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The city of KIOS (latitude 40.20', longitude 26.48') is to be found in Propontis. It lies in the recess of the Kianon Gulf, at the foot of the Argathonion mountain near the mouth of the Kianos river.
Kios belongs to the province of Bithynia.
The mountain of Olympus of Bursa lies to the South, and the Kianos or Ascanios river starts from the Ascania lake and ends in the Gulf of Kios. To the East lies the Ascania lake and to the west the southern part of Propontis.
It is about 90 kms from Constantinople and 30 kms from Bursa. The famous city of Nicea is northeast of Kios and other neighbouring coastal cities include famous Moudania (old name Myrleia and later Apameia), Elegmoi, Sigi, Trigleia (the old city of Bryllion), Daskyleion, Artake, Peramos, Panormos e.t.c.
To the North of Kios, the Argathonio mountain ends at Cape Poseidion, where the temple to the god Poseidon used to be. In the Argathonio mountain there is a cave famous for its decorated stalactites.

From another source of information it is said that; KIOS is located on the Marmara sea (Propontis), in Asia Minor and was founded by the Militians in 630 B.C. and for about 3000 years it was the centre of politics, economics, culture etc. of the known world.
Aristotle, the famous philosopher was so surprised by the democratic organization of the state that he wrote a whole study known as "KIANON POLITEIA". The city, very famous also during the Byzantine Empire.

Kios was a Milesian colony on the Bithynian coast in the Kianos Kolpos, a bay formed by the Propontis.
It was captured by Hymeos, a general of Darius, was destroyed by Philip III, and restored by Prusias, whence its new name Prusias ad Hippum.
Its episcopal see was suffragan to Prusa.
Bishop Cyrillus was present at Nicaea in 325. At an early date the see was raised to a higher rank; according to Ramsay (Asia Minor, 428) Julianus, who played an important part at Constantinople and Chalcedon as apocrisiarus of Pope Leo, was Bishop of Kios.
At the Council of Constantinople, under the Patriarch Menas, in 546 Hedistus subscribes as metropolitan of Kios, but this must be a later interpolation, for at the sixth and seventh Oecumenical Councils the see holds again only episcopal rank; at the Eighth General Council and as late as the twelfth century we find archbishops. Of the sixteen titulars quoted by Lequien (I, 631) the most worthy of notice is St.Eustathius, a confessor under the Iconoclasts.
Kios may be Civitot, the landing-place of the Crusaders on their way to Nicaea though this is placed by many geographers at Yalova.
It has 5000 inhabitants (4600 Greeks, 300 Turks, 100 Armenians), and is the chief town of caza in the vilayet of Brusa, and also the residence of the Greek metropolitan of Nicaea. There remain yet some ruins of its ancient walls. The little haven exports chrome.
(S. Petrides -Transcribed by Joseph P. Thomas - The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume III)

Nea Kios(In Greece now) is the historical continuation of Kios in Asia Minor a city of 2,000 inhabitants. The inhabitants of Kios took part in all the fights of Mother Greece from 1821 to the Balkan wars.
Kios is the birthplace of some of the most eminent Greek teachers, authors and poets. Euristhenis Laskaridis who comes from Kios recorded the history of Kios in two volumes entitled «KIANA».There is the three volumes work by V. Kouligas entitled «KIOS».You can also find several references in books written by famous foreign authors.
After 1922, most of the Greek population emigrated to their mother-land to settle in various cities and villages.The citizens of KIOS settled in Nea (New) Kios (inhabited in 1927), near Nauplion in the Peleponnese and in Paralia Pierias, next to Katerini
The settlement of the refugees in the area of Ancient Timenio was really hard. In fact the area was a big swamp and it took a lot of time, effort and sacrifice so that it becomes nowadays a model of large village.

