Real Name: Dreadnaught

Class: Extraterrestrial construct

Occupation: Scout

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Metropolis

First Appearance: Superman II #19 (July, 1988)

Powers: Dreadnaught could duplicate any superhuman power that his partner Psi-Phon analyzed.

History: (Adventures of Superman #441 (BTS), Superman II #19, Adventures of Superman #442) - An unknown extraterrestrial race created Dreadnaught and his companion Psi-Phon to travel to Earth and determine how it would stand up to an invasion.  Dreadnaught and Psi-Phon's ship went through a warp and landed on Earth, in Metropolis. Superman discovered their ship in Metropolis harbor, but they staid hidden while draining Superman of his powers. Once Superman was weak enough they attacked, and after they drained the last of his power he was forced to flee. Superman called in Captain Marvel, Elongated Man, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter to fight the aliens, whose powers were overloading due to the number of powers they had to drain from the heroes. Superman changed into Clark, borrowed a personal force-field device from Professor Hamilton and defeated the weakened Dreadnaught. Psi-Phon told the heroes their mission was to test Earth's heroes, and because they failed there would be no invasion. With that they exploded.

Comments: Created by John Byrne.

Psi-Phon received profiles in Who’s Who Update '88 #3 and Who’s Who In The DC Universe #13.

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