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Welcome to my homepage dedicated to Ancient Anguish. At the moment this page is pretty barren, but as I get stuck into it, it should rapidily become the most informative, up to date Anguish Anguish dedicated page.

Ancient Anguish is a LP mud, probably one of the internets largest and most popular. It has been around since '92 when it was opened to the public, making it also one of the longest standing LP muds around. Ancient Anguish has a very rich environment, with a friendly (and abit no so friendly) player base. It also has a very developed immortal (wizard) ranking. With six different wizard departments, driver, education, law, world, balance and quality control to ensure a smooth running of the game.

On Ancient Anguish there are seven classes. The fighters, clerics, rogues, necromancers, mages, paladins and rangers to give a wide variety of playing styles. There are also seven player guilds, the Scythe Clan, Monks of Antana, Knights of Drin, Realm of the Black Bear, The Courts of Chaos, The Eldar, and The Society of the Raven. Each bringing together players of the same classes/races for a more enjoyable mud experience.

The immense quality control  department ensure the quality of the new areas (which very regularly get added to the world).While world make sure all new areas fit into the timeline and overall theme of the game. With balance doing its best to keep the monsters, and player classes on the same level. Ancient Anguish also has a large education department, to teach new wizards the ways of code, which makes wizzing much easier (even for those with no knowledge of code).

Since this page is heavily under construction, I have decided to put a section for updates.

Thurdsay January 21 1999
    I have redone the whole menuing system. The old one just didn't look right.

Friday January 22 1999
    All the guilds pages have been completed. Any suggestions or mistakes or comments are welcome.
    Some minor changes to menus.

Friday January 29 1999
    Npc list was added. Send mail with corrections, or anything I missed:)

Tuesday February 9 1999
    Fighter and Ranger (long) pages finished.

Thursday March 4 1999
    Some more maps added, high and low level areas included. Any queries about my method of mapping, just email away.

Thusday July 22 1999
    I've updated the NPC section, Drakhiya, EDF, and some of the other 'newer' NPCs added.

Monday October 11 1999
    Okay... After I received an email from Zurich, I've updated the Ravens rpoints list, Knights klegends, Chaos's Karma list, Bears Nirvana list and more importantly the Scythe Ear bag liberators :)). Ohh and after a friendly reminder from a guestbook visitor ! (dont forget to sign it on your wayout!) ive fixed all those annoying broken links on the weapons page.

Tuesday October 12 1999
    Okay, as most of you know, Sudian was asked to remove his web page, so, with his permission, I have replace my weapons listings (which were far inferior to Sudians) with his. So check out the weapons lists... I will update and add new weapons to the charts as I eval them with my fighter as time goes by:)

Wednesday October 13 1999
    Okay, I've added directions to about 50 areas under the 'area maps' section, I've not mapped em all, but I plan to :). Also fixed up some weapon errors, theres now an exotic and mms charts, and no more annoying blue border around the pics.

Wednesday December 8 1999
    After several requests, I've got the spear list up finally, I also updated the polearm list.

Thursday June 22 2000
    Alright, this will be the first in a series of updates, for the moment I've updated all the guild point lists, and fixed various errors throughout the pages. Still looking for anyone interested in helping me out with updates, if you can contribute anything at all, class info pages, weapon evals, even dirs and maps, that would be brilliant! Cheers!

Sunday September 24 2000
    Hiyas! Shirak has just given me a info page for the cleric class!! So a big hooray for Shirak, thats three of the seven classes, if anyone can help out by writing a page for any of the other classes, that would be awesome, cheerio!

Tuesday February 6 2001
    Nothing major new, just a minor adjustment to the menuing system, thanks to Brendan for the javascript source!

Any comments, mistakes, suggestions and additions can be sent to me at... >