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<title>Quotable Logan</title>
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<h1 align="center">Quotable Logan</h1>

<div align="center"><img src="Logan_think.jpg"></div>

<font size="5">Quotes from people who know me...</font>
<li>...about me!

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<p>I hereby oficially proclame Krigs as the most adorable disturber of the
peace I have ever met.

<p>Logan is Logan. Not Wolverine Logan, just Logan.

<p>"Lets see what can I say about Logan.  Probably the only person I know who would make a web page with nothing but quotes about himself.  Is it that drive for constant affirmation that his friends really like him?  Or is it a conceited thing?  The world may never know."

<p>I wish could say that I know WK <I>(wulf krigan,
logan, bob bob, whatever)</I> well, but I don't. In
the brief exposure I've had, I have noticed first and
foremost he is a man of passion: he throws himself
completely into whatever it is that has captured his
attention/imagination at the time. He is honest in his
assessment of things as he sees them through the
filter of his passion <I>(enthusiasm? same thing)</I>
and defends these things most vehemently at times
<I>(I just wish some of these exchanges didn't end
with "fuck it" ... *chuckles*)</I>. He is usually a
lucid thinker with some truly brilliant ideas, and
provided his ideas <I>(and by extension him, since
there really isn't a difference, right?)</I> are
treated with the respect they deserve he is willing to
listen to others with the same respect he is accorded
... part of that 'passion' thing again. This also
tends to make him a bit ... bullheaded? But in a ...
cute way. Yeah. Cute. hrm... anything else? ... I
think, for once, I'll keep it brief and end it here.

<p>"Wulf-Krigan takes playing devil's advocate to an art form.   As a player he is captivating, as a person he is intreging.   I only wish I knew him better."

<p>"guy who holds fake
conversations on my voice mail so no one thinks he's leaving a five minute
message ... or talking to himself."

<p>"Somewhere between Mary Ann's boyfriend in the BabySitters Club and the feral, ademantium boned Wolverine of Marvel Comics... somewhere between these two fictional characters lies Logan Eriksen. Cue climactic, pointless music." 

<p>"The only way to address Logan after spending four months in a foreign country with him: "Go whack off and leave me the hell alone."

<p>"Logan is like the Brown sauce at Mystic Lake, both are kinda
mysterious, but those potatoes just wouldn't be the same without that brown sauce...oops, I mean the world would suck without guys like Logan."

<p>"Logan he's the type of guy that you can hang out with and Get to go to all the cool parties that anything can happen at.  Also he is the best at arguing that I know even if he is losing he will still say he wins and throws lots of different subjects at you at once.  He's a great guy to hang out with and listen to all the interesting quotes and comments he spits out.  Also he is the only man alive that has been caught by superman the cop that can see two blocks in the dark and see a foamy substance in a bottle half hidden behind a person."

<p>"Logan is undefinable. In the way that the best things are--a walking contradiction in terms. I'd like to say I know him but I doubt anyone does. Here's to the great imponderables."

<p>"I've never met a man whom I could absolutely agree with in one second, and then be willing to argue till death with the next. He's -so- wrong, most of the time, he's -almost- right. W-K comes full circle in his perceptions so far, he's almost back to square one. Amazing. Some people are right-brained dominant, some people are left. I get the feeling he's more of a front and back kinda guy. It's...for lack of a better word...intense. Right or wrong. It's never dull." 


<p>"Logan is definatly the man to have by your side if your ever fighting off
Extraterestrial Zombies in an Mexican-American family style bar and grill
whilst being propositioned by Hookers.....He doesn't scare easily, speaks a
little spanish, and never pays for sex."

<p>"I believe that Logan will someday be the greatest world leader ever."

<p>"I can't speak from experiance, but I've heard he's got a rather large one."

<p>"Fun, happy, good natured, sarcastic, just an all around wild and crazy guy!"

<p>"Honest.  Gives and takes, and gives some more.  In everything I've seen him do." 

<p>"wulf-krigan is tragically innocent to the brutal truth around him. jesus christ was the same way." 

<p>"When the world was young and virginal, there were men of such vigor, such
stamina that they exposed their giant penises and raped the world of her will to
live. Logan is one such man." ~James Lee Woodguard

<p>"He's the most neutral person I know.  Not because he rides the middle line
but because his insight, stupidity, maturity, lack thereof, rudeness and
willingness to pay attention to others all cancel out."

<p>"W-K is a person who is not affraid to form his own opinions on any 
number of issues, nor is he affraid to discuss those opinions, and is 
quite tolerant of other people's opinions, be they the same or 
different.  Aside from that, he's DumB."

<p>"Logan is funny...not funny haha...but something else."<!--EndFreetext-->

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<center>Email: <a href="mailto:iamdumbdumbdumb@hotmail.com"> iamdumbdumbdumb@hotmail.com</a></center>
