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I have not watched many of these APW tapes, so VQs and times are not avaliable, but I can assume that all are VG/EX

1st APW Gym Wars Show from 1995

VQ: ??
Time: ??

2nd APW Gym Wars Show from 1995
VQ: ??
Time: ??

3rd APW Gym Wars Show from 1995
VQ: ??
Time: ??

4th APW Gym Wars Show from 1995
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 12/14/96
Time: ??
Bill Calhoun vs. Rick Turner
Kuame Kamoze vs. Chris Cole
Vic Grimes vs. Donovan Morgan
Super Diablo vs. Cowboy Frank Dalton
Michael Modest and Steve Rizzono vs. Robert Thompson and Mike Diamond in a 2 out of 3 falls match

APW 1/4/97
Mike Diamond vs. Jay Smooth
Erin O'Grady vs. Super Diablo
Cowboy Frank Dalton with new valet Miss Mocha vs. Bill Calhoun.
Vic Grimes vs. Donovan Morgan in a 2 out of 3 falls match
In a non-title match, Michael Modest vs. PWC Heavyweight champion Robert Thompson

APW 1/11/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 1/25/97
"Shooter" Tony Jones vs. Ramon Garcia
Vicious Vic Grimes vs. Chris Cole
Cowboy Frank Dalton accompanied to the ring by his valet MISS MOCHA vs. "West Side Player" Jay Smooth
"Leprechaun" Erin O'Grady vs. Mad Mosher Boom Boom Comini
Tag Team Title Match - 2/ 3 falls: Robert Thompson/Donovan Morgan vs. "Gigolo" Steve Rizzono and Michael Modest

APW 2/15/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??
"Big" Mike Diamond vs. "Mad Mosher" Boom Boom Comini

"The Leprechaun" Erin O' Grady vs. "Gigolo" Steve Rizzono
"The Shooter" Tony Jones vs. Jason Clay
Chris Cole and Chicano Flame vs. West Side Playaz, Kuame Kamoze and Jay Smooth
Michael Modest vs. "Cowboy" Frank Dalton
"Brown Bomber" Robert Thompson vs. "Vicious" Vic Grimes

APW Gymwars 3/7/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??
Ultimate Royal Rumble

Intermission with Halftime show and Injury Report
Leprechaun Erin O Grady v. Jason Clay
Gigalo Steve Rizzano v. Donnavan Morgan
West Side Playaz v. Cowboy Frank Daulton/Boom Boom Comini
Little Nasty Boy v. Cowboy Lang (Midget Match)
Mike Diamond v. Brown Bomber Robert Thompson
Vic Grimmes v. Chris Cole

APW 4/19/97
The Icon, Jason Clay vs. Chris Cole

"Vicious" Vic Grimes vs. "Shooter" Tony Jones
"Leprechaun" Erin O'Grady vs. Chicano Flame
"The Natural One" Michael Modest vs. Cowboy Frankie Murdoch
"Gigolo" Steve Rizzono vs. Donovan Morgan in a NO RULES MATCH.
"Brown Bomber" Robert Thompson vs. APW Heavyweight Champion,
Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez

APW 4/25/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 5/10/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??
"Vicious" Vic Grimes vs. "Icon" Jason C. Clay
"Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez vs. Chicano Flame
Chris Cole vs. "Leprechaun" Erin O'Grady
Cowboy Frankie Murdcoch vs. "Gigolo" Steve Rizzono
Robert Thompson and Donovan Morgan vs. Michael Modest and Mike Diamond

APW Gymwars 5/31/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??
"Mad Mosher" Boom Boom Comini vs. Chicano Flame

"Suicide Machine" Donovan Morgan vs. "Icon" Jason C. Clay
Cowboy Frank Murdoch and Gina vs. "Gigolo" Steve Rizzono and Brenda
"Brown Bomber" Robert Thompson vs. "Vicious" Vic Grimes
"Natural One" Michael Modest vs. "Shooter" Tony Jones
Chris Cole vs. "Leprechaun" Erin O'Grady

APW 6/7/97
VQ: ??
Time ??
"West Side Playaz" Kuame Kamoze and Jay Smooth vs. "Icon" Jason Clay and Chicano Flame
Koko Samoa vs. "Mad Mosher" Boom Boom Comini
Cowboy Frank Murdoch, Gina and Cowboy Lang vs. "Gigolo" Steve Rizzono, Brenda and Lil' Nasty Boy
Chris Cole vs. "Suicide Machine" Donovan Morgan vs. "Leprechaun" Erin O'Grady in a 3-Way match
Michael Modest and "West Side Playa" Kuame Kamoze vs. "Brown Bomber" Robert Thompson and "Vicious" Vic Grimes.

