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Dr. Leopoldo J. Bartolomé

 Hoja de Vida
(Curriculum Vitae)





Name: Leopoldo José Bartolomé
Birth date: December 6, 1942
Birth place: Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
Citizenship: Argentine


PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR [Ph.D.] 1974 Social-Cultural Anthropology, August 1974, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). Minor: Economic Development. Dissertation: see 10.4, item 3 .
MASTER OF ARTS [M.A.] 1971 Social-Cultural Anthropology, January 1971, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). Thesis: see 10.4, item 1.
LICENCIADO EN CIENCIAS AN TROPOLOGICAS 1967 Ethnology, March 1967, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Thesis: see 10.2, item 4.


Since 1994 Researcher Category I, National System for Research Incentives, SPU, MEC.
Since 1993 Project Director , Project ECIS (Comparative Study of the Social Impacts of Large-Scale Development Projects, Research Institute, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones.
Since 1993 Chairperson, Graduate Program in Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
Since 1986 Full Professor [Tenured], Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.


1999-2000 Member of the Academic Council for the VI Argentine Congress of Social Anthropology, to take place in Mar del Plata in September 2000.
1999 President of the III Anthropology Meeting of the Mercosur (III RAM), that took place in Posadas, Misiones, Argentina, November 24-26, 1999.
1999-present Director, Ava (Journal of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology), National University of Misiones, Argentina.
1999-present Member of the Academic Committee for the journal Anuario Antropologico (Brazil).
1998-present Member of the Bank of Evaluators for the Categorization of Researchers, Secretary for Universitary Policies, National Ministery for Education and Culture. Appointed February 26, 1998
1998-present External Evaluator for Researchers, National University of Entre Rios, Argentina.
1998-present Member of the Ad Hoc Advisory Council for the Area of the Social Sciences and Humanities of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET). Disposition 022/98 of the Directory Board of CONICET.
1997-present Member of the Evaluating Committee of the electronic journal (Internet) Noticias de Antropología y Arqueología.
1997-present Evaluator of research projects for Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología, MECyE, Argentina).
1997-present Evaluator of research projects, fellowships and reports for Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.
1996-present Member of the Academic Council of the "Walter Benjamin" Foundation, Bs.As., Argentina.
1995-present External Evaluator for Researchers, National University of La Plata, Argentina.
1995-present Member of the Social Sciences Peer Commission of FOMEC (Fund for the Improvement of University Teaching Quality), Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, Argentina.
1995 Member of the Evaluatory Commission por Anthropology, Sociology and Applied Social Sciences of the National Commission for the Evaluation and Qualification of Graduated Programs (M.A. and Ph.D.), Ministry of Education, Argentina.
1995 Coordinator of Commission Nº 8 (Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Sciences), of the Joint-Commission National Inter Universities Council/Ministry of Education, for the evaluation of researchers included in the Research Incentives Program created by National Decree Nº 2427/93.
1990-96 President , Fundación Centro de Investigación sobre Sociedad y Desarrollo (CESYDE). Center for Research on Society and Development, a NGO.
1990-93 Vice-President for the Southern Cone, Latin American Anthropological Association [ALA].
1987-93 Chairman, Commission for Development Studies in Latin America, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences [ IUAES ].
1989-91 Member of the Advisory Council on Learning for Argentina, Inter-American Foundation.
1985-89 Member of the Board of Honorary Advisers for Argentina, Inter-American Foundation [USA].
1988 Member, Advisory Council, Misiones Regional Center, National Institute for Agricultural and Technological Research [INTA], Argentina.
1987-1988 Honorary Member, Scientific and Technological Council of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research ( CONICET ).
1984-1988 Member of the Advising Commission on Anthropology and History, National Council for Scientific and Technological Research ( CONICET).
1984-1986 Informative Officer for CONICET in the Province of Misiones.
1978-1979 Member, Advising Council on Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.


