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Queen Arawelo's Palace

Welcome to the homepage of Queen

Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

I hope you can smell the lovely scents of unsi iyo foox. Here...sit down , relax and have a hot cup of shaah xaawashleh To all the brave MEN who ventured in: Don't worry, there are no sharp objects here :)

Yes everyone it is true..the original Somali feminist is on the Internet. In this site are links to interesting places for both brothers and sisters in the . There is also a discussion forum focusing on issues facing Somalis today, especially those of us living outside our homeland.

Discussion Forum - Join the discussion
Gender Wars in Canada
About Me
Feminist Jokes - Updated!!!
Marriage Issues
Somali Folktale
Poem of the Week
Reuter's Piece on Waris Derie
Reply to Desert Flower
Raising Children in the Somali Diaspora
Somalia:Country Gender Profile

Cultural Links

Waaberi Page
Somalia Online
Somaliland Cyberspace

Islamic Links

Islamicity Cyberspace
Islamic Views
Muslim Women's Homepage
Quran and Sunnah Society

Sisters on the WWW

Somaliland Women's Organization
Somali Women's Association
Ladan Affi
Maryan Farah
Ayaan Osman
Siham Othman
Roda Daud
Yasmin Mohamed

If you have any suggestions, articles or links send them!!

Would love to hear from ya....

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