APW 6/21/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??
"Brown Bomber" Robert Thompson vs. "Mad Mosher" Boom Boom Comini
"Suicide Machine" Donovan Morgan vs. Cowboy Frank Murdoch
"Vicious" Vic Grimes vs. "Westside Shoota" Tony Jones
"Natural One" Michael Modest vs. "Leprechaun" Erin O'Grady
Chris Cole vs. Chicano Flame
"Natural One" Michael Modest vs. "Vicious" Vic Grimes
"Suicide Machine" Donovan Morgan vs. "Brown Bomber" Robert Thompson

APW 8/29/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??
Boom Boom Comini/American Wild Chylde vs. Ric Turner/Dragon Yakuza

Jason C. Clay vs. Jay Smooth
Donovan Morgan vs. Tony Jones
Steve Rizzono vs. Vic Grimes vs. Erin O'Grady (Falls Count Anywhere)
Robert Thompson vs. Michael Modest
Other Highlights:
Modest leaves the Playa's
RIP Referee David Taub

APW Halloween Hell 10/31/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??
"Superkick" Chris Cole vs "Icon" Jason C. Clay
El Chicano Flame vs "Westside Playa" "Slick" Rick Turner (with Tony Jones & Gina)
"Mad Mosher" Boom Boom Comini (with J.R. Benson) vs "Suicide Machine" Donovan Morgan
"Vicious" Vic Grimes (with Lady Brenda) vs "Westside Shoota" Tony Jones
"Hardcore-Highflying" Maxx Justice vs "Little" Dic Grimes (with Lady Brenda)
"Brown Bomber" Robert Thompson vs "Natural One" Michael Modest
Lady Brenda vs J.R. Benson in the "Battle of the Sexes" match

Erin O’Grady: He Shoots, He Scores
VQ: ??
Time: ??
Erin O'Grady v. Donavon Morgan v. Chris Coal (3 Way for APW Jr Title)
Erin O'Grady v. "The Natural One" Michael Modest
Erin O'Grady doing some TV promos as "The Leprechan" Erin O'Grady
The "Erin O'Grady Shoot Interview".

APW 12/21/97
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 8/7/98
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW Gymwars 9/12/98
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 10/9/98
VQ: ??
Time: ??
Chris Ward/Boom Boom Comini vs. Chicano Flames
Rick Turner/Jason C. Clay vs. Erin O'Grady/Frank Murdoch
Boyce LeGrande vs. Vinny Massaro
Robert Thompson vs. Tony Jones
Michael Modest vs. Jimmy Ripp
Suicide Kid vs. Christopher Daniels
Maxx Justice vs. Vic Grimes

APW Gymwars 10/10/98
VQ: ??
Time: ??
Maxx Justice & Jimmy Ripp vs. Robert Thompson & Vic Grimes in a no rules tornado match
Michael Modest vs. Boyce LeGrande
Suicide Kid vs. Erin O'Grady
Chris Ward vs. Frank Murdoch
Vinny Massaro vs. Tony Jones
Christopher Daniels vs. Chicano Flame # 2
Rick Turner & Jason Clay vs. Boom Boom Comini & Chicano Flame #1
Vinny Massaro vs. Vinnie Valentino

APW Halloween Hell 2 10/20/98
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 5/1/99
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 5/22/99
VQ: ??
Time: ??
Vinny Massaro (with Vanity) vs. Maxx Justice (with Dynasty Inc.)
Donovan Morgan vs. Boyce LeGrande vs. Erin O'Grady
Jefferey Peterson vs. Jardi Frantz
Tony Jones vs. Jack Perez
Michelle Starr vs. Tony Kozina
Frank Murdoch & James Watkins vs. Boom Boom Comini & Mark Smith
Chris Ward vs. Jason C. Clay
Vinnie Valentino vs. Nathaniel Sweete

APW 1/21/00
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 1/22/00
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 2/5/00
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW 3/11/01
VQ: ??
Time: ??