2001 Director of the Study Assessment of the Present Situation and Evaluation of Resettlement Impacts of the Population Residing in Urban Creeks Basins in Posadas, Misiones, for Entidad Binacional Yacyreta (EBY), under an agreement between the National University of Misiones and EBY. March-July, 2001.
2001 Director of the Study Evaluation of the CAPI Program (Development of Aboriginal Communities), for National Ministry for Social Welfare and the Interamerican Development Bank. May - August, 2001.
2000 Member of the Peer Evaluation Commission for the National Commission for Academic Evaluation and Acreditation (CONEAU): Evaluation of the National University of Salta, April-May, 2000.
2000 Assessment of the Master Plan for the Environment (PMMA) elaborated by the Yacyreta Project, for the National Secretary of Science and Technology, April 2000.
1999-2000 Consultant (Resettlement), Entidad Binacional Yacyreta, October 1999 - January 2000. Assisted by Prof. Christine M. Danklmaier.
1999 Consultant for the World Commission on Dams (Contract: Thematic Review I.3 - DRRRD 99/4) Elaboration of a Country Report (Argentina), with the assistance of Prof. Christine M. Danklmaier and of a Thematic Synthesis on Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Development, with Professors Chris De Wet (South Africa) and Harshmander (India).
1998 Ressettlement Consultant, Interamerican Development Bank, Private Sector Department, Cordoba Access Roads Projects, Province of Cordoba, Argentina.
1997-98 Regional Consultant for Project "Regional Profiles of Argentina", PNUD-IDB. December 1997-January 1998.
1996 Senior Consultant, National Council for the Environment (CONAMA), Chile. To advise on and evaluate resettlement components of the Ralco Hydroelectric Project, Bíobio River.
1996 Elaboration of a design for the identification of new market niches for regional production. Nosiglia Foundation (Argentina) and Neuman Foundation (Germany).
1994 Consultant on resettlement for the World Bank, II Bombay Urban Transport Project, Bombay, India, May 5-18.
1993-94 Consultant for the Entidad Binacional Yacyreta-Universidad Nacional de Misiones Agreement, Project Monitoring and Evaluation of the Yacyreta Resettlement and Social Programs (Argentine side). Since July 1993.
1993b Consultant on resettlement for the World Bank, sectorial projects of sanitation and environmental protection in middle-size Mexican cities [SEDASOL, Mexican Government]. Mexico City, September 26-October 6.
1993a Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (PSO.2.288.00-F): evaluation, advise and training of resettlement officers in the Yacyreta Project (Argentina and Paraguay), January-February 1993.
1992 Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank: evaluation and advise on aboriginal population affected by the Yacyreta Project (Argentina and Paraguay), September-December 1992.
1992 Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank: evaluation and advise on resettlement issues, for the Project Yacyreta (Argentina and Paraguay), July-August 1992.
1991-92 Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank: evaluation and advise on resettlement issues, for the Project "Environmental Sanitation and Flood Control in the Reconquista River Basin", Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina [ AR-0038]. From 6/1/92 to 30/08/93.
1992 Senior Sociologist and Resettlement Specialist, Egiin Dam Project, Mongolia. Working for Eletroconsult (Milan, Italy), May-November. Field-work in Mongolia.
1992 Consultant on resettlement for the World Bank, Latin American and the Caribbean - Country Department (Consultant ID LE 092), Environmental Sanitation and Flood Control Projects in Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo State), Curitiba (Parana State), and Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais State), Brazil.
1991-92 Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank, PSO.1.667.00-F, evaluation and advise on resettlement issues, for the Project "Environmental Sanitation and Flood Control in the Reconquista River Basin", Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina [ AR-0038]. From 9/29/91 to 3/30/92.
1991-92 Consultant for the Project " Evaluation of Social Differentiation Consequences of Small-Scale Rural Development Projects in the Argentine Northeast", Center for Studies on Society and Development (CESYDE, Posadas, Misiones, Argentina) , under a grant from the Inter American Foundation.
