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Christian Newsletter for Youth

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see
your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven."
Matthew 5:16 KJV

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The C2BD Discussion Group Digest for Young Ladies
Are you confused about relationships? Then take a look at
God's Plan for Finding a Mate
About the Editors
Called to be Different's Web Poll
What is the hardest thing for you as a christian to be DIFFFERENT about?

Choosing of friends

Current Results

The last poll was "What kind of music do you think Jesus would listen to if He lived here on earth? Christian Rock, CCM, Classical, Praise or Nothing??" PRAISE won with 36 votes.. way above the rest! Thanks for voting!

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They're NOT spices but herbs! This group of girls beleive that as Christians we should GIVE energy (like herbs) Not take it away! Check out their profiles and soon to come their Newsletter ON-LINE!!

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