APW King Of the Indies 2001
Time: 5 Hours
VQ: Master
~Day 1~ First Round
1. Adam Pearce vs. Doug Williams
2. Tony Jones vs. Bison Smith
3. Samoa Joe vs. Frankie Kazarian
4. Scoot Andrews vs. Donovan Morgan
5. Spanky vs. American Dragon
6. Christopher Daniels vs. Super Dragon
7. AJ Styles vs. Jardi Frantz
8. Vincenzo Massaro vs. Low KI`
~Day 2~ Quater Finals
9. Donovan Morgan vs. Bison Smith- Bison leg injury, can’t work.
10. Doug Williams vs. American Dragon
11. Samoa Joe vs. Low KI`
12. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles
13. 19 Man Battle Royal
14. Donovan Morgan vs. American Dragon
15. Christopher Daniels vs. Low KI`
16. American Dragon vs. Low KI`

APW May Mayhem: Pacifica (5/11/02)
Time: (Not Yet Watched)
VQ: Master
Robert Thompson vs.Vic Capri
American Dragon vs.Chad Collyer
James Watkins vs. Excalibur
The Ballard Brothers & Cheerleader Melissa vs. Kafu, Larry Blackwell & Nikki
Jardi Frantz & Bobby Quance vs. Super Dragon & Spanky
Robert Thompson vs. American Dragon

APW May Mayhem: King City (5/18/02)
Time: (Not Yet Watched)
VQ: 1st Gen
Jardi Frantz vs.Disco Machine
James Watkins & Larry Blackwell vs. Kafu & Joey Ryan
Havana Pitbulls vs.B Boy & Pinoy Boy
The Ballard Brothers vs. Robert Thompson & Samoa Joe
Bobby Quance & James Choi vs.American Dragon & Spanky
Super Dragon vs.Risng Son
Cheerleader Melissa vs.Nikki
18-Man Battle Royal
Bobby Dean vs.Little Kato

APW Deception (7/6/02)
Time: 2:00
VQ: 1st Gen
James Watkins & Larry Blackwell vs. Kafu & Disco Machine
Nikki vs. Jo Jo Fantastico
Tony Kozina vs. James Choi
Super Dragon vs. Jardi Frantz- Hair vs. Mask
*APW UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP* Robert Thompson vs. Samoa Joe
*APW WORLDWIDE INTERNET CHAMPIONSHIP* American Dragon vs. Christopher Daniels
*MIGHTY MIDGETS* Prince Cheezy vs. Joe Kidd

APW Kristmas Kaos (12/27/02)
Time: 2:30
VQ: 1st Gen
Vance Nevada & Psycho Seth vs. Steve Rizzano & Vennis the Menace
*ECCW Tag Team Title Match* Larry Blackwell & James Watkins vs. Skag Rollins & Seth Knight
*APW Internet Title - 60 Minute Iron Man Match* Super Dragon vs. Bobby Quance vs. Jardi Frantz
*Intergender Match* B-Boy, Rising Son, & Melissa vs. Tony Kozina, Lil' Cholo, & Nikki
*APW Universal Title Match* Bobby Quance vs. Robert Thompson

APW Golden Gate Invitational (12/28/02)
Time: 2:00
VQ: 1st Gen
Nikki vs. Bobby Quance
Rising Son vs. B Boy
Jardi Frantz vs. Lil Cholo
Super Dragon vs. Tony Kozina
Bobby Quance & B Boy vs. Super Dragon & Jardi Frantz
Robert Thompson vs. Melissa
Bobby Quance vs. B Boy

Super Dragon Evolution 2
Time: (Not Yet Watched)
VQ: 1st Gen
Super Dragon vs. TARO (Rev Pro- Many consider this Indy Match Of The Year 2000)
Super Dragon vs. Rising Sun 2/3 Falls (Rev Pro- Spirit Of Revolution Finals, So-Cal 2001 Match Of The Year Runner Up)
Super Dragon vs. B Boy (Millenium Pro- So Cal 2001 Match Of The Year)
Super Dragon vs. Low-Ki (Millenium Pro- Dream Match)
Super Dragon & Spanky vs. Jardi Frantz and Bobby Quance (APW)

APW Ring Of Fire 2002
Time: (Not Yet Watched)
VQ: 1st Gen
Bobby Quance vs. Super Dragon (5/24/02, APW Internet Title Match)
Bobby Quance vs. Super Dragon (10/11/02, APW Iron Man Match)
Bobby Quance vs. Super Dragon (10/25/02, APW 2/3 Falls)
Rising Son & Super Dragon vs. Bobby Quance & Jardi Frantz (11/22/02, APW)
Bobby Quance vs. Super Dragon (12/14/02, GSCW SoCal Match of the Year.)