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Benny's and Linda's Fractured FairyTale Wedding

The Truth Sometimes Beats Fiction

Sometimes the truth is stranger and crazier than fiction. This is the story of how simple getting married can actually be. Every time my husband, Benny, and I see people agonizing over wedding plans, we just shrug.

First step: Engagement

Benny called at 1 p.m. on Friday, March 18, 1989 and asked me if I wanted to get married that night.

After five seconds of careful pondering, I said yes!!!!!!!!! After all, I had dated him, and only him, for eight months and couldn't find a thing I didn't like about him. Why wait?!

Second Step: Legal Preparations and All That Other Necessary Stuff

He came by Oil Belt Vocational Technical School, where I worked and picked me up. We told my son, who was a student there to meet us in Camden with my younger son. I got the rest of the day off. When I looked behind me, my co-workers were scratching their heads, trying to figure out if we were really serious.

We went to the Union County Courthouse in El Dorado, Arkansas and filled out the necessary paper work for a Marriage License. "Can it really be this simple?", we wondered.

We drove to Camden, where my husband then lived. We announced our wedding plans to Benny's daughter. She seemed just as confused and amazed as my co-workers and my son that we left back at Oil Belt. There were a lot of people with open mouths for some reason that day.

We drove to the jewelry store where he had an account. We picked out our rings, bought them and took them with us.

We contacted a justice of the peace, Mr. Charlie Waters.

We called the parents and invited them to an informal wedding. (My dad, who doesn't like surprises, said he wasn't coming. He said he had been to enough weddings.)

Third Step: Refreshments

We ordered pizza. (Ya can't have a wedding without food!) A couple of large supremes should did the trick.

We invited the ex-wife who had come to pick up Benny's daughter. (She declined.) We don't think she actually believed Detra. Her mouth was open and her eyes were sort of glazed over according to Detra.

Fourth Step: The Ceremony

After convincing the kids to turn the TV down, we said our vows. I became Mrs. Benny Wilson.

If you would like help in planning your wedding, we would love to help. We can be contacted by going to my homepage and writing me in my guestbook. OR, you can just click on my e-mail address below. Our rates are cheap. You are just as married, and hey-- you can have fun without any of the stress and strain of a big wedding. Give us a chance to make your wedding a "fractured" fairy tale too! By the way-- We just celebrated our fourteenth happy year of marriage.

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Linda Ann Tate Wilson. ©January 1998-2002

Page Last Edited on 6-19-02.