A profile of Dennis Bergkamp

Squad Number: 10
Position: Striker
Born: Amsterdam, 18th May 1969
Height/Weight: 6ft/12st 5lb
Previous clubs: Ajax, Inter Milan
first apperance: League vs Middlesborough (h) August 1995
Last season's double Player of the Year Dennis Bergkamp was singned by Bruce Rioch from Inter Milan for £7 million.
He had had a rotten time at Inter, and had not settled in to Italian football. Despite this few doubted his ability, as he had shown at Ajax that he was unquestionably a quality player. What worried some Arsenal fan's was whether he could find the form of his Ajax days. His first two seasons in the Premiership were ok, he showed flashes of brilliance, but never much consistency. Last season however, from the word go, he proved just how fantastic he was.
The number of awards he picked up last season in stunning, he won the first two "player of the month" competitions, and in doing so becam the first ever player to win the award twice in a row. He won goal of the season for his fantastic effort against Leicester. He is the only player to this day who has got first, second, and third on Match of the day's "Goal of the month competition". Probably his best two awards last season were the football writers player of the year award, and the players player of the year award. To cap it all off he had a huge part to play in winning us our second double. He also scored the goal of the tournament in the world cup against Argentina(yes better that Owen's). Bergkamp was voted third in the world player of the year award.
Bergkamp plays in patches, he will not be incredible throughout the game he plays in, but if he is left unguarded for any amount of time, he will punish the other side.
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