The Jon Snodgrass Lyric Transcription Project

Message from Jon concerning the content of this website (this isn't a direct quote, but it's damn close).  If you've ever spoken to Jon, this will be pretty funny if you picture him saying this while slightly drunk:

"Hey, if you wouldn't mind, put something on the website that says 'I talked to Jon in Lawrence, Kansas, and he says that the lyrics on the website are about 70% right on.'  I looked at some of the stuff on the website, and I realized that I've written a lot of stuff.  Most of my songs have like 3 verses, and I don't remember what I wrote on a lot of those.  When I play songs live, I like to change stuff, so I don't know if the lyrics on your page are exactly right.  I read some of the stuff, and some the lyrics were wrong, but a lot of times they were better than what I wrote, so I'm not gonna tell you to change it."

Word up.  

Thanks for checking this page out. The purpose of this page is to translate and decode the words in Jon Sondgrass's songs, a task that I don't think can be adequately done without help from various people. If you've ever listened to Jon's songs (which I'm assuming you have, since you're looking at this page), you'll know that he writes and sings really meaningful lyrics. However, you'll also know that a lot of times it sounds like he's singing with a mouth full of novocaine. By collecting various interpretations of what is being said in his songs, I hope to have an archive of lyrics that are at least 98% accurate. Beyond that, the lyrics to a few songs have been confirmed by the guys who wrote them (Steven Garcia, Little Chad, and Jon).

Please contribute! This page will only serve its purpose if you can fill in some of the blanks. Thanks to everyone who has offered suggestions. I'm not the best at transcribing lyrics, so any help is really appreciated.

I also have some rare and live DTR & Armchair stuff, so if you'd like to make a trade, e-mail me -

Lyric Pages -- last updated 2-26-03 (made some LONG overdue corrections to everything, plus one more song (Tomorrow's Over) confirmed by Jon)

armchair martian - s/t
armchair martian - monsters always scream ("monsters2000" re-release)
armchair martian - hang on ted
armchair martian - who wants to play bass?
armchair b-sides, alternate versions, etc.

Jon's older Drag the River songs (Hobo's Demo's and the old demo tape)
Drag the River - Closed

Jon Snodgrass Discography

promotional one-sheets for some of Jon's stuff

Here are a few links. I'll add more as I find them. -- official site
Armchair Martian club at Yahoo! -- run by Eric "Educated Idiot" Hinkle
Armchair Martian page (reviews, etc.) at
Recent Armchair Martian interview -- Excellent
Mars Motors Records -- Go buy the Chad Rex record. It is unbelievably good.
NICExLIFE e-zine -- Interview about DTR and Armchair
The Chad Price Lyric Page -- by Chris Sabo

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