~~Rice Cakes~~

RICE CAKES chapter 2

“Where. . .where are ya taken’ me. . .,” Viktor asked the blue knight; unaware of the fact that Miklotov is carrying him through the main hall.

“Sir Viktor, I am taking you to your room. I think you had enough fun for one night,” Miklotov said as he dragged Viktor up the stairs. I didn’t realize how heavy Sir Viktor was. . .until now. Maybe, he needs to go on a diet.

“Well, if it isn’t Sir Miklotov and. . .uh. . .that man!,” Adlai said as he saw the two men ascend the staircase.

“Sir Adlai. . .would if be alright if I used the elevator?” Miklotov asked as he reached the top of the stairs.

Adlai delighted to hear those words come from any man said, “Why certainly Sir Miklotov! What’s your destination?”

Miklotov walked into the elevator, thought for a moment, but was interrupted by the oversized dark man he was dragging around, “I. . .I see. . .that. . .Fil. . .ik. . .has gotten old. . .wha. . .happened. . .to ya. . .”

Viktor was pointing his finger at Adlai and the older man looked at him with disgust, “Humph. . .you impudent pig! How. . .how dare you take to me in such a manner!”

“I believe that I would like to go to floor two please,” Miklotov said trying to lighten the mood.

“Yes certainly,” Adlai pressed the button with the number three engraved on the elevator panel. The ride to the third floor was a quick. Miklotov waved good-night to the crazed scientist and slowly walked down the hallway.

Miklotov opened the door to Viktor’s room and slowly walked over to his bed. Miklotov gently placed the dark brute onto the bed, “Fi. . .lk. . .dat. . .ya. . .”

Miklotov chuckled at the gesture Viktor gave, “I’m sorry Sir Viktor. . .I’m Miklotov. . .not Sir Flik.”

Viktor tried to get up, but was stopped by the blue knight. “Mik. . .whacha doin’ here?”

“I’m here to put you to bed Sir Viktor,” Miklotov said pushing Viktor down on the bed.

Viktor reluctant to go to bed as the blue knight had informed him to do, pushed the blue knight hard. Miklotov unaware of the force Viktor pushed him with was knocked down on the floor.

“Ouch,” Miklotov said as he saw the other man run toward the door. Miklotov got his ass off the floor and followed Viktor. When Miklotov reached Viktor, he grabbed him with great force and pinned him against the wall.

“Sir Viktor!! Just what do you think you are doing?? If you took one step further, you would have fallen down the stairs!!” Miklotov said to the other man.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA. . .I wanted. . .a. . .drink,” Viktor said to the blue knight.

“You had enough for one night,” Miklotov scolded. This time he decided to carry Viktor over his shoulder and make him stay in bed.

“HEY!! Just. . .wha. . .the hell are you doin’?!?” Viktor said as the blue knight picked him up.

“This is for your own good Sir Viktor,” Miklotov said as he walked toward Viktor’s room. I am certain now that Sir Viktor needs to go on a diet. I swear he weights more than my steed.

Miklotov tossed the other man on to the bed, but Viktor thought that they were playing some sort of game. So as soon as Miklotov put him down, he pounced on the blue knight, both falling to the floor.

The two looked at each other, breathing heavily. Miklotov was a bit shocked to see such energy come from the drunk man that now was sitting right on top of him.

“Now. . .look. . .here. . .,” Viktor said before he keeled over. His head now lying on Miklotov’s shoulder. Viktor fell straight to sleep and started snoring.

“Sir Viktor!?!” Miklotov said trying to wake the sleeping man that laid on top of him. Miklotov tried to get the heavy oaf off of him. Miklotov struggled for several minutes and sighed heavily once he was able to get out of Viktor’s weight.

Miklotov picked Viktor up and gently placed Viktor onto his bed and placed a blanket on top of him. Miklotov could not help but chuckle at Viktor’s expression. Viktor looked like a little baby with his mouth wide open and a little bubble by his nose. “Good night Sir Viktor, I guess I will see you tomorrow,” he said as he closed the door behind him.

I wonder how Sir Flik deals with him on a daily basis. . .he is quite a handful, thought Miklotov as he headed toward his room.

After a few more drinks, Flik finally said, “Alright, I am ready to try these things out. After you Sir Knight!” Flik managed to stutter with a smirk on his face. There was more than enough alcohol to cloud his senses.

Camus picked up the perfectly pink, round, and sticky rice cake and popped it into his mouth. Slightly gooey, sweet, and tart textures and flavors spread over his tongue creating a pleasant sensation.

“Well? Are you still alive?? How is it?” Flik impatiently asked.

Camus gave him a sly grin, “It’s actually not too bad. It tastes like strawberries. Not too sweet, not too tart, a good balance.” He licked his lips and relished in the flavor.

