Real Name: Horace Lafeaugh

Class: Human mutant/mutate?

Occupation: Insta-food emporium worker, aspiring superhero/supervillain

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Earth, 30th Century

First Appearance: Adventure Comics I #331 (April, 1965)

Powers: Tusker had tusks that he could cause to grow and shrink at will. These tusks could regenerate if destroyed.

History: <30th Century> Tusker tried out for the Legion of Super-Heroes, unaware that the team had been taken over by the villain Dynamo Boy, who rejected Tusker and mocked him. Tusker swore vengeance on the Legion, and joined up with Eyeful Ethel, another Legion reject, and together they were determined to become suervillains. Tusker and Ethel couldn't find any villains who wanted to associate with them.

Tusker and Ethel met Ron-Karr of the Legion of Super-Villains, who, tired of the annoying duo, told them they could join if they destroyed Bismoll's computer network. Tusker and Ethel succeeded, but still didn't get their membership cards.

Tusker gave up his aspirations of evil and took a job at an insta-food emporium.

Due to the events of Zero Hour Tusker's existence was erased from history.

Comments: Created by Jerry Siegel & Jim Mooney

Tusker received a profile in Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #7.

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