Membership: Copper, Doc Magnus, Gold, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Nameless, Platinum, Tin

Base of OperationsGlenview, Illinois, formerly Magnus Labs

First Appearance: Showcase #37 (April, 1962)

History: Doc Magnus was one of the world's most brilliant inventors, and his works made millions in patents and royalties. He used his money to fund his robotics research, and created Platinum, a liquid metal robot whose personality template and artificial intelligence were powered by a responsometer. He succeeded too well, and decided he didn't like Tina's personality, and intended to donate her to the Science Museum. Before he could go through with this, a prehistoric monster attacked town, and he created an entire team of Metal men to deal with the problem. Doc Magnus kept the Metal men around, and used them for the good of humanity.

(DC Comics Presents #4) - Chemo returned to life and defeated the Metal Men, pinning them under a building. The Metal Men realized their powers were malfunctioning, so they visited S.T.A.R. Labs, where Superman was also being examined because his powers were malfunctioning. Dr. Jenet Klyburn concluded that massive solar flares caused by a magnetic beam were responsible for all their problems, and Superman suggested they team-up to find the source. The Metal men were all starstruck, and eagerly accepted. They found an isolated observatory where supervillain I.Q. had fired Chemo into the sun. He explained that he used a magnetic cannon to increase solar activity to improve his mental powers, but made a miscalculation, and determined that Chemo’s unique chemical composition was the only way to keep the sun from going nova. Superman double-checked his calculations and realized he was off by a decimal point, and that the sun would return to normal on its own, but Chemo would definitely make it go nova. Superman flew into space, intercepting Chemo, and bouncing him back to Earth, but the impact rendered him unconscious. The Metal Men battled Chemo and were nearly destroyed before Superman intervened. Chemo overheated trying to destroy Superman, so the hero hurled him into the atmosphere to explode. At S.T.A.R. Labs Superman performed delicate surgery to restore the Metal Men.

(JLA / JSA: Virtue and Vice #1) - The Congo, The Metal Men battled citizens under the control of the Seven Deadly Sins. The Sins were defeated by the JLA and JSA, and their influence over the people of the Congo ended.

(Identity Crisis #1) - Gold and Lead of the Metal Men were among a number of heroes that investigated Sue Dibny's murder scene; they processed the scene using metallurgy.

(Enginehead #6) - Bones and the DEO were tracking new unpredictable metahuman Enginehead, who continually slipped away from them. Enginehead, trying to fix the flaw in humanity, had taken a woman whose car accident he'd caused and rebuilt her as a cyborg. Bones sent the Metal Men and JLA to battle Enginehead. Enginehead needed a final spark to create what he saw would be a new world that was without the flaws of the old, and after showing Tin his vision of the universe, agreed to give him his spark. Tin felt overjoyed and brave, telling his teammates he'd just saved the world. Enginehead ended up sacrificing part of himself to build Irontown, a new kind of engine and home for the disaffected of the world. The woman he transformed became one of the first residents.

(Justice League of America II #1) - Doc Magnus reassembled Red Tornado's android body as a favor to the JLofA, and Tornado's wife Kathy Sutton staid by his side, waiting for his consciousness to reenter it. Platinum was intrigued by an android / human relationship, and asked Kathy how he made her love him. She hoped Kathy could give her insights on how to be with Magus. Kathy returned home after Tornado's consciousness failed to reappear, not knowing that Solomon Grundy had tricked Tornado into taking a human form. Gold and Platinum were left to watch Tornado's body, and Grundy sent Dr. Impossible to steal the android. Impossible decapitated Gold and Platinum and fled with Red Tornado.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1) - An army of Earth’s heroes, including the Metal Men appeared to take Superboy-Prime down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn’t at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he’d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy’s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible foir boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime.