1989-91 Consultant for the Project "Evaluation of Development Projects among Aboriginal Communities in the Province of Chaco, Argentina", Inter-American Foundation.
1985-90 Consultant-Evaluator for theInter American Foundation ( IAF ), field monitoring and evaluation of rural development projects supported by IAF in the Province of Misiones.
1986-89 Consultant , Council for Scientific Research, National University of Rosario [Rosario, Santa Fe Province, Argentina].
1987 Consultant on Resettlement, World Bank, Mission to the Itaparica Project (NE Brazil), May 22-28. Consultant No. LE092.
1987 Consultant, World Bank, "Training Course on Involuntary Resettlement in Bank-Financed Projects", organized and given for Bank staff. Annapolis, Maryland, USA, May 19-21.
1987 Consultanton Resettlement and Compensations, Garabi Hydroelectric Project (Argentina-Brazil).
1984 Consultant , population resettlement, "Parana Medio" Hydroelectric Project, Agua y Energía Eléctrica, Santa Fe Province, June 1984.
1972 Consultant, Work Group on Cultural Variables, Latin American Project of a World Model, Bariloche Foundation [Argentina] and Club of Rome.
1969 Consultant, Chaco Project , Center for Social Research [Torcuato Di Tella Institute] and Federal Council of Investments [CFI].


1992 Coordinator for FLACSO in the Joint Doctoral Program FLACSO-Universidade de Brasilia (Brazil) in Comparative Studies in Latin America. Coordinator for FLACSO in the Joint Doctoral Program FLACSO/Universidade de Belem de Para in Development and Ecology in the Humid Tropics.
1991 Head, Research Institute, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones. February-June.
1990-1991 Chairman, Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
1989-1990 Adviser on Resettlement and Social Action, Misiones Resettlement Office, Infrastructure & Resettlement Department, Entidad Binacional Yacyretá [Yacyreta Dam Project].
1988-1989 Director, [Member of the Board of Directors] National Council for Scientific and Technological Research [CONICET], Argentina.
1987-89 Delegate, Misiones Seat, Education, Health and Environment Area, Executive Directorate, Entidad Binacional Yacyreta.
1979-89 Head of the Urban Program for Resettlement and Social Action, Misiones Resettlement Office, Infrastructure & Resettlement Department, Entidad Binacional Yacyretá [Yacyreta Dam Project ].
1977-1979 Head, Center for Social Research, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
1974-1979 Chairman of the Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Founder and organizer of this Department and the corresponding academic program.
1968-1969 Researcher, Rural Sociology Department, Chaco Regional Center, National Institute of Agricultural Technology [ INTA ], Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, Province of Chaco, Argentina .
1965-1967 Assistant Curator, Ethnography Section, "J.B.Ambrosetti" Ethnographic Museum, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.


2000 Visiting Professor, Seminar for Thesis Preparation, Magister Scientæ in Metholodogy of Scientific and Technological Research, National University of Entre Rios, Argentina. November and December, 2000.
1999 Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz (Argentina). Seminar of Economic Anthropology, Module I: October 4-8 and Module II: November 1-5.
1999 Visiting Professor, Seminar for Thesis Preparation, Magister Scientæ in Metholodogy of Scientific and Technological Research, National University of Entre Rios, Argentina. September and October, 1999.
1998b Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Prov. Buenos Aires (Argentina). Doctoral Seminar on Evaluation and Dyagnosis in the Anthropological Practice. May 11-19, 1998.
1998a Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz (Argentina). Seminar of Formation and Updating on Social and Cultural Issues: The Approaches from Sociocultural Anthropology. Module I: An Anthropological Approach to Sociocultural Intervention. April 23-25, 1998.
1996 Visiting Professor, Seminar on Anthropological Theory, M.A. Program on Social Sciences, FLACSO-National University of Mar del Plata (Argentina) Agreement. April to May.
