A Profile of Patrick Vieira

Position: Midfield
Born: Dakar, Senegal, 23 June 1976
Previous clubs: Cannes, AC Milan
First apperance: League vs Sheffield Wednesday(h) 16th September 1996
He was brought from AC Milan at the beginging at the 96/97 season for a mere £3.5m. Wenger, the soon to be Arsenal manager, instructed the Arsenal directors to sign this french youngster.This would become one of the best buys that the premiership has ever seen!
He made his debut soon after he signed, replacing David Platt in midfield, and he became a regular in the team and he warmed to the Arsenal fans! Maybe some were sceptical when the lankey, Carlton Palmer look-a-like, joined the club but that feeling shortly vanished.
He did not break through to the first team at AC Milan. However when at Arsenal he started to learn the premiership ways off by heart and the former Engalnd Captain, Platt, was soon on the subs bench regularly.
Emannuel Petit and Marc Overmars joined a season later and with the old Arsenal laughing stock Ray Palour, begining to shows signs of international quality football, alongside Vieira Arsenal had , and still have,the best midfield in the premiership, with out a doubt
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