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S/Q is on hiatus while 57% of the band become bona fide rock stars

"LEAVING YOU/BEAR ATTACK" LP breaks first-week selling record in Stalingrad and Canterbury!!

1 This Automobile is Going Nowhere
2 Jumping Jacks
3 Hot Town (Sex Lab)
5 No Time to Dance
6 Leaving You
7 Bad Santa
8 Sarasota
9 Man vs. Panda
10 Ninjarstiltskin
11 Fiasco Below the Belt
12 Hat Con Propeller
13 European Union
14 Roy G Biv

Email to get your copy. It is cheaper than you expect!!!

"Death, Murder, and Suspense" EP goes platinum in Calcutta!! Tracklist: 1. Sarasota 2. Get Downstairs (Free the animals, curator!) 3. Soulpunch (Rage song) 4. Reaper (Where Ninjar goes nobody knows) 5. Cry (love song)


After a fortnight of deep safari in Reverse Calcutta, a number of beleagured and hopelessly lost footmen took to the riverbank for warmth and found themselves hooting in harmony. Twenty nine years later, this ragtag "band" of ruffians found each other by the purest of chance in the merch line at the Atlantic City Beard with No Mustache show. Their love and devotion to scatalogical avant clown-core has remained strong as lead, and now they are going to reap the benefits at the expense of your middle ear. That's right dentists. This is not your great grampa's snuff album. This is not the boy next door's secret perversion. This is not the Holy Experiment. This is not the middle of the road.

(singer, cavity bringer) Origins unknown by top scientists, this orthodontically inclined crooner finds inspiration in everything, even you! Right now by reading this, your "waves" are being felt by his ever-undulating brain box.Yes!

TITTY FIGHT (guitar, vocals, cricket-pinata wrangler) Maimed by talent, this experimental obstetrician once broke a house ficus in half with his mind. A student of melody and victim of synaestesia (his sense of taste and sight are utterly reversed), TF will rock Sugarquief to catalclysmic repercussions.

GUN POLITICIAN (drums, recorder, keyboard) Known by his bandmates as "Politico" for short, GP has the rare and underappreciated ability to simultaneously drum and chug birch beer. He once inbibed three two-liter bottles of sasparilla during a single run-through of Donald Sutherland. Skilled and nimble, Gun Politician has been oft accused of being too cool to drool.

NINJAR (keyboard, vox, percussion) On temporary hiatus from his day job as an international ambassador, Ninjar likes to eat magic markers and ask girls out on fun dates. The classic rock laser show at the aquarium is a sure thing for some evening thrills.

BUSINESS F***ING CASUAL (sampler, chainsaw, vox, Old/New Testament) The first youth athlete to conscientiously object to receiving the Presidential Fitness Award, this "total package" has transferred his on-field prowess into sonic malevolence. Crude yet articulate, "Fucking Casual" will deny your existence at the drop of a flat.

TACTLESS BLUNDER (bass) Prone to falling down flights of steps, this debutante-only ladykiller will get your number at last call and then punch you in the face at 2:01. A virtuoso of many scientific fields, and a friend to all animals.

COFFEE FRIEND (percussion) The only survivor from a crevasse collapse on the famed 2001 "Everest is a Pussy" expedition/concert for the late band Classy Retard, this friendly foe is keen on goin' nuts and taggin' guts.

(percussion, keyboards)
This disenchanted pin-up failed out of CCD for unholy good looks. His chronic charm and unforgivably expansive knowledge of music make him a tall and interesting man.

Where'd you get those eyes?


- New full-length "President Frankenstein Meets the White House" produced by S/Q collaborator Steve Poponi?! Title track thrills!!
- NY shows at Acme Underground, Continental go down as unbridled successes/dance fiestas!!
- New songs Snake Pit, Boston Tea Party, Eyes make friends and defy expectations!
- Free S/Q stickers available now at shows!
- now operational!
- Princeton show with Call Florence Pow raises "eyebrowns" in a good way!!!
- Bob Diamond joins S/Q onstage for legendary March 19 Diamond Diner show! Then encores at Diamond farewell show May 28
- S/Q rocks with Stinking Lizaveta at Pilam in Philly on March 28! Venue erupts in sonic party frenzy, ruining innumerable orgasms!!!
-S/Q parties with friends and scenesters April 6 at Rotunda in Philly, opening for Spoon and Crooked Fingers?! Then rocks CBGB the following night!!!!!!

I'd follow Bill Pullman anywhere.

S/Q Lyrics click here
Respect is due
A MUST VISIT! The words of Hollywood legend BOB DIAMOND!!!
