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Terrorist Attacks in 1985

January 13
Libyan Press Attaché Farag Omar Mkhyoun was shot and killed in Rome.

January 14
Two British citizens were stabbed to death in Mozambique. The Mozambique National Resistance Movement was responsible.

February 1
Palestinian businessman Hisian El Saudi was shot and wounded in Cyprus.

February 27
A bomb exploded outside the Bolivian-American Bank in La Paz.

February 28
Exiled former Libyan Ambassador Ezzeddin Ghadamsi was shot and wounded in Vienna.

March 1
Iraqi diplomat Hadi Awwad Saeed and his son were assassinated in Kuwait.

March 1
Exiled Libyan Jew Mordechai Fadlun was shot and killed in Rome.

March 2
A French disaster-relief aircraft, its 5 member crew, and 4 medical staff members were seized in Lalibela, Ethiopia. The hostages were released a few days later. The Tigray Peoples Liberation Front was responsible.

March 11
Bombs exploded outside the homes of the West German director of the Portuguese subsidiary of Siemens, a Portuguese engineer employed by Siemens, and a Spanish factory manager in Evora, Portugal. Bombs exploded at the office of British insurance broker Porter and Newstead, two branches of Banco Credit Franco-Portugaas, and the regional government office of Macao in Lisbon. The Popular Forces of April 25 were responsible.

March 12
Three terrorists seized the Turkish Embassy in Ottawa, killing a security guard and taking 12 people hostage while Ambassador Coşkun Kırca suffered broken bones in a fall as he escaped. The terrorists released the hostages and surrendered after 4 hours. The Armenian Revolutionary Army was responsible. The terrorists, Kevork Marachelian, Rafi Panos Titizian, and Ohannes Noubarian, were each sentenced to life in prison without parole for 25 years by Canada. All three were released in 2010.

March 16
American Associated Press journalist Terry A. Anderson was kidnapped in Beirut. He was released December 4, 1991. Hezbollah was responsible.

March 21
Grenades exploded at the Royal Jordanian Airlines offices in Athens, Nicosia, and Rome, wounding 5 people. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.

March 22
Three Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants were bombed in Lima. The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement was responsible.

March 28
Car bombs exploded outside an IBM office, the Bank of Boston, Citibank, and Republic National Bank of New York in Chile. The Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front was responsible.

April 1
Libyan businessman Ahmad Barani was shot and killed in Nicosia.

April 3
A rocket was fired at the Jordanian Embassy in Rome. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.

April 4
A rocket was fired at a Royal Jordanian Airlines flight as it was about to take off from Athens, punching a hole in the plane's fuselage. The plane returned to the terminal, and none of the 75 passengers and crew members were harmed. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.

April 5
A Palestinian dissident was shot and wounded in Algeria.

April 6
Libyan dissident Gebril Denali was shot and killed and 2 bystanders were wounded in Bonn.

April 12
A bomb exploded at El Descanso Restaurant in Madrid, killing 18 people and wounding 82 others, including 11 U.S. servicemen. Hezbollah was responsible.

April 14
A bomb exploded at the Chilean Embassy in Lima. The Shining Path was responsible.

May 5
An American missionary was shot and killed in Lima.

May 14
A South African member of the African National Congress was killed when a bomb exploded in his car in Gaborone.

May 15
A bomb exploded outside the U.S. Ambassadors's residence in Lima. Three bombs were diffused outside the Chinese Embassy. Bombs were thrown at the Soviet Embassy and the Peruvian-U.S. Cultural Institute. The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement was responsible.

May 25
A suicide car bomb exploded amidst the motorcade of Kuwaiti Emir Jaber al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah in Kuwait, killing 3 people, including 2 bodyguards. The Emir was slightly wounded by broken glass. Pro-Iranian terrorists were responsible.

June 9
Dean of Agriculture at the American University of Beirut Thomas Sutherland was kidnapped in Beirut. He was released November 18, 1991. Hezbollah was responsible.

June 11
Alia Royal Jordanian Airlines Flight 402 was hijacked on the ground at Beirut International Airport by 5 terrorists. The plane was then flown to Larnaca and Palermo before returning to Beirut. The next day, the terrorists released the 82 passengers and crew members and blew up the plane. One of the hijackers, Fawaz Younis, was arrested by the FBI off the coast of Cyprus in 1987 and sentenced to 30 years in prison by the U.S. for the hijacking. He was released in 2005. Hezbollah was responsible.

