A profile of Emmanuel Petit

Position: Defender/midfielder
Height/weight: 6ft 1in/12st 4lb
Born: Dieppe(France), 22nd September 1970
Previous clubs: ES Argues, AS Monaco
First apperance: League vs Leeds(a) August 1997
Petit was having talks with T*****ham just hours before coming to Hihgbury to talk to Arsene Wenger. We completed the signing and I think looking back on his first season with us we can be VERY glad he did not go to spurs! He and Vieira are arguably the most important part of our team. They are the ball winners in midfield and both of them can attack or defend.
Indeed, Petit has been a defender at Monaco, and prehaps the reason for his quite slow start at Arsenal was the convertion from defence to midfield.
You would have thougth that winning the double with Arsenal and the world cup with France would have been enough for Petit, but no. While on holiday in France he put the equivalent of £1 in a gambling machine and out came £17 000!
What an amazing year for the French star. Before every game Emmanuel takes some time to think about his brother, Oliver Petit, who died while playing football.
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