up and said, “Ya. . .ya. . .see. . .eight. . .te. . .teen. . .pi. . .” A loud thump and Viktor was out cold on the floor.

Leona shook her head and said, “Ya poor thing. . .dear Viktor. . .that was only 13 pints. . .and look at the mess you made for me.”

Rina giggled and said, “Is that it. . .I thought that he was going to be more of a challenge.” She took Viktor’s pint and drank it.

Everyone was in awe by the performance that took place. Rina beat Viktor by two pints.

Rina got up and said, “Well, there is no need for me to stay here. . .” She looked around the room and spotted Miklotov and asked him kindly, “Sir Miklotov could you do me the favor of bringing Viktor to his room.”

Miklotov a bit surprised by the request, “As you wish Lady Rina, are you sure that you are alright? That was quite a show. . .I am a bit surprised that you beat Viktor in a drinking contest.”

Rina smiled and looked at Miklotov slyly, “Thank you, I will take that as a compliment Sir Miklotov. Oh, here are some pills that I bought for Sir Viktor. . .I had a feeling that he could not hold his liquor as well as I.” She gave Miklotov the pills from her pocket.

Miklotov took the pills and said, “Thank you Lady Rina, I will bring him up immediately.” Miklotov went over to the lifeless body, and picked up Viktor.

“Di. . .did. . .I. . .win. . .?” Viktor said groggily.

Miklotov said, “Don’t worry Sir Viktor, I will take care of you.” He dragged Viktor out of the tavern.

Flik was about to go out and help Miklotov, but Camus put his hand of Flik’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry about Sir Viktor, Sir Flik. He is in good hands.”

Rina said to Flik and Camus, “Well, I am glad that you guys enjoyed the show. . .but I must go. Camus, please tell Miklotov. . .Thank you.” She waved to Flik, Camus, and Leona and walked out of the tavern.

Camus and Flik sat down and Camus said to Leona, “Two pints, please, Lady Leona.”

Leona said with a smile, “Anything for you Sir Camus.” She walked towards the counter and poured two pints for the swordsmen and came back, “Here you guys go, call me if you need more dear knights.”

Flik smiled, “Thanks, Leona.”

After a few pints, Camus remembered the package that Hoi stole from Nina. He put the item in front of him and said, “I think that this package is for you Sir Flik. . .I believe that it is from Lady Nina.”

When Camus said Nina’s name, Flik could not help but spit out some of his beer. Flik coughed and said, “Oh no. . .what is it this time!”

Camus cleaned up the mess and said, “Well, you could open it and find out.”

Flik sighed and unwillingly opened the package in front of him. “Rice Cakes!?!”

Flik got up and was about to throw away the item, Camus stopped him, “Sir Flik, what are you doing?”

Flik looked surprised, “I was going to throw them away. . .the last time she made me some cookies. . .let’s just say that I had to see Dr. Huan.”

Camus looked at Flik with disappointment, “I know that it’s hard. . .but, I don’t think that you should throw away something that the young lady made for you. She probably put her heart into those rice cakes.”

Flik sat back down and thought: Camus has a point. . .but. . .oh. . .what the hell. . .maybe after a few more drinks. . . “Alright Camus, you win, I’ll eat them. . .”

Camus smiled and said, “To ease your pain, I will eat one too. . .does that sound fair?”

Flik smirked, “I will hold you to that Camus!”


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Email: yami_kiwi@yahoo.com