1994 Visiting Professor, Seminar for Thesis Preparation, Magister Scientæ in Metholodogy of Scientific and Technological Research, National University of Entre Rios, Argentina. April and May, 1994.
1991-1992 Visiting Professor and Researcher, Latin American Faculty for the Social Sciences (FLACSO) - Brazil Academic Seat, Brasília, D.F., Brazil. Visiting Researcher Category I-A, Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CNPq).
1990-1991 Full Professor [Tenured, full-time], Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
1981-1991 Professor, M.A. Program in the Social Sciences, Latin-American Faculty of the Social Sciences (FLACSO), Buenos Aires. From 1983 onwards exclusively reading courses and tutorial activities .
1986-1990 Full Professor [Tenured, full-time], Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Position obtained by public contest on November 28, 1985. On leave by special agreement between the University and Entidad Binacional Yacyreta .
1986-1990 Professor [non-tenured, part-time] in the same University and Department.
1985-1987 Professor [non-tenured, part-time], Department of Anthropological Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.
1979-1986 Full Professor [non-tenured, part-time], Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
1974-1979 Full Professor [non-tenured, full-time], Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
1977 Visiting Professor [appointed] , Graduate Program in the Social Sciences, University of Brasilia ( Brazil ). Appointment not fulfilled because of an excessive delay in the reception of a visa from the Brazilian Government .
1975 Associate Professor [appointed by an international ad hoc jury], Social Sciences Department, Bariloche Foundation ( Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina ). Position resigned shortly thereafter because of an offer from the National University of Misiones to create a Department of Social Anthropology.
1973-1974 Associate Professor [non-tenured, full-time ],School of Social Work, Northeastern National University ( which will became the Faculty of Social Sciences after the creation of the National University of Misiones in 1974 ).
1972-1973 Assistant Professor [non-tenured, part-time], Department of Anthropology, Provincial University of Mar del Plata ( Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina ).
1971-1972 Teaching Assistant, Fall Semester, Department of Anthropology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A.
1970-1971 Research Assistant, Department of Anthropology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A.
1967 Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropological Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, National University of Buenos Aires.


1997 Member of the Jury , "Esther Hermitte" Research Fellowships for Social Anthropology, Antorchas Foundation, Argentina.
1996 Konex Award to the most distinguished scholar in the fields of Cultural Anthropology/Archeology, period 1986-1996 (Five selected). Konex Foundation, Argentina.
1966 Research Grant Fundación Antorchas (Argentina)-CAPES (Brazil), jointly with Dr. Silvio Coelho Dos Santos (Brazil), for comparative research on social movements of opposition to dams in Brazil and Argentina.
1996 Member of the Jury , "Esther Hermitte" Research Fellowships for Social Anthropology, Antorchas Foundation, Argentina.
1989 Award (Third Prize) for the subtheme "New fields of social sciences beyond the traditional academic boundaries", in the call for papers made by the International Federation of Social Science Organizations (IFSSO) under the general topic "Changes in Academic Policy: Social Sciences in a Changing World". Granted in Tokyo, Japan, October 2-7, 1989, during the IXº General Congress of IFSSO.
1987 "Dr. Bernardo Houssay" Award to Scientific Distinction, granted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET). December 1987.
1983 Travel Grants, Inter-American Foundation [Grant AR-128] and the Canadian Social Sciences Council, to attend the XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (Quebec City and Vancouver, Canada) and to organize a symposium on "Forced Resettlement and Urban Anthropology".
1982-1983 Member of the Jury [Social-Cultural Anthropology] , "Coca-Cola" National Awards to the Arts and Sciences .
1970-1972 Fellowships, granted by the Ford Foundation and the Graduate School of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, for graduate and doctoral studies.
1968 Award , granted by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature (University of Buenos Aires) to honor graduates in the humanities and the social sciences.


