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Fruit is Sweet, I am sooooo Neat!

So, erm, yeah. This is my page. It has strange link titles because I didn't quite know what I wanted links to as I was creating my main page. I think the titles I used make me sound pretentious, as though I'm trying to be artsy.

So anyway, My name is Abbie, or "Fabbie", if you will. I work in a coffee shop, and I go to the University of Wisconsin. Sometimes I see Anthony Reynolds there. I am majoring in Sociology. Anthony Reynolds is not. I have two parents, two cats, and a fondness for bags of all sizes and shapes.

My friend Psyche helped me start this page. She knows suprisingly lots about computers and things like "bots". She also knows a lot about music, and writing, and things that are beautiful. She's wonderful and smart and purty and insightfull. You can visit her lovely web-page by clicking the "Psychedelia" link below. We also have a friend called "kero". I like to call her "Darling Kero", but only behind her back, because I don' t want her to think I'm patronizing her. She's clever and crafty, and fun, and creates beautiful art. I respect both her and P lots. But I won't go on, because you probablly know (or are) them if you're lookin' at me page. Then again, MAYBE I WILL!!!Between the three of us we have founded our fair share of clubs, and bands, and dance ensembles. Our most recent endeavor occured on Saturday, July 27, in the Blue Mounds State Park Amp. As "Steal This BandName" We sang some covers, and a few origional pieces. The lass featured in the background is none other than Psyche herself, and the lady who took the picture was Caroline. Ain't they dandy? Sometimes Kero and P and myself are joined by ARLO, and he has a web-page too. You can see it if you click on his link above. He has over 14 kitties, and he likes rainbows, and graphic design, and old polyester shirts with fun things printed on them, and bellbottooms, and ramen noodles. To learn more about even MORE friends of mine, go to the friends link below.

sweet, sweet, KARO syrp
Webpage-less Friends
The People Behind the Pictures