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Under 19 Klubbers This site is dedicated to the under 19 clubbers.. this site has it all... run by me, Kid C, Diesel, and DJ Extreme

"The Croud Pleaser" MC JAY T Mc Jay T... one of the best MC's out there today...check this bomb site out !!

~Sweet'n'Sexy~This is A BOMb site. Brought to u by a TRUE ITALIAN!!!... Jennifer... keep it real !

EURO DANCE HITS The Real Deal Site. Its got up-to-date euro dance hits songs right from the source, EUROPE !! check out their video section !

SwEeT jOkEr Bella Marlene's Home Page... check this one out = )

The Ultimate Toronto Clubbing Page This site has everything u need to know about every club in toronto and surrounding areas

~LiL ~SuZy~ Check This out, Cutie Su's page :o) . Some nice pics, and don't foreget to sign the guestbook

**FreestyleGurL** Lisa, Goood site, mine's still better though... lol... : )> .... Latino all the way !

~ÐøLcE*BëLLâ~Carla's website. Lots of pics, info, and other wicked stuff... Check it out !!

ÅñGëL ïÑ YöÜr ÐrËåM§ Maria's Site

Audio GalaxyThe Best Mp3 Search Engine in the world

NapsterFree Mp3 Search Engine

Livehouse EurodanceA good site with lots of good beetz on it