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~~~ HAWAI'I ~~~

Ekomo Mai ~ Welcome ~~
to my Hawai'ian tour.

Hawai'i the Islands of Aloha rests peacefully in the glorious blue-green waters of the Pacific Ocean 3000 miles from the west coast of the contenient USA, known in Hawai'i as "The Mainland".

Moloka'i with it's facinating rare plants and wildlife. Here you'll find plenty Paniolo (Hawaiian Cowboys).

Lana'i sits of to itself leaving it quite untouched by the world. A great place for nature lovers.

Maui is where you'll find Haleakala (House of the Sun) Crater. There is nothing as breathtaking as watching the sun rise from the top of Haleakala. Maui has numerous streams and waterfalls. A drive around the Hana coast is an experience of a life time.

Hawai'i (The Big Island), here you'll find lush rainforest and snow-capped peaks. Yes it does snow in Hawaii! The Big Island is famous for its black sand beaches and active volcano. If you visit this island, please don't take the black sand or lava rock when you leave. The ancient Gods of Hawaii will be displeased.

Kaua'i the mystical, enchanting island with still a touch of Old Hawaii to be found.

O'ahu the most populated island caters to the tourist with it's malls, museums, art centers and Waikiki Beach, but if you get out of "downtown" you are in for a treat of quaint villages and glorious beaches.

Let's Take A Tour

Palm Trees at Sunset
Hula Show
Diamond Head and Waikik'i
Cliffs of Moloka'i
Lana'i Beach Scene
Canoe Race off Lana'i
Snorkeling off Lana'i
Wonderous Cliffs
Waterfall of the Big Island
Volca nic Flames
Beach Scene Big Island
Snorkeling with Fish
King Kamahama
Riding The Waves
Rising Whale
Hawai'ian Sunset
Map of Hawai'ian Islands
Waterfall #2
Waterfall #3
Maui Shoreline
Silver Sword Plant
Waterfall #4
Haleakula Crater In The Morning Mist
Pali Eleele (Black Gorge) Maui
Pali Eleele #2
Pali Eleele #3
Creek On Maui
Whalers Boat
200 Year Old Banyan Tree
Palm Tree Beach Scene
Oc ean Scene
Ioa Needle Maui

If you have enjoyed your tour, feel free to capture these scenes for your own pleasure.

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