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Character Notes


I. Characterization

A. the means by which a character’s _________________is____________.

II. Methods of Characterization

A. __________________ characterization--a direct statement revealing the narrator’s idea of the character. Example: Tim has a mean streak. ******NOTE****The author tells you what the character is like.

B. __________________ characterization--you put together pieces together from hints the writer gives you.

III. Types of Characters
A. ____________-a character who stays the _____________throughout the story. i.e. Jack and Rose’s fiance from Titanic

B. ____________-a character who undergoes a ________in personality or attitude. i.e. Rose from Titanic, Ebenezer Scrooge

C. ___________-a character who is not fully_____________but is merely sketched out through one or two distinguishing traits. ******NOTE**** ask yourself if such a character could exist.

D. ___________-a FULLY developed character, one whom readers feel might exist in life (have many aspects to personality)

E. ___________a character with______ personality trait so____________that his or her nature is immediately familiar. i.e. our perceptions of nerds, blonds, and jocks

F._______________-a character who sets off another by____________. i.e. a character’s opposite

G. ______________-the central character in the work, the one with whom readers sympathize i.e. The Truman Show

H. ______________- a person or force (the enemy) that works against the protagonist. i.e. Mr. Freeze, Darth Maul