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Linda's Poetry Page

One of my friends once asked me how I knew my writings were poetry. I don't, because I don't claim to be a poet. These are just a few of my writings. I find that "poetry" just a natural way for me to express myself when I'm very emotional. I hope you enjoy some of the poems. All of the poems below are the personal property of Linda Tate Wilson. Please don't copy them without my permission.


It's All an Adventure

A jump, a grin,

Run to Nanna once again.

Peep-eye Baby,

See you too!

Hug me, Love me,

I Love You.

Love and Trust

Seen in your eyes.

See something different,

Delight and Surprise!

Smiles of comfort

And squeals of delight.

And fighting sleep

With all your might.

Take a step,

Then fall down so quick.

Drop a toy and give it a kick.

All is magic,

All is fun.

Here comes Pop,

To him you run.

"Take me out",

little body screams.

With a flailing arm and

A strong body lean.

So tired from the crawling.

So tired from the sport.

Getting still for a moment,

Asleep on the floor.

Sweet little smile,

Mischievous grin.

Give a hug to Daddy.

Again and again.



Michael, Sweet Soul

Wondrous time, I sit and gaze above
This child in my arms
Sweet bundle of love
His breath so sweet upon my cheek
My heart in my throat, I can not speak
This joy so wondrous, my soul leaps high
My hopes for him begin to fly
What deeds, what acts will he be part?
For what things will he be known
Once he's big, and almost grown?
I can only think what may
We will know once it comes, that day
But if love is the seed that grows success
This child of ours is truly blessed.




When I Say Good-By

I wonder if I will be as strong.

When the time for another comes along.

When I say good-by.

Will I comfort others

and neglect my pain?

Wipe a tear and smile again?

When his time came

I buried my pain.

Will I be as strong

When I say good-by again?

Will I lose my grip

Like I did before?

Will the tears pour down rivers

On the cold tile floor?

I wonder if I will be as strong.

When the time for another comes along.

When I say good-by.



The Seductive Escape

It draws me closer
It seems the answer;
The quiet escape from all my hurt.
The guilt from wanting and needing the oblivion
Causes me to think it's the answer, the only answer,
This end that so many take,
But in my mind I know it's not.
In my heart, I find no comfortable spot within to dwell.
I curl into a fetal knot,
Still seeking that comfortable spot.
Knowing my love's arms are my only solace.
Those arms that no longer want or need me.
I seek the Book for all my comfort,
And find it for brief moments.
My thoughts drift back to the pain -
Again, Again,
Only to draw me back to that fetal place,
Seeking the Escape.

Linda 2-9-87

My Wish to You
May the sun always be at your back and not in your face.
May your disappointments disappear without a trace.
May your heart exhibit kindness and grace.
May a gentle breeze encourage you each day.
May lots of new friends keep coming your way.
May God hold you in his loving hand and smile upon your home.
May you always know you are never alone.
May success and joy and abundance be the memories of each year.
May you meet each new challenge with enthusiasm and cheer.
With each mistake you make, make it a good lesson learned.
With each kindness you offer, may you have unnumbered returns.

June '99

A Thanksgiving to Remember

They sat at the table feasting
Upon the holiday fare.
Only one thought was among them----
"Oh, if only Karen were there!"
The eight of us are a family---
We are all one family, we be.
It's hard for others, in their hearts to know
The eight together are "Me"...
We've been through good, we've been through sad,
We've been through pain, we've been through glad.
Each feeling we together know
Makes more the "Family" feeling grow.
We picked the poor turkey until it was quite bare.
Only one thought was among us---
"Oh, if only Karen were there!"
The phone rang, we quited, we stopped our talk.
We knew who it was when
To the phone our mother walked.
Our hearts leaped with pain
That we all felt as one.
Our family was not whole,
Our group not quite "One".
It was Karen who called,
She wanted to be near.
"I can't get home this Thanksgiving",
She said with a tear.
"Oh Honey, I'm sorry,"
Mama said with disappointment strong.
"We all had hoped you could get here."
"We've looked for you all day long."
"I love you all," she began to say as she cried.
"I want to be there---
believe me, I've tried."
"Tell her we love her!
Tell her we care,"
We all screamed at one time.
"Why, I'd go get her
for half a dime!"
"How far is it?"
We all said as we began to plot.
Our hopes began to soar again,
Even though the miles were a lot.
"Call her back! Call her back!"
Debbie began to say.
"Call her back and tell her
We're on our way!" Our hearts were happy,
our sadness would mend.
We plotted the route
Where someone we'd send.
"You can't do that;
you know it's too far.
You kids are crazy
I know you are!"
We didn't let that stop us---
Dad wouldn't spoil our fun.
We'd have our sister with us
Before the morning sun!"
THEN we sat around the table.
Finishing off the holiday fare.
For now we smiled a REAL smile.
Now that All Of Us were there.
November '83