Flik looked at Camus with disbelief, “You’re joking. . .right!?! There’s no way those things could possibly. . .be. . .good. . .” Flik decided to pick up one of the green rice cakes and inspected it. I guess it wouldn’t hurt. . .Camus is still sitting there. . .and he looks like he is telling the truth. . .for the most part.

Flik finally found the courage to pop the green sticky cake into his mouth. He chewed the soft item carefully, examining the taste and the texture. “Hmmmm. . .it’s. . .actually. . .really good. . .I’m quite impressed!” Wow, green tea flavor, bitter and sweet. . .a great combination. . .for once the she did something right.

Camus watched the brunette eat the cake and could not help but smile at him. “Sir Flik, you should give the young lady some credit. The rice cake was delicious,” Camus said with a smirk.

Flik looked at Camus defeated, “Alright, alright. . .you’re right. . .it was good. . .happy Sir knight!?”

Camus chuckled and said, “Yes, now I am delighted. Thank you.”

Camus and Flik changed the subject and talked about fighting tactics and weapons while drinking a few more mugs. After an hour or so Camus started to show his fatigue. Flik looked at Camus with concerning eyes. “Camus, are you okay? You look really tired!”

Camus startled by the brunette’s voice said, “I’m fine, I guess I drank too much for tonight. . .” Camus glanced at his watch, it read 1:30 a.m. “I guess it’s time to go to bed Sir Flik.”

Flik looked at Camus and said, “I guess you’re right. It is pretty late, and I do have lots of things to do in the morning. . .here let me help you to your room.”

Camus and Flik waved to Leona before heading to Camus’ room. Flik opened the door and helped the redhead to his bed.

“Thank you Sir Flik. . .you really did not need to go to such lengths just for me,” Camus said as Flik carefully seated the redhead on the bed.

“It’s no problem. . .really. . .you would have done the same for me. . .if I drank as many pints as you,” Flik said with a smile. “Camus, rest. . .I know that you have a long day ahead of you. . .especially with Miklotov and his early training rituals. He told me that you had other errands to do as of late.”

Camus looked at Flik a bit shocked to hear that Miklotov noticed that he has been busy. I thought that Miklotov wouldn’t notice. . .besides Shu needed me to some personal business for him. . .did. . .I worry him?

Flik took note of Camus’ features change from surprise to concern. “Really. . .you don’t have to tell me anything. . .it’s just that. . .I think that Miklotov is worried about you. . .and so am I. I just want to make sure that everything is okay. . .is it?”

Camus looked at Flik and noticed the true concern Flik had for him. In that instant he felt warmth hit his cheeks, Camus turned his head away from the brunette. He was glad that it was dark in the room, he hoped that Flik did not notice the reddish color that now flushed his cheeks. Camus chuckled, “Of course everything is alright Sir Flik. Please trust me when I say that I had some personal business to attend to for the past few days. I apologize for worrying both you and Miklotov. I will tell Miklotov in the morning.”

Flik a little startled by his action of turning away from him, it was an uncharacteristic action. Camus usually was more calculating and direct, not so protective and impulsive. Flik kneeled on the floor and placed his hands on Camus’ sholders, forcing the redhead to face him and said, “tell me that. . .now. . .look at me in the eye. . .and tell me that everything is okay Camus!”

Camus, wide-eyed and now forced to look at his deep blue eyes, saw fire burning within the brunette. “Sir Flik. . . .I’m. . .I’m sorry. . .yes. . .everything is fine. . .please do not worry. . .Flik. . .,” Camus’ eyes were filled with truth.

Flik caught the hesitation within Camus, but the fact that he dropped the “Sir” before his name caught him off-guard. Flik’s gaze lightened and said, “I’m sorry Camus. . .I did not. . .mean. . .to. . .”

Camus forced a soft smile upon his features, “As I said Sir Flik, please do not worry. . .I’m sure it’s the alcohol that is taking it’s toll on you.”

“I guess you’re right. . .” Flik said as he got up. Camus took his boots off and lied on the bed.

Flik grabbed a blanket from Camus’ closet and quietly placed the blanket upon the frame of Camus. Flik knelt down and whispered, “good night Camus.”

Camus looked at Flik and said, “Good night Sir Flik.” Flik got up quietly and left the room, closing the door behind him. Flik took a few steps away from Camus’ door and looked back. I wonder what Camus is thinking. . .something is definitely not right. Camus. . .I am truly worried about you. . .

“Hey Camus. . .did you sleep well last night?” Flik said as he entered the dojo.

“Good morning Sir Flik! Yes, I slept well thanks to you, but there is something weird about today. Miklotov isn’t here?!” Camus said with concern.

“I wouldn’t worry so much Camus. Miklotov is probably really tired. . .Viktor does that to people,” Flik said as he grabbed a sword from the weapon’s rack. “Why don’t we have a duel right now. . .since no one is here,” Flik said as he handed Camus the sword he picked and grabbed another one for himself.

