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The Truth in Life
Saturday, 3 March 2007
Ode to Sadie
Mood:  sad
Sadly, my wonderful dog, Sadie has passed from this mortal coil. Her shoulder swelling was caused from a type of bone cancer common in her breed. She was a loving companion and I will miss her very much. It's funny, I have had 2 other dogs as pets in my childhood, though never have I had to witness their demise. This is the first time that I was truly impacted emotionally by the prospect of my pet losing her life. Someday perhaps I will get a new dog, but for now I will have to make do with fond memories of Sadie. I hope your passing was peaceful, baby girl. Sadie 02/05/2005-02/15/2007.

Posted by Marshall Banana at 15:32 EST
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Wednesday, 15 November 2006
Mood:  bright
Well, I have finally made my to the pacific northwest. I really got lucky with the weather my first few days in Seattle. I was able to take some awesome shots of the city from the Space Needle. All in all, I loved Seattle, but it was a little large for my tastes. Portland, however, seemed a little more my speed. Large downtown area with great public transit and regular festivals. Everyone there was really enthusiastic about the area. I had such a great time that my mind has been made up. My goal for next year is to move to Portland and see where the next chapter of my life will lead me. Some might say I'm a bit reckless, and I have to admit I'm a little frightened, but I feel that just going with the flow can be an enlightening experience. After all, if I planned everything completely I might never be pleasantly surprised. More pics to follow as soon as I can get more storage space for my blog. That's all for now! Peace.

Posted by Marshall Banana at 23:43 EST
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Tuesday, 24 October 2006
Mood:  cool
I took Sadie to the vet yesterday for her vaccinations and to have her leg checked out. For the past week she has been limping and I could not figure out why. According to the vet, she had pulled a muscle from running too fast. On the upside, Sadie is very healthy and apparently just as happy as a puppy can be. I was shocked at how much vet services can cost. This one visit with the vaccinations for heartworm and rabies was $185. Not a huge amount, but still more than I was expecting. Anyhoo, it was her second trip to the vet since I've had her and she was great. It's funny, nearly everything that has happened in my life that is good seems to be almost accidental. I had never intended to get a dog, I mean hell I can barely take care of myself. But, she grew on me and honestly, I don't think I could have found a better companion animal if I had tried. As soon as I can, I will post more photos of Sadie. Oh and my she has grown. This last weigh in was 61 lbs and she certainly doesn't look it. Well, thats all for now I will post more when I can. Peace.

Posted by Marshall Banana at 17:31 EDT
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Sunday, 8 October 2006
Mood:  mischievious
Well, Halloween is almost upon us yet again. I have to say, fall is definitely my favorite season. To those of you who don't know, I am planning to make a big move at the end of my lease, which is 08/05/2007. At the moment I am really leaning towards Portland. I will be flying to Seattle at the end of the month and, with a little luck, I might get to visit Portland for a day. On a personal note, I am now in charge of a staff of 2 people. LOL Holy shit, Deaver is in charge of someone else. Seems that should be a sign of the Apocalypse, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My dog, Sadie, is in heat again. This time is not as bad as the first, though I feel so bad for her that I may break down and get her fixed. I am not entirely sure why, but I feel like that is wrong somehow. Of course, she seems more miserable now, so I think spaying would be best. My sister is now officially divorced and things seem to have ended amicably given the circumstances. My parents, well, same as ever I guess. Time seems to have almost stopped for those two. I keep telling them they should just drop everything and travel, ahh but what do I know. Well, thats all for now. I'll post again when I can. Peace.

Posted by Marshall Banana at 15:06 EDT
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Monday, 4 September 2006
The Witching Hour Doth Approach
Mood:  silly
Well, it is very late here, or is it very early. Funny how we never seemed to bother deciding when to seperate late night from early morning. After all, if bars are open until 2 am, then late at night would have to at least be 3 am. If that is the case, then it is late at night. I wish I had something profound to talk about, but at the moment I am simply having a bout with insomnia. This has gotten worse as of late, and I think it might have something to do with getting older. Even as a younger man I did not sleep much at all. Now, I feel almost compelled to remain awake for as long as I can. Maybe I'm afraid I'll miss something in my sleep, or perhaps it's the odd dreams I have had lately. So terribly vivd are these dreams that I have begun to question my sanity. I know they are not real and yet I doubt myself. Perhaps I should heed the dread that these dreams are causing me; take some kind of action that would quench my thirst for change. Till next time, I wish you all a peaceful night.