What can I say? We are one big sappy family!

All families have pet names. When we were children, our Dad always called us “Yik-Yaks”. We never knew what yik-yaks were, but we knew that was what we were, "‘cause Daddy said so". On July 3, 1998, Mom and Dad celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Karen, and Debbie, Zelda, and, I think, Tammy, got together during our four days together and wrote the "Yik-Yak" song: It goes like this, and is sung to the Brady Bunch song.

The Yik-Yak Song

Here's a story of a lovely lady, who was working as a waitress in this town,
She had brown hair and eyes that twinkle, and a smile so rare.

Here's a story of a man named Frank, who was changing records on the jukebox
there, He was handsome and oh so friendly, and oh the stories he could tell.

Then one day, while they were working, he decided to ask her for a date.
She giggled and then she smiled, and said we can't be late.

Then one day in the summer, they got married and moved out on their own.
They were poor then, but they were happy 'cause they were not alone.

In a few years there were half a dozen youngens--each one as crazy as could
be. We were one big happy family--that's the way we all became the Yik-Yak Bunch.

July '98 by "the Yic-Yaks"

Ghost Lover

You are my Ghost Lover every night
Who is always gone by morning light.
You please me and tease me and make me weak
To tell me you love me, you don't have to speak.
My wonderful Ghost Lover, who lives in my dreams.
Oh how very real you seem!
When I wake up, and it was all a dream
"It's just not fair!" I want to scream.
Until you find your way back to me
I guess this is how it will always be.
My sexy, wonderful Ghost Lover, every night
Who always deserts me by morning light.
February '87

Through Him I Know

HE helps me through the Hard Times
When I find no hope to scale.
HE Helps me through the Tough Times
When I want to Weep and Wail.
HE helps me though the Hard Times
Each and every day.
HE helps me through the Tough Times
Because through HIM I know the Way.
March 1987

No Point

I see no point to the Emptiness,
I see no point to the Pain.
I see no point to your cruel, cruel heart,
I think I'm going insane!
I look for minor diversions
To keep my mind off of you.
I've tried and tried to make you see
But there's just no getting through.
Our lives were whole, were glad, and were true.
But then came a change
Within the soul of you.
I wait with patience and love that is true.
I live a clean life
This life without you.
My needs have not changed
My hurts are so sharp.
But you walk around
Like life is a lark.
I still say I love you
I still say I'll wait.
But please take a look at your life
Before it's too late.
April '87

So Cherished

He walked into my life
When things were sad and blue.
Looked at me with that cocky grin.
Said he was lonesome too.
We went for a dance, then a moonlight talk.
I knew he was special,
But I still tried to balk.
I wasn't ready;
It wasn't the time.
I wanted to wait;
He said that was fine.
His patience and tenderness - beyond compare
He never pushed the love he so needed to share.
He knew when I was ready
Things would be just right.
He knew it would happen
Some wild, crazy night.
Never have I known such a sensuous man.
With a head on his shoulders,
His heart in my hands.
Offering his love,
So splendid, so real.
So alive and cherished
He makes me feel.
February '88

My Wedding Day

Marriage vows for you and me?
What can we say--What will they be?
I promise your days to be full of joy,
And grins and play and crazy ways.
I vow to keep a smile on your face.
Tonight's the night.
You find the place.
Are we crazy like they all say?
We go by no script--
This is no play!
We are two happy people
Who know what we need.
Onward we go--
Forward, full speed!
March 18, 1988

