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RIFTS at the Labyrinth

My Material -more added whenever I get inspired
Technowizard Devices
OCCs and Super Powers
Magic Spells
New Skills
Rifts World Info
The COMPLETE!!! spells list (includes internet spells)

I have broken the links here up into the three main classes of players there are for Role Playing games: Adventurers , Role Players, and Munchkins . I also have added a section of other sites that fall into none (or all) of those categories but are still intereting. It is also important to remember that just because a site is a Role Players site doesn't mean than a few of the things aren't munchkinized, or that there are not good weapons... they just have more that is purely roleplaying. The Munchkin sites like-wise many times have good things, it is just that many of the things seem munchkinized. I hope that you like these links, and I will soon be adding some of my own material to this site.

Adventurers Sites
Shadow's Rifts Nexus
Future Technology Levels: Rifts
Rifts: War Zone - Love the spells
ACID's Rifts Page
Avatar Industries Catalog
Daves Rifts Site
Ortho's Rifts Page
Duran Storm's Rifts Page
For the Socially Impaired
Rifts Stuff!: Naurani Enterprises

Role Players Sites
Knightline Fantasy Page
Sir Tenzan†'s RIFTS Gallery - My favorite: Jedi Knight OCC
Mad Dog's Palladium Files
Jason Yip Unlimited
Rifts Sector - Wow, look at the Retromorph
All Original Rifts Homepage
Section 7
The Archangel Dimensional Net Hub
Shawn Merrow's Palladium Page
Mundane Site of Interesting Nothings
UG's Palladium Page
Rifts: Across the River Styx
Blue Canary's Rifts Page
Rob's Rifts Page
Logix's Rifts Page

Munchkin Sites
Forbidden Rifts Megaverse
The Realm of Rikkonian- but I still liked it alot
belibutn's Gigantic Pile of Lint
Chris' Rifts Page
RIFTS by Crypt
The Dungeon Dimension (What is a Munchkin and how to destroy them)
ARCHIE's Rifts Page
Atlantis On-Line: The Domain of Lord Splynncryth
Cold Hard Rifts

Other Sites
Adventures of the West
Captain Lambert's Megaverse® Exchange
World of Avash and Plarge

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