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Welcome to Rumpleteazer's Junkyard! There's a lot to see here, and a lot of people to meet, but it's not done yet, so keep coming back!

I know, I know, I've been really bad about updating this site. But I have created another site (With my friend) that I promise I'll be better about updating. So, this site will still be here, but it's not going to be updated for a LONG time (tell me something new. LOL) I really don't use this site anymore so let's just say I'm moving it, so update your bookmarks and everything. :) So here's the address for the other site, and I hope I see you there! (I'm Mara BTW)

Complete Nonsense

Welcome all you new comers and old comers! For those of you who are new here, check out the message board and the many other features. For those of you who have visited my lair before, be sure to check out the horoscopes, the new fan-fic and the poll! And don't forget to sign the guestbook!

Yes, I have finally updated this site! I've added a few things, so be on the lookout!

Places to go

These are Jellicle stories and parodies made by me and by you. I'm always looking for the help of a talented writer, so send your fan-fic in!
Mailing list
If you want news and updates about my site, and other sites on the web, think about joining the mailing list. If you would like to help out by sending in an artical, I will publish it and send you the issue it was in. HELP DESPERETLY WANTED
Message Board
Wanna meet some new people? Or maybe talk to some not so new ones? Join us in the message board.
Chat room
Find someone to chat with here in the chat room!
Wanna send someone an e-mail? Try an e-card instead!
See the other great Junkyards on the web.
My guestbook
Leave your paw-print before you go!
E-mail me
I want to know what you think! E-mail me to say you loved my site, hated my site, know what can make my site better, or just hello!
Rumpleteazer's Jellicle websites
I've finally made my own webring! Join!
Who could forget RPG? Sign up, then join the fun. There are very few taken charactors.
Get a cats penpal! New!

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It needs a little work.
This is a terrible site!

Current Results

Check this out! I'm not much of a believer in this stuff, but hey, it's free!
Daily Horoscope
What's your sign?

Thanx for visiting my page. Be sure to sign my guestbook on the way out, and say hi on the message board! C-ya!

Thanx Oz, for letting me adopt a Jellicle for my site. Get one for your site!

This CATS Webring site owned by the Jellicle cat known as Emily.
If you are a fan of CATS, the musical, join the ring!
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This Rumpleteazer's Jellicle Websites site is owned by the Jellicle known as Emily.
Thanx for stopping by!