1998-2000 Project Director, Research Project PICT No. 04-00000-02283 (Belief Systems and Mystic-Religious Practices in the City of Posadas). National Agency for the Advancement of Scientific and Techological Research (ANPCyT, Argentina).
1999-2000 External Director, Research Project Local governments and socioeconomic actors in a globalized economy: analysis of the impact of social programs in two subregions of Patagonia, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral (Res. 336/99/Rector).
1992-93 Associate Foreign Researcher, Latin American Faculty for the Social Sciences (FLACSO) - Brazil Academic Seat, Brasília, D.F., Brazil.
1989-91 Project Director , Project RELUR [Urban Relocation], within Research and Development Program No. 64/98 [CONICET], social research program on poverty and development alternatives (PISPAD), with headquarters in the Research Institute, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones.
1985-1988 Program Director , Research and Development Program No. 302590085 [CONICET] : "structural factors and adaptive strategies in urban poverty : Posadas, Misiones", with headquarters in the Research Institute, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones.
1982-90 Research on adaptive strategies devised by the urban poor to cope with resettlement impacts.
1980 b Visit of study to the Sobradinho Dam [NE of Brazil].
1980 a Visit of study to the Itaipu High Dam [Brazil and Paraguay].
1978-1981 Elaboration of a resettlement and social action program for the displacement of more than 20,000 persons in the city of Posadas. Organization and implementation of feasibility and operational studies and of an exhaustive census of the affected urban population. Implementation of social action projects. Administrative responsibilities.
1978 c Anthropological study of the population to be affected in Posadas by the works of the Posadas-Encarnación International Bridge.
1978 b Social impact analysis in the city of Posadas and elaboration of a proposal for a resettlement policy for the urban component.
1978 a Execution of a census and an anthropological survey among the poorest inhabitants in the areas of the city of Posadas affected by the Yacyreta Project.
1978 Province of Misiones, Argentina: Project Director, study of the city of Posadas as a sociocultural system. Under Grant No. 10031605008, National Secretary of Science and Technology [SECYT].
1977 Province of Misiones, Argentina: research on social articulation processes in an agrarian context. Under a grant from the Latin American Social Sciences Council (CLACSO).
1977-1978 Province of Misiones, Argentina: studies on the origins and present characteristics of the family-farm. Under Grant No. 25QE1 01 009, National Secretary of Science and Technology (SECYT).
1975-1976 Province of Misiones, Argentina: studies on the agrarian structure. Under Grant No.6672/74, CONICET.
1973-1974 Province of Misiones, Argentina: field research on agricultural development, adaptive strategies and ethnicity in a Polish-Ukrainian settlement [Apostoles]. Project Director, under a grant from the National Secretary of Science and Technology (SECYT).
1971 State of Wisconsin, USA: field studies on adaptive strategies and ethnicity among European ethnic groups, serving as Research Assistant to Dr. Arnold Strickon [University of Wisconsin-Madison].
1968 Provinces of Chaco, Formosa and Santa Fe (northern portion): ethnohistory research on millenarian movements among the Chaco Indians in the XIX Century.
1968 Provinces of Chaco and Formosa, Argentina: field research on the relationship between agricultural extension and the processes of technological innovation among young farmers.
1968 Province of Chaco, Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, Namkom settlement: field studies on social organization and leadership among the Namkom Toba Indians.
1966 Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina: field research on traditional veterinary practices in rural areas.
1965 Provinces of Buenos Aires , Río Negro, and Chubut, Argentina: archaeological surveys in Patagonian coastal terraces, serving as Research Assistant to Dr. Marcelo Bórmida [National University of Buenos Aires].
1964 Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina: archaeological excavations of a paleo-Indian site, serving as Research Assistant to Dr. Marcelo Bórmida [National University of Buenos Aires].