Korfez kiyisinda I.O. 1390’da kuruldugu sanilan Kios kenti, IO. 7. yuzyilda once Frigya, sonrada Lydia kralliklarina , I.O. 652’de Kimmerlerin eline gecti.
ÝO. 6. yuzyil ortalarinda Kroisos tarafindan yine Lydia topraklarina katilan Kios, zengin bir liman ve ticaret alaniydi. Daha sonra Perslerin ve Makedonyalilarin yonetiminde kalan kente, I.O. 3. yuzyilda Bithynia krali I. Prusias kendi adini verdi. Prusa’dan ayirt edebilmek icin kent, Prusa ad Mare (Denize Karsi Prusa) adiyla anildi.
I.O. 75’te Roma yonetimine giren kent, Bizans doneminde zengin bir zeytincilik ve ipekcilik merkeziydi.
8. yuzyil baslarinda kisa bir sure Araplarin eline gecti. Ama daha sonra Anadolu Selcuklularinin denetimine girdi. Selcuklular burada tersane kurup, buyuk tekneler uretmeye basladilar.
Hacli seferleri sirasinda hiristiyanlar kenti askeri us olarak kullandilar.
Orhan Bey doneminde 1334’te Osmanli denetimine giren kent, kisa sure de Timur’a bagli kuvvetlerin isgali altinda kaldi.
II. Murat doneminde kesin olarak Osmanli topraklarina katildi. Zeytincilik, ipekcilik, gemi yapimi ve mermerleriyle unlu oldu.
Kent 19. yuzyil sonlarinda Hudavendigar vilayetinin Bursa sancagina bagli bir kaza merkeziydi.
Kurtulus Savasi siralarinda 11 Eylul 1922’ye degin Yunanlilarin elinde kaldi.

Gemlik kenti, adini verdigi korfezin dogu ucundaki ovalik alanda yer alir. Once korfez kenarinda kurulmus, sonra ovaya dogru yayilmis olan kent, Kumla yolu (kuzey)dogrultusunda gelismistir.
Marmara bolgesinde, Bursa iline bagli olan ilce 611 km2 lik yuzolcumuyle doguda Orhangazi, guneydoguda Yenisehir, guneyde merkez ilceler, batida Gemlik korfezi, kuzeybatida Marmara denizi, kuzeyde de Yalova iliyle cevrilidir.
Ilce topraklari, Gemlik korfezinin iki yanindan iceri dogru uzanir. Korfezin kuzey ve guney kesimlerindeki tepelik alanlarin ortasindaki kucuk bir ova yer alir. Korfezin kuzeyinden Marmara’ya dogru uzanan Samanli Daglarinin yuksekligi, Armutlu’nun dogusundaki Daz daginda 925 m.’ye ulasir.
Iznik Golu’nun guney ve guney batisindaki daglar ise Umurbey’in dogusunda 1283 m.’ye yukselir. Bu daglar genellikle makiler, alcak kesimlerde zeytinliklerle kaplidir. Ýlce topraklari, kucuk derelerle, Marmara Denizi, Gemlik Korfezi ve Ýznik Golu’ne akaclanir.
Iznik Golu’nun tahliye ayagi olan Karsak suyu, Gemlik Korfezi’ne dokulur. Korfezin kiyilarindaki genis dogal kumsallar, konaklama tesisleri ile Umurbey altinda yeralan ilicasi ilgi goren yerleridir.
Gemlik elverisli dogal kosullari ve gelismis olanaklari ile ulkenin onemli sanayi, tarim ve balikcilik merkezlerinden biridir. Ayrica kiyilarinin uygunlugu nedeni ile yaz turizmi bakimindan da onem tasir.
Ilcenin baslica imalat urunleri tekstil, sentetik iplik, boru (plastik-metal), yapay gubre, gidalar, kucuk capli zeytinyagi ve sabun imalathanelerinin disindaki tesislerin tumu buyuk olcekli kuruluslardir. Cogu kamu kesimine aittir. Ozel sektore ait konserve fabrikalari ihracat da yapar. Verimli Gemlik ovasi sebze, meyve ve zeytin uretim alanidir.Turkiye’nin en kaliteli sofra zeytinleri Gemlik’te yetisir.
Ilcenin topraklarinda cimento hammaddeleri, mermer ve kirec tasi yataklari vardir.

Su anda Gemlik'te hava durumu

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Kios / Gemlik
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