A profile of Lee Dixon

Squad Number: 2
Position: Right Back
Height/weight: 5ft 9in/10st 12lb
Born: Manchester, 17 March 1964
Previous clubs: Burnley, Chester city, Bury, Stoke city
Joined Arsenal: 19 January 1988 from Stoke city for £350 000
First apperance: League vs Luton town(h) 13 Feb 1988
Lee has won England caps between 1989 and 1993, this proves what a quality defender he is. Arsene Wenger resisted the temptation of selling him because of his age when Mr. Weger arrived at the club. It has proven to be a worthy decision as Dixon seem, if anything to have improved with age!
Lee is not just a footballer either; he owns several curry houses up and down the country.
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