June 14
TWA Flight 847 was hijacked by 2 terrorists during a flight from Athens to Rome and diverted to Beirut, where 19 passengers were released. The plane was then flown to Algiers, where 20 passengers were released. The plane was then flown back to Beirut, where the terrorists executed U.S. Navy sailor Robert Stethem. On June 15, the plane was flown back to Algiers, where 65 passengers were released. On June 16, the plane was flown back to Beirut, where it remained. On June 17, the terrorists disembarked from the plane with 39 passengers and crew as hostages and held them in Lebanon until releasing them on June 30. During the hijacking, Greece released imprisoned Hezbollah member Ali Atwa in exchange for the release of the 8 Greek passengers of the flight. Hezbollah was responsible.

June 19
A bomb exploded at Frankfurt Airport, killing 3 people and wounding 42 others.

June 23
A suitcase bomb exploded at Narita International Airport in Tokyo, killing 2 baggage handlers and wounding 4 others. The bomb was intended to be put on board Air India Flight 301, which still flew on its flight to Bangkok with 177 passengers and crew. An hour after the explosion at Narita International Airport, a bomb exploded on board Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland during a flight from Montreal to London, killing all 329 passengers and crew. Babbar Khalsa was responsible.

July 1
Bombs exploded at the British Airways and Royal Jordanian Airlines offices in Madrid, killing 1 person and wounding 29 others. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.

July 7
Bombs exploded at 6 Mormon churches in Chile. The Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front was responsible.

July 11
Bombs exploded at the al-Sharq Seaside Café and the al-Salmiyeh Café in Kuwait City, killing 11 people and wounding 89 others. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.

July 14
The U.S. Consulate in Lima was strafed.

July 17
A bomb exploded at the home of PLO representative Malath Abdo in Nicosia, wounding a relative.

July 20
A car bomb exploded outside the U.S. Consulate in Santiago, accidentally killing the bomber and wounding 4 others. The Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front was responsible.

July 22
A bomb exploded at the Northwest Orient Airlines office in Copenhagen, killing 1 person and wounding 3 others. Another bomb exploded outside the Copenhagen Synagogue, wounding 7 people. Hezbollah was responsible.

July 24
Jordanian Embassy First Secretary Ziad Sati was shot and killed in Ankara. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.

July 24
Bombs exploded at International Telephone & Telegraph equipment shop, a Chase Manhattan Bank branch, and the offices of the South African mining company Anglo-American in Chile. The Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front was responsible.

August 20
Israeli Administrative Attaché Albert Atrakchi was shot and killed and his wife and his secretary were wounded in Cairo. Egypt's Revolution was responsible.

September 16
A grenade exploded in the Café de Paris in Rome, wounding 38 people. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.

September 25
Three terrorists opened fire on an Israeli yacht in Larnaca, killing 3 Israelis before being arrested. Force 17 was responsible.

October 8
A car bomb exploded outside the IBM office in Lima. The Shining Path was responsible.

October 9
Two Israeli sailors were found stabbed to death in Barcelona. Force 17 was responsible.

October 25
Two Portuguese missionaries were kidnapped and murdered in Mozambique. The Mozambique National Resistance Movement was responsible.

November 5
A car bomb exploded outside a Citibank in Lima. The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement was responsible.

November 8
The manager of an Iraqi Airlines office was killed when a bomb exploded in his car in Nicosia. Another bomb exploded at the Iraqi Airlines office. al-Saiqa was responsible.

November 9
The U.S. Embassy in Lima was strafed and dynamited. The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement was responsible.

November 11
Egyptian police arrested four Libyans who were en-route to assault a gathering of 10 Libyan exiles in Alexandria. The primary target of the attack was to be former Libyan Prime Minister Abdel-Hamid Bakoush.

November 13
Gunmen strafed the Colombian Embassy in Lima, killing a guard, and also strafed the Avianca office. The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement was responsible.

November 23
EgyptAir Flight 648 was hijacked by 3 terrorists during a flight from Athens to Cairo. An Egyptian security agent on board the flight shot and killed 1 hijacker before being shot and wounded himself. The plane was diverted to Malta, where the hijackers released 13 of the 89 passengers and crew members. The terrorists then shot and killed an Israeli and an American passenger and shot and wounded an Israeli and 2 American passengers. The plane was subsequently stormed by Egyptian Unit 777 counter-terrorist forces, resulting in the deaths of another 56 passengers and crew members and 1 terrorist. The surviving terrorist, Omar Rezaq, was sentenced to 25 years in prison by Malta, but released after 8 years. He was later arrested in Nigeria and extradited to the U.S., where he was sentenced to life in prison. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.

December 27
Four terrorists opened fire at the El Al Airlines ticket counter at Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport in Rome, killing 16 people and wounding 99 others while three terrorists opened fire at the El Al Airlines ticket counter at Schwechat Airport in Vienna, killing 3 people and wounding 38 others. Three of the terrorists in Rome were killed and one was arrested, while one of the terrorists in Vienna was killed and two were arrested. The Abu Nidal Organization was responsible.