It has come to my attention that the evil Wariognome is in love with someone who attends his education at Hosemount High. Hosemount High is named after a land far to the north, full of faggots and zombies, and ruled by jocks and preps. Everyone that lives their are called Hosemountonyins and they are all brainwashed by the evil dictator Cumboy.
The person whom Wariognome is in love with is none other than Mariognome, the jolly hentai watching teletubby who has his own webpage and group. Mariognome told Wariognome that their can't be any love between them, which made Wariognome very sad and angry. It was at that time when Wariognome, whom was formerly known as Mike E., changed his name to Wariognome. He was still in love with Mariognome, so he stole Mariognome's name, and switched the first letter upside down as a declaration of war.
Ever since then, Wariognome has been sobbing in his sleep, just thinking about doing it with Mariognome. He is now fighting Mariognome's people, and has a legion of gay black guys. He also has a syndicate of women working for him, who are dedicated to the cause of destroying Mariognome.
Let's see how this turns out.