Shortee's Place
Midi Playing is...
"You Move Me"
by Garth Brooks
Updated 03/17/00
I'm Under Construction, Watch Your Step......
Here is the new site.. For the ones that know what
I am goin thru right now..and one in certain..You got
your wish.. You never knew me.. I never knew you..
Most of you that know me and after you see and read on the next few pages you will understand what I mean by
You never knew me.. I never knew you..
This site is undergoing ALOT of changes..
I now have a new guestbook, and alot of the older
entries are deleted... and am gonna start all over again.

I have been going thru a rough time here
lately.. But with God and my family and friends
with me..Things are looking up..

Mom.. thank you for talkin with me..you honestly don't
know how much it helped..Daddy.. thanks for the stuff
for the truck..even though it didn't fix it..it did
help.. I LOVE YOU both SOOO much.. just wish I said it
more..Kim..thanks for the other nite..(you know when)
I may have gotten mad.. but you were right.
Oh man.. did I say that outloud? dang..oh well it is
out there now.. Never gonna let me live that one down
are ya? 8o) That is okay.. deletin' all this when my
NEW AND IMPROVED home page is done.. Thanks for all
of the patience everyone

Hey ya'll come on in.
Welcome to my spot of the web.
In here ya will find out more about me,
my family, and my friends.
Thanks for stopping by.
And I wanna thank ACountryVixen for all
her help!!! I couldn't have done it without ya!!
Also Thanks to Silk and Lyn for putting up my pics.
And for putting up with me during the time that it
took to put it together.
Hey all do me one more favor go to my parents home
page (they are just getting started on it) sign their
book, and let them know what ya think. One more thing,
PLEASE sign my Guestbook. If it just to say hey I was here. Thanks.

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