Real Name: Noah Kuttler

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Professional criminal

Group Affiliation: The Society

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Detective Comics #463 (September, 1976)

Powers: Calculator wore a computer terminal on his chest capable of predicting the actions of any super-hero, or even the Earth itself. The projector in his helmet, linked to his chest computer, was capable of creating an infinite variety of items by solidifying the dust in the air.

History: (Detective Comics #463-468)-The Calculator appeared seemingly from nowhere, moving across the country committing a series of crimes designed to lure various super-heroes to battle him. He always allowed himself to be defeated, pressing a button on his computer console that would prevent him from ever being captured by the same hero again. He had been defeated by Air Wave II, Atom II, Batman II, Black Canary II, Elongated Man, Green Arrow, Hawkman II. Calculator then fought the group as a whole, and was doing quite well until Batman II tricked him into defeating himself.

(Justice League America #43) - Calculator was seen hanging around the Dark Side, a bar catering exclusively to super-villains.

(JSA #30) - Nevada; Calculator went to Roulette's House to attend one of her gladiatorial contests. He was among the crowd of villains that watched members of the JSA forced to fight each other.

(Flash II #183) - Calculator attended one of the Network’s sales of black-market merchandise.

(Green Arrow III #30) - Green Arrow took the frustrations of his home life out on Calculator during a fight.

(Outsiders III #4 (BTS)) - The Outsiders III fought and defeated Calculator during one of their early missions.

(Identity Crisis #1) - Hearing rumors about Oracle, Calculator reinvented himself as a counterpart for the supervillain community. He ditched his costume and started specializing in information gathering and networking for villains. His standard rate was one thousand dollars for every question he answered for a villain. Bolt contacted him to learn more about two thugs who were selling Lex Luthor’s battle armor. Calculator answered his questions and wished him luck in getting the suit.

(Identity Crisis #3, 4) - Merlyn bet Calculator $12,500 that the JLA would defeat Deathstroke and Dr. Light, and lost his money. As a favor to Captain Boomerang Calculator helped locate his long-lost son Owen Mercer. Because it was such a busy week Calculator raise his rate to $3,000 per question and did business with Fiddler.

(Identity Crisis #7 (fb), 6) - Jean Loring had Calculator hire Boomerang to break into the home of Jack Drake, father of Robin. Jean had killed Sue Dibny, so she wanted to throw the superhero community off her trail by making them think it was Boomerang who was the threat to their loved ones. Jean also sent Jack Drake a gun and a note saying “Protect Yourself” in hopes that he would kill Boomerang. Jack Drake shot Boomerang after he entered his house, but with his dying breath Boomerang killed Drake with one of his razor boomerangs. Calculator was not happy that Jean set up his client and friend to die.

(JSA #70) - Calculator and the Society welcomed Black Adam into their inner circle.

(Batgirl I #62) - Penguin started a new crime empire in Bludhaven and arranged for an arms deal with The Society. Batgirl was on to Penguin, so he sent the Brotherhood of Evil after her. Penguin assured Luthor, Deathstroke and Calculator that Batgirl was no longer a concern to them, but Deathstroke was skeptical, knowing how dangerous and tough Batgirl was. Batgirl did survive, putting a kibosh on the arms deal.

(Batgirl I #63) - When Batgirl foiled Penguin’s arms deal with the Brotherhood of Evil she damaged his standing in The Society. Penguin met with Luthor, Dr. Psycho and Calculator demanding they help him take down Batgirl once and for all. He said Deathstroke was clearly the man for the job, and Deathstroke considered his proposal.

(Villains United #1) - Calculator recruited Mr. Freeze and Fadeaway Man for the Society. He went into details about the advantages of signing up with the Society and warned the villains they would have to be suicidal to turn down membership.

(Villains United #2) - Calculator received information about the Secret Six from a bug Cheshire had planted aboard the Secret Six’s plane. He learned they were going to intercept a Russia cargo freighter carrying Thanagarian weapons destined for the Society. Calculator informed “Luthor” and “Luthor” sent a small army of Society villains to capture the Secret Six.

(Supergirl V #1) - Calculator kept up his job for Luthor gathering intel about superheroes. He was puzzled by an encounter between Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) and Power Girl during which Power Girl went berserk. He asked Luthor for his opinion, and Luthor simply stated that he wanted to meet Supergirl.

(Supergirl V #2) - Calculator pleaded with Luthor to give him details about the new forms of kryptonite he had incorporated into his battle armor, and Luthor obliged.

(JSA #76) - Calculator sent a video conference call to the Society inner circle to inform them of a rumor that would make the JLA’s brainwashing of Dr. Light pale in comparison to what he’d learned.

(Batgirl I #69) - Nyssa al Ghul had a video conference with Society members Talia al Ghul, Penguin, Deathstroke, Merlyn and Calculator, telling them all was going well with Mr. Freeze’s research to create a machine that could freeze half the world’s oil supplies. She surprised them by revealing she had Batgirl as her captive and told Penguin he should pay her the bounty on Batgirl’s head. She also mocked Deathstroke, who still hoped his daughter Ravager would be the one to take Batgirl out, saying his daughter should set her sights lower and go after third-stringer Flamebird. After the conference Nyssa confided in Batgirl that she hoped to initiate a hostile takover of the Society alongside Talia.

(Catwoman III #63-67) - The East End police tried to frame Holly Robinson for Black Mask's murder, hoping to draw out Catwoman, who Detective Lenahan knew was the real culprit. Catwoman broke Holly out, and needed to give Holly a clean slate, which would involve erasing her arrest records, but knew she couldn't go to Oracle because she'd have too many questions. She reached out to Calculator, who told her to drop by his apartment. Calculator was in a meeting with new supervillain team Triple Threat, who wanted him to put in a good word with his connections, and he told him he would if they proved themselves by taking down Catwoman. The Triple Threat were eager to make a name for themselves, but they were inexperienced, and after Catwoman kicked one in the crotch and broke the second's wrist, the third member ran away. Catwoman told Calculator she didn't appreciate his little test, but he wanted to get down to business. In exchange for giving Holly a clean slate he wanted her to steal the Metropolis snowglobe that belonged to his old boss Lex Luthor. Calculator led her to Warp, who'd just built a new teleportation device, and she stole it to make her job easier. After completing the mission Catwoman called Calculator, who said they'd celebrate over drinks. Warp ambushed Catwoman, demanding his device back. She overpowered him, and said the device was gone, but it didn't work properly anyway, so he shouldn't be sore. She forced him to teleport to Calculator's apartment after threatening to claw his eyes out. Warp told Calculator he'd pay, but Calculator reminded him he had a huge amount of dirt on Warp he could give to law enforcement and the tabloids, and Warp teleported away in a huff. Calculator thanked Catwoman for her service, and scrubbed Holly's record as promised. He was sad tpo inform her that Catwoman Holly was currently battling the overpowered Hammer and Sickle in the East End. Calculator warned Catwoman that Hammer and Sickle were using an auto-evolving genetech power that would make them far more dangerous than the last time she faced them. Catwoman was undeterred, and rushed to Holly's aid.

Comments: Created by Bob Rozakis & Mike Grell.

Calculator received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #4

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