10.4 BOOKS

2000 Los colonos de Apóstoles: Estrategias adaptativas y etnicidad en una localidad polaco-ucraniana del nordeste de Argentina {Spanish translation of The Colonos of Apostoles: Adaptive Strategy and Ethnicity in a Polish-Ukrainian Settlement in Northeast Argentina}. Posadas: Editorial Universitaria, National University of Misiones.
1999 (et al.) Misiones-Brasil: Oportunidades Comerciales. Hacia nichos de mercado. Posadas: Fundación Plácido Nosiglia- Fundación Friedrich Naumann.
1991a The Colonos of Apostoles: Adaptive Strategy and Ethnicity in a Polish-Ukrainian Settlement in Northeast Argentina. New York: AMS Press, Inc.
1991b [with Danuta Lukasz and Ryszard Stemplowski] Slowianie w argentynskim Misiones 1897-1977 {Slavs in Argentine Misiones 1897-1977}. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
1985 [editor]Relocalizados. Antropología social de las poblaciones desplazadas{The Resettled. Social Anthropology of Displaced Populations}. Buenos Aires: Ediciones del IDES (Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social).
1977 [with Esther Hermitte, editors]Procesos de articulación social{Social Articulation Processes}. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
1974 [with Enrique Gorostiaga, editors] Estudios sobre el campesinado latinoamericano. La perspectiva de la antropología social{Studies on Latin American Peasantry. The Perspective from Social Anthropology}. Buenos Aires: Editorial Periferia.


In press "Planned Population Resettlement as Social Processes: Ambiguities, manipulations and "agency". To be published in a volume edited by the World Commission on Water Resources.
2001 "Combatiendo a Leviatan. La articulación y difusión de los movimientos de oposición a los proyectos de desarrollo hidroeléctrico en Brasil (1985-91)." En Alejandro Balazote, María Rosa Catullo y Jorge Radovich (Comps.), Antropología y Grandes Proyectos en el Mercosur, pp. 15-58. La Plata: Minerva.
2000 GPDs y desplazamientos poblacionales: Algunas claves para su comprensión como procesos sociales complejos. In Avá vol.I, #2 :11-20.
1999 "Ciencia, anticiencia y fetichismo de la epistemología en Antropología", in Temas de Antropología Social. V Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social, pp. 89-95. La Plata: UNLP.
1999 Combatiendo a Leviatan. La articulación y difusión de los movimientos de oposición a los proyectos de desarrollo hidroeléctrico en Brasil (1985-91) [Fighting Leviathan: the articulation and spread of local opposition to hydrodevelopment in Brazil (1985-91)]. In Desarrollo Económico, Vol. 39, No. 153: 77-102.
1998 (with M. del R. Contepomi) Chapter "Misiones". In PNUD-BID, El Capital Social. Hacia la construcción del índice de desarrollo sociedad civil de Argentina, pp. 315-30. Buenos Aires: United Nations Program for Development and Interamerican Development Bank.
1997 a El irracionalismo en las ciencias sociales {Irrationalism in Social Sciences}, Página 12 (Journal, Bs.As., Argentina), suplement "Futuro", 14/06/97. Reproduced, in the full version, in Revista Argentina de Antropología y Arqueología (Electronic Journal), No. 15, with the title "El escándalo Sokal. Las vestimentas del emperador en las ciencias sociales." {The Sokal's Scandal. The Emperor's Clothes in the Social Sciences}.
1996b Impactos sociales del desplazamiento poblacional: trascendiendo el modelo etnográfico (Social Impacts of Population Displacement: Trascending the Ethnographic Model). In Sonia Barbosa Magalhães, Rosyan de Caldas Britto, y Edna Ramos de Castro (orgs.), Energia na Amazonia , (2 tomos), Vol.I: pp. 431-38. Belém, Pará, Brasil: Museu Paraense E. Goeldi, Universidade Federal do Pará and Associação de Universidades Amazônicas.
