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photo courtsy of Mariah Faralan

Welcome to the GUILD of the BODY! This is where you'll find information about practices that affect the body and also the mind and sprit. First, a little background information about me... Currently I hold a fifth degree black sash (equivalent to the more popular term "belt") and I run the High Desert Martial Arts Association. I have been studying Hsing-I Kung Fu my entire life(entering my first formal tournament at the tender age of 4!) and was lucky enough to be born into a martial artists family that had enough patients and understanding to teach me from a very young age, even going as far as using "chi movement" to "play" with me in the womb! I am practicing this right now with my own child, and hope to find out just how much a fetus really learns in the first 9 months of it's life.

The wonderful thing about the internal martial art styles (Tai Chi, Hsing-I and Pa Kua) is that they are suitable for ALL AGES. The basic movements used for self defense are also used to maintain balanced body chi (click the link below for more information).

My other metaphysical interests include: Astrology, Aroma and Colorthearpy, Birthstones, Crystals and Gemstones, Auras, Graphology (handwriting analysis), Animal effects on the human body, Animal healing, Yoga, Tarot, Spirituality, and Tantric Sex practices.

I am more than happy to share any information that I have on any of the above subjects, and I am available for guidance and counseling. Please feel free to contact me at the e-mail address below if you have ANY questions, and thank you for your time and interest in D's Metaphysical.


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