(Doom Patrol V #1) - Doc Magnus and the Metal Men set up shop in a new neighborhood in Illinois, and they faced hostile neighbors who worried that the Metal Men were a health hazard. The Metal Men became more emotionally unstable, with Gold becoming a delusional narcissist, Mercury crankier than ever because he stopped taking his medication, and the rest of the team refusing to accept the presence of their new teammate Copper. A museum hired the Metal Men to recover the ruby of redemption from Brazil, but it was guarded by the animated idol Zummazumma. They managed to destroy Zummazumma, but Lead managed to lose the ruby. It took them 12 hours, but they finally found it and returned home. The team watched Douglas, Robot Hunter on TV while Tina prepared dinner for Doc Magnus. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, so he ate it, even though robots with no taste buds tended to make lousy cooks. Doc found Tina waiting in his bedroom, and had to carry her over his shoulder to get her out.

(Doom Patrol V #2) - Doc Magnus hired out the Metal Men to fix a television satellite. Magnus tried to impress his neighbors by having Lead and Iron transform into a lawnmower to do their lawns, but their help just creeped the neighborhood out. Gold, Tina and Copper went into space in a rocket to get the job done, but they forgot to bring along the repair manual. Doc as going to talk them through it, but Tina and Gold started bickering when Gold kept self-aggrandizing, and their scuffle led to the destruction of the television satellite and a nearby communications satellite, blacking out TV reception in 42 states. The blackout led to Douglas, Robot Hunter eing cancelled, and Mercury was furious with his teammates because his favorite show as gone.

(Doom Patrol V #3) - Doc downloaded driving protocols into the Metal men, and brought them to the DMV to get driver's licenses so they'd fit in with their neighborhood. Tin's nerves failed him, and he crashed Doc's car during his test, causing the already hesitant DMV to tell the Metal Men to go home. The team had left Copper back home, forgetting about her once again, and she tried to win points by continuing Doc's good neighborhood program, fixing Miss Romero's fiber-optics. She encountered Leonard Ruttman, the actor who played Douglas, Robot Hunter. He'd lost his mind after his show was cancelled and was convinced he was Douglas, and wanted to wipe out all robots. He shot his prop gun at Copper, merely confusing her. He retreated just as the Metal Men returned home, and his fan Mercury ran after him.

(Doom Patrol V #4-6) - Tina sent Mercury, Tin and Magnus to the department store to get her birthday gifts. The three took a cab, and Mercury continued to berate Tin for crashing their car. Magnus made it clear that he thought the idea of celebrating a birthday for a robot was ridiculous. He confided in Tin that Tina’s interest in him was only her mimicking what she thought of as human love from the media she’d seen. The Clique, robotic mannequins who wanted to rule the world, were causing a disturbance at the department store, and the Metal Men went into action. Magnus worried about property damage and potential lawsuits. Betty, the Clique’s leader, ripped off Tin’s head. The Clique forced Magnus to pick out clothes for them, and he managed to call the rest of the Metal Men, but it took them a bit to arrive because Tina was so excited to get a call from Magnus that she neglected to ask where he was. Tina was furious seeing Magnus consorting with other female robots, and attacked them. Tina wondered if her caricature of female behavior might be part of Magnus’ programming. The Metal Men combined to form a wood-chipper that ground the Clique to dust, and then wondered about the implications of destroying other artificial life forms. Magnus talked to the military to convince them that Prof. Rumpus, creator of the Clique, was just a fan of his, and not a terrorist.

(Doom Patrol V #7) - Doc Magnus admitted he was impressed with Rumpus’ work, and even though he could never view another scientist as his equal he thought it would be beneficial if Rumpus assisted his research. The Metal Men fought Gigants, who was going on a rampage in Chicago. During the battle she had a wardrobe malfunction, and her chest popped out. She was mortified, and agreed to surrender when Tina and Copper offered to make her a metal bikini to hide her nudity. The Metal Men and Doc went back home, but their house exploded as they prepared to enter it. Douglas, Robot Hunter had broken in and laid explosives, but he accidentally blew himself up along with the house.

Comments: Created by Robert Kanigher & Ross Andru.

The Metal Men received profiles in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #15 and Who’s Who in the DC Universe #12.

Bizarro-Superman wrote and illustrated the “Tinocchio Syndrome” comic book featuring the Metal Men in Bizarro Comics #1.

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