1996a (with Dionisio Baranger) "Microproyectos de Desarrollo Rural en el Nordeste Argentino. Algunas Lecciones." Rural Development Microprojects in the Argentine Northeast. Some Lessons. In Anales del III Encuentro de Científicos Sociales, UNaM-UNIJUI-UNOESC, pp. 85-100. Posadas: Universidad Nacional de Misiones,Universidad del Oeste de Santa Catarina, Universidad do Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul.
1995 Impactos sociales del desplazamiento poblacional. Trascendiendo el modelo etnográfico [Social impacts of population displacement. Beyond the ethnographic model[.Revista Estudios Regionales, vol. 8 (Secretaría de Investigación, FHyCS, UNaM): 56-61.
1994 "Theoretical and Operational Issues in Resettlement Processes: The Yacyreta Project and Urban Relocations in Posadas (Argentina)". In UNCRD ed., Environmental and Social Dimensions of Reservoir Development and Management in the La Plata River Basin, pp. 43-57. Nagoya, Japan: United Nations Centre for Regional Development, UNCRD Research Report Series Nº 4.
1993 "The Yacyreta Experience with Urban Resettlement: Some Lessons and Insights". In Michael M. Cernea and Scott Guggenheim, eds., Anthropological Approaches to Resettlement: Policy, Practice, and Theory, pp. 109-132 . Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
1992 "O estrangeiro profissional e a tentação fáustica: a antropologia frente aos programas de desenvolvimento" [The Professional Foreigner and the Faustian Temptation. Anthropology and Development Projects]. In A. A. Arantes, G. Ruben and G. Debert, eds., Antropologia e Direitos Humanos: a responsabilidade do antropólogo, pp. 163-174. Campinas, Brazil: Editora da UNICAMP.
1991b "Wspólczesne spolecznstwo Apóstoles" {Integrative Processes in Apostoles}. In L. J. Bartolomé, D.Lukasz and R.Stemplowski,Slowianie w argentynskim Misiones 1897-1977 , pp. 218-278. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wysawnictwo Naukowe.
1991a "Contexto y coyuntura en la evaluación de microproyectos de desarrollo social" [Context and Conjuncture in the Evaluation of Social Development Micro Projects]. In R. Martínez Nogueira, ed., La Trama Solidaria. Pobreza y Microproyectos de Desarrollo Social , pp. 37-59. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Imago Mundis for GADIS.
1989c [with Hermann M. Brunswig and Jorge A. Bustillo] "Diferenciación campesina y estrategias de proyectos en el nordeste argentino" [Peasant Differentiation and Project Strategies in Northeast Argentina]. Asuncion, Paraguay.
1989 b "European Colonists in the Argentine Subtropics: the Development of a Specialized Family-Farm System in Misiones". In Debra Schumann and W.Partridge, editors., The Human Ecology of Tropical Land Settlement in Latin America, pp.133-171. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
1989 a El problema de definir éxito/fracaso en proyectos de desarrollo rural de base {On the Problem of Defining Success/Failure in Grassroot Rural Development Projects}. Boletín de Desarrollo Social [GADIS, Buenos Aires, Argentina] Nº 5: 3-10.
1988 Cultura global y modelos mundiales {World Culture and World Models}. Ideas en Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina) : 22-36.
1985 a "Introducción: las relocalizaciones masivas como fenómeno social multidimensional"{Introduction: Mass Population Resettlement as Multidimensional Social Phenomena}.In L.J.Bartolomé, editor, Relocalizados. Antropología social de las poblaciones desplazadas [Buenos Aires: Ediciones del IDES], pp. 7-22.
1985 c La familia matrifocal en los sectores marginados: desarrollo y estrategias adaptativas {The Matrifocal Family among "Marginal" Social Strata: Development Cycle and Adaptive Strategies}. Runa, vol.XIV (corresponding to 1984) : 23-49.