“En garde!” Flik said pretending to be a fencer.

Camus laughed, “Alright Sir Flik, let us duel.”

Camus took initiative and lunged toward Flik, which caused their swords to clash together. The duel between the two swordsmen heated up quickly and they were soon consumed by the other’s actions. During the battle, Flik lost his grip on the sword and was pinned to the floor by the tip of Camus’ sword.

Camus gave Flik an evil smirk, “Looks like the duel is over and I believe that I am the victor.”

Flik frowned, but he noticed that Camus let his guard down for a moment. He thinks that the duel is over. . .but I see an opportunity to win this!! Flik took this opportunity to deliver a foot-sweep, which caused Camus to fall to the floor and lose his grip on his sword. Flik quickly pinned Camus to the floor and put his weight upon the redhead.

“Now who is the victor?!” Flik said breathing heavily.

Camus shocked at the method Flik used to win the duel as well as the position that they were in said, “Impressive. . .I guess I should be more careful the next time we have a duel.”

Flik smiled, got up and offered his hand to Camus, “That was a good duel. . .I enjoyed that immensely!” Camus grabbed Flik’s hand and was soon on his feet, “I’m sure you did,” said Camus.

Flik picked up the two swords and put them in their rightful place. Flik feeling overwhelmed by the heated battle decided to take off his cape and shirt to cool off.

While Flik was picking up the swords, Camus sat down and grabbed a few drinks for the two. When Camus looked up to offer one of the drinks to Flik, he noticed that Flik was taking off his shirt. Camus was surprised to see Flik’s form. “Sir Flik. . .would you like a drink?”

Flik turned around to face Camus, “Yeah. . .I’d love one!” Flik went over to Camus and took the bottle from Camus. After Flik opened the bottle, he took some big gulps of water.

Camus could not help himself, he watched Flik drink from the bottle and took an even closer look at Flik’s form. Flik was sweaty and Camus was admiring Flik’s smooth and even complexion.

Flik noticed that Camus was watching him and decided to put the moves on him. He moved closer to Camus and bent down to give him a kiss.

Before he could, Camus noticed Flik’s movements and quickly reacted by getting up and lightly pushing Flik so that their distance was only at arm’s length. “Flik. . .what. . .was that?”

Flik smirked and slowly moved his head toward the other’s ear and whispered, “I always wanted to taste a knight. . .” With that said, Flik quickly grabbed the red knight with both arms, strongly wrapped his arms around Camus’ slim waist and locked his lips upon the redhead.

Camus shocked by the swiftness Flik had was dumbfounded and tense. He did not know what to do, his arms were hanging in midair and his eyes were wide open. Suddenly, Flik’s tongue entered his mouth wandering inside him. Camus feeling the warmth coming from the other was overwhelming and he finally let the other overtake him. Camus put his arms around Flik, caressing his hair and neck.

Flik let his hands wandered around Camus’ frame trying to undress each article of clothing from the other. Flik started with the deep purple cape that Camus had draped over his shoulder, and had it drop straight to the floor. Next, Flik slowly worked on the armor that the other had draped over his shoulders and chest, unbuckling the straps around his chest and waist. Each piece slowly crashed to the floor. Flik unbuttoned his shirt until his bare chest was exposed. Flik carefully picked up the redhead and placed him lying down on the bench.

Camus was overwhelmed by the skill Flik had in being soft, gentle, warm, passionate, and aggressive. Flik finally broke the kiss gently which left the other breathless and stared at the other man, watching the other being vulnerable and taking in the sight of the erotic position Flik had left him in. Flik moved his hands down, slowly caressing the other man until Flik’s hands reached his pants, in which he started to unbutton Camus’ white pants and unzip them.

“Oh Flik. . .where are you?” a woman’s voice said, which sent chills down the brunette’s spine. Instantly his eyes hit the door, wide-eyed, he watched to see if the blonde woman would come through the closed door.

Camus quickly got up and said, “Don’t tell me. . .Lady Nina?”

Before the two men could completely dress, the young woman came in and said, “Sir Flik, I finally found you. . .why. . .are you both blushing?”

(Knock, knock, knock) “Camus are you awake? Camus please open the door!” cried a woman’s voice from the other side of the door.

Camus opened his eyes, immediately got up from bed, and opened the door. “Lady Nanami. . .what are you doing here?”

Nanami startled by the fact that Camus just woke up said, “Mi. . .Miklotov told me to check on you. . .but. . .I didn’t want to barge in on you Camus. . .” Nanami looked down at her feet in embarrassment and she shuffled her feet as she spoke.

Camus shocked by her action and even more surprised that she did not barge into his room said, “Lady Nanami, thank you very much for waking me up. I apologize for the inconvenience.”

TBC. . .

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Email: yami_kiwi@yahoo.com