Real Name: None

Class: Extradimensional

Occupation: Lord of the Unliving

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Land of the Unliving

First Appearance: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 (June, 1981)

Powers: Nekron’s sustained touch could chill a living being to death, and he was capable of throwing bolts of force called “dark lightning” that had the same effect. Even immortal beings were not invulnerable against Nekron’s powers. Nekron usually had complete control over the spirits residing in his Land of the Unliving, and he used them as his personal army. Nekron was a prisoner of his realm; unable to exist for any sustained time in dimensions where life as we know it exists.

History: (Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2, 3)-Nekron is the undead ruler of a dimension known as the Land of the Unliving, which is a waiting place of souls that have passed on, but are still waiting judgement. How he came to rule this dimension is unknown, as is whether or not he was once alive. His presence first became known to Green Lantern II when Nekron attempted to cross the barrier between dimensions and conquer our world. His plans were foiled by the Green Lantern Corps.

(Captain Atom 42, 43)-Nekron later lured the hero Captain Atom in his realm, attempting to use him to open up a gateway to Earth. The Captain defeated Nekron, weakening him by absorbing some of his power.

(Fate #12)-The explosion of the Tower of Fate later caused a dimensional rift. Nekron battled the demon god Nebiros for control of this opening, but neither achieved their objectives.

(Green Lantern Annual #7)-Another opening to the Land of the Unliving was brought about due to an uncontrolled spell cast by sorcerer Felix Faust. Nekron tied yet again to come to our dimension, but was stopped by Green Lantern IV.

(Green Lantern IV #25 (BTS)) - The Anti-Monitor perished during the Sinestro Corps War and arrived in Nekron’s realm. Nekron made him rise from the grave, and used him to create the central power battery for his Black Lantern Corps, setting in motion the chain of events that would lead to the prophecy of the Blackest Night coming true.

Comments: Created by Len Wein, Mike W. Barr & Joe Staton

Nekron received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16

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