1985 b "Estrategias adaptativas de los pobres urbanos: el efecto entrópico de la relocalización compulsiva" {Adaptive Strategies of the Urban Poor: the Entropic Effect of Forced Resettlement}. In L.J.Bartolomé, ed., Relocalizados. Antropología social de las poblaciones desplazadas [Buenos Aires: Ediciones del IDES], pp. 67-115.
1984 b "Aspectos sociales de la relocalización de la población afectada por la construcción de grandes represas" {Social Aspects in the Resettlement of Populations Affected by Hydroelectric Projects}. In F.Suárez, R.Franco, y E.Cohen, editors,Efectos sociales de las grandes represas en América Latina {Social Consequences of High Dams in Latin America}, pp. 115-144. Montevideo: Fundación Cultura Universitaria, for Centro Interamericano de Desarrollo Económico y Social [CIDES, Organization of American States], and Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social [ILPES, CEPAL, United Nations].
1984 a Forced Resettlement and the Survival Systems of the Urban Poor.Ethnology[USA], vol.XXIII,No.3: 177-192.
1983 a La colonización agrícola alemana en Misiones {German Agricultural Colonization in Misiones}. Hispanorama [Bremen, Deutscher Spanishchleherverband], Special Issue: 47-49.
1983 b El papel de los programas de acción social en los procesos de relocalización compulsiva de población {The Role of Social Action Programs in Forced Population Resettlement Processes}.Revista Interamericana de Planificación [SIAP, México], vol.XVII, No.68: 115-131.
1982 b Panorama y perspectivas de la antropología social en la Argentina {Appraisal and Perspectives of Social Anthropology in Argentina}.Desarrollo Económico, vol.22, No.87: 409-420.
1982 a Base social e ideología en las movilizaciones agraristas en Misiones entre 1971 y 1975. Emergencia de un populismo agrario {Social Basis and Ideology in Misiones' Agrarian Movements between 1971 and 1975. The Emergence of an Agrarian Populism}. Desarrollo Económico, vol.22, No.85: 25-56.
1980 b Sobre el concepto de articulación social {On the Concept of Social Articulation}.Desarrollo Económico, vol.18, No. 78: 275-286.
1980 a La antropología en Argentina : problemas y perspectivas {Anthropology in Argentina: Issues and Perspectives}. América Indígena [México],vol. XL, No.2: 207-215.
1977 b Populismo y diferenciación social agraria: las ligas agrarias en Misiones (Argentina) {Populism and Agrarian Social Differentiation: the Agrarian Leagues in Misiones (Argentina)}. Caravelle [Cahiers du Monde Hispanique et Luso-Bresilien, U. of Toulouse, France], No.28: 141-165.
1977 a "Sistemas de actividad y estrategias adaptativas en la articulación regional y nacional de colonias agrícolas étnicas: el caso de Apóstoles, Misiones" {Activity Systems and Adaptive Strategies in the Regional and National Articulation of Ethnic Agricultural Settlements: the Case of Apostoles, Misiones}.In E.Hermitte y L.J.Bartolomé, editors,Procesos de articulación social [Buenos Aires: Amorrortu], pp. 257-281.
1975 Colonos, plantadores y agroindustrias. La explotación agrícola familiar en el sudeste de Misiones {Colonists, Planters, and Agroindustries. The Family Farm in the Southeast of Misiones}.Desarrollo Económico, vol.15, No.58: 239-264.
1973 Antropología y servicio social {Anthropology and Social Work}.Boletín de Informaciones [School of Social Work, Northeastern National University], vol.I, No.1: 4-6.
1972 Movimientos milenaristas de los aborígenes chaqueños entre 1905 y 1933 {Millenarian Movements among Chaco Indians between 1905 and 1933}. Suplemento Antropológico [Journal of the Catholic University of Asuncion, Paraguay], vol.7, Nos. 1 y 2: 107-121.
1971 b Políticas y redes sociales en una comunidad urbana de indígenas Toba