Posted by Marshall Banana at 03:12 EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 October 2006 17:42 EDT
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Saturday, 5 August 2006
Wow!! It is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mood:  on fire
Well, this heat wave is starting to get a little annoying. Especially since the AC was busted when we moved into the new house. Got that fixed on Wednesday (Finally!) so now things are cooling down. I will have pics up of my new place in a couple of weeks. I wish I had more time to spend on here, but work has gotten even more hectic lately. Sometimes I wonder, is it really worth it? Ahh who knows, for now I will just enjoy the scenery. To those it may concern, I will be on vacation for a week in October. Planning to see Noah and Shari in Seattle with a possible stop in Vancouver just to check it out. Hope all is going well with all of my loved ones out there. Time and distance are no match for the bonds of true friendship. Now I bid you all adieu and say, bring on winter dammit!

Posted by Marshall Banana at 14:21 EDT
Updated: Monday, 7 August 2006 14:23 EDT
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Wednesday, 5 July 2006
Well, I recently got back from Napa Valley and I have to say, "gorgeous". Normally I am rather critical of these "fantasy getaway" locations once I arrive there myself. Napa Valley was truly breathtaking (somewhat from the heat) and looked as though it was plucked out of Italy and plopped into the northern part of California. I highly reccommend this area for a vacation. And if you do happen to be there, please taste some wine. You might be surprised to find that you actually like the stuff. Until next time folks, enjoy these photos from my trip. Happy Belated 4th of July!!

Posted by Marshall Banana at 14:39 EDT
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Wednesday, 10 May 2006
Knowledge is Power
Mood:  irritated
I know I'm not the first person to question existence, in fact I'm likely one of many millions who have done precisely that. Of course, with the pace of contemporary times, we tend to overlook a great many things. There are just so many things I want to know, yet there is so little time. I feel very pressured to do things like get a degree, have a steady job, get married; but I don't know where the pressure comes from. Am I scared to end up as an old lonely idiot? Could be. I may even feel that I will be unacceptable to others if I don't do these things within a certain period of time. Don't get me wrong, as much as I bitch about society, I really do love people. I think that stems from a need to feel accepted, which in turn justifies my existence in some small way. I suppose I just need to find some new outlet for all of my restless energy. Maybe I'll take up the baritone again....

Posted by Marshall Banana at 14:49 EDT
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Sunday, 30 April 2006
Time flies like an unladen swallow
Mood:  cool
Well, another month has come and gone. You know, I remember when I was younger it seemed like days couldn't pass by fast enough. Maybe it was because I always had something to look forward to on the horizon. The anticipation likely made time almost stand still. Now that I'm older, everyday is almost the same. Weeks fly by as if they were days and I am constantly fighting the feeling that I am going nowhere at an ever increasing rate of speed. However, it is not to say I'm not happy. In fact, most days I feel quite good, and yet, there is still that nagging sensation that there is more for me to do. Oh well, when the time comes perhaps I will have the foresight to see it. Hope everyone out there is doing well. Oh and I will have those photos soon I promise. :-)

Posted by Marshall Banana at 18:04 EDT
Updated: Sunday, 30 April 2006 18:04 EDT
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Friday, 21 April 2006
Gemini 2101 Last Day
Mood:  lazy
In case you are confused that is a reference to Logan's Run. Anyways, it's Friday night, I am sitting at work waiting on lazy appraisers to get their work emailed to me, getting paid to do this. LOL Life is good! Well, I will have some photos coming to this site soon. Some will be personal, others will be things I have seen that made me think. Here's to a hell of a weekend ahead :-). Cheers!

Posted by Marshall Banana at 20:28 EDT
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