A Thanks To My Ex

For twenty-some years I knew you
Or at least I thought I did.
I told myself I loved you,
But who was I trying to kid?
We fought; we argued; we pulled our hair;
We went through each emotion.
Each time I looked at you wrong,
It caused a big commotion.
When You left, I cried, I hurt,
I thought you did me wrong.
But now, just two years later,
I'm singing a different song.
I've met a man so gentle;
I've met a man so kind.
He knows just how to make me smile.
He always treats me fine.
So this is a poem to thank you
For being such a jerk.
Cause now I'm in a marriage
That I know is going to work.
May '89

To My Mom

My mom is the epitome
Of all I ever want to be.
Quietness and gentleness for all to see
Her love for others, her generosity.
Love for her children, a kind word to all.
Ready to pick us up whenever we fall.
A sense of humor and sparkly eyes
I only hope someday to be half as wise.
To be half the woman; to have half the heart
Is all that I ask for
But where do I start?
Thanks, Mom, for all you are to me.

My Son, Michael wrote this to me for my Christmas Present his last Christmas with me. He was killed in an automobile accident the following June. He was 28 years old. He wrote many many poems. I'll share more of his poems in the future. This one will always be the most precious to me.

Thanking You, Mom

Tis the Christmas Season Now
And There's the Spirit in the Air
Of Caring, Sharing, and Remembrance.
You See Love on Faces Everywhere.

This Is the One Time of the Year
That All Differences Should Be Put Aside,
And Our Hearts Should Be Filled With Love,
Comparable to the Lord Jesus When Crucified.

For the Love That God Expressed,
When He Sent His Son to this Earth,
Was Unconditional and Unselfish.
God knew He Would Die Even Before His Birth.

This Is One Time of Year,
That We All Should Share with Those in Need.
Christ Was Born for All of Us.
We Should Resist Our Greed.

There Are People in Need Everywhere.
The Hungry Should Be Fed.
The Homeless, the Sick, the Lonely,
All Need a Place to Lay Their Heads.

This Is the Time of Year
Set Aside for Us to Remember a Miracle.
A Special Birth for the Virgin Mary-
The One Child We Should All Know.
The One Season for Peace, Joy and Love,
For Giving, and For Receiving,
For Visiting, and for Eating,
But Most of All, for Believing.

And Here's Where My Thanks Come to You, Mom.
Because Even Though ths Is the Season for Compassion,
You Show Thee Feelings Year-Round.
That Gives Me Something to Believe in.

The Tenderness in Your Heart,
The Love You Always Give,
Is More Precious to Me than Anything.
You Give Me Reason to Live.

Your Understanding and Patience,
The Way You Always Smile,
I Thank You for Believing in Me,
And for Being My Best Pal.

When I'm Asked What Christmas Spirit Is,
I Have to Say It's You.

Your Heart Always Seems to Smile,
Your Love I Know Is True.
Thanks for Loving Me, Mom,
And for Standing by My Side.

I Couldn't Have Picked a Better Mom,
Or Friend in to Confide.
So Merry Christmas, Mom.
And Happy New Year, Too.
May God Place His Blessings,
On Everything You Do.

With Love,

Fairview Class of 67

Our class has gathered for a week-end of cheer.
Get out the sodas, and drag out the beer.

We're older, but wiser -- some wider too--
Those with the same waist aren't many-- but few.

Our hair is grayer - our skin not so tight.
But if you ask to see the grand-kids, you'll see some pictures tonight!

Recognizing each other is not such a job.
We've aged a bit, but there's not even one slob.

The eyes are the same, without such a twinkle,
Wisdom and experience have added a wrinkle.

Cars and houses are bigger-- and not quite so rotten.
But our first ones are special and never forgoten.

The love and friendship we all share together
Will hopefully help us through all stormy weather.

Memories are shared and laughter abounds.
Promises to keep in touch continue to sound.

We have doctors and lawyers and carpenters and teachers.
We have secretaries and dentists and salesmen and preachers.

Fairview, old faithful, has turned us out well.
"We thank you, dear Cardinal", we gleefully yell.

August '97

More to come-----------

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Ideas and insights on this page are strictly personal thoughts. They do not reflect on any other individual, nor any organization. Views expressed on linked pages are not necessarily my views. This site (and all others containing this message) has been created by, and belongs exclusively to

Linda Ann Tate Wilson. ©January 1998, 1999, 2000
Page Last Edited on 10-18-00