Dec. 21st
Determining the 'right to sleep'
(in Victoria, BC, Canada)
At 10:00 AM in courtroom #202 I will be facing a charge of 'Mischief' with a plea of 'not guilty'. If I am found guilty I will go to jail (I will not accept a'summary' conviction) where I will not eat. Justice will mean that the court makes a ruling on the 'right to sleep' (essentially, making it illegal to wake a peaceful sleeper on public access property AND an order from the court to the province to, wholeheartedly and immediately, endorse (a) 'tent-city/permaculture ecovillage(s)' within walking distance from downtown). If I am released without this ruling I will, simply, continue to sleep illegally at St. Ann's Academy (at Blanshard and Humboldt). There is a journal of this 'action' at-
In knowing patience is a miracle and pride is a sin,
David Arthur Johnston