Real Name: Babe

Class: Hypertimeline (Earth-Atari Force) extraterrestrial (Eggite)

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Affiliation: Atari Force

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile throughout the universe, formerly Egg, Earth-Atari Force

First Appearance: Atari Force II #1 (January, 1984)

Powers: Babe possessed superhuman strength and durability. Babe was an infant, so he usually acted out of instinct rather than thought. Eggites live thousands of years and are virtually invincible when they reach adulthood.

History: Babe was kidnapped from his homeworld Egg by slavers. Morphea rescued him and became a mother figure for Babe. Morphea was a member of Atari Force, so Babe gladly joined them on a number of adventures.

Comments: Created by Gerry Conway  and Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. 

Babe was profiled in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #2.

The Atari Force series was never part of mainstream DC continuity, so for simplicity's sake I list characters from Atari Force as hypertimeline characters. They could just as easily be residents of a parallel Earth that was erased in the Crisis, or an alternate timeline erased during Zero Hour. 

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