Janeil's Page
Janeil Slayden Wright
Born 11-2-38 Died 4-9-94
I met Janeil about 15 years ago at church. What attracted me to her first, was her sense of humor. During that time of my life, I was not a happy person and not easy to love. Janeil loved me with the love of the Lord, and she loved me unconditionally. When Janeil became ill with cancer, she did not choose to take conventional treatment. She prayed without ceasing for God's healing.
And God did heal Janeil, but it was after He took her home to Glory.
The day before Janeil died, her husband, Mike, called me on the phone and told me to come to the hospital if I wanted to see her before she died. I remember talking about general things for a minute, then she told me I needed to tell her goodbye and leave. When I bent over the rail of the hospital bed to kiss her goodbye, I told her I didn't know how to tell her goodbye knowing I would never see her again on this earth. She reminded me that we would meet again someday. I told her I loved her, and she told me she loved me and I said goodbye and walked out the door. Janeil had already told us that she wanted NO tears at her funeral because it was to be a time of celebration.
In the church, I was sitting by a friend of ours and we started giggling about something Janeil had done at one of our ladies retreats. People were looking at us because we were laughing so hard, but I felt like Janeil was sitting right there laughing with us.
I miss Janeil alot. I miss her unconditional love. Now when I think of her, I picture her up there in heaven, sitting at a table with our other friend, Norma, with Kailey and Nicole playing at their feet.
I love you Janeil and miss you alot.
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