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.goodbye yellow road.

.the digi experience.
digimon information. got the screenshots from here.
.ani-gif me!.
she makes really cool ani-gifs.
lots a basic anime info on different shows released in the usa.

my boyfriend's art gallary/show case. he's a damn good graphic designer.
my pal jim's page. strange boy.daisuke
.casa de fuego.
another strange site. made by my buddy matt.
.neon abstracta.
home to flair, one of my online chums.

.the onion.
makes fun of news events.
.the wax.
online magazine. i like thor a lot.
.am i normal?.
so far i've been normal. yay me!
i've taken almost all the tests.
.enthusiasm now!.
he's one weird ass kid. really funny though.
.despair inc.
we're all very sad.

a blog of a funny brit.
.addictive obsession.
strange girl.
.obsured obscurity.
she's funny AND likes digimon.
.sparkling cynicism.
very strange girl.
funny name. funny writing.
taki's a nice person. and she's cool.
.something less.
misty's another nice and cool person.
arborwin's really bitter which makes her cool.

.dollz mania.
make your own dollz.
.the gryphon guild.
home to my alter-ego.
.the stimulator.
live a life of you own.
.dead violets.
beauty is in everything. even death.
.everything you've ever heard.
sometimes life's like that, i guess.
.velvet dragon.
being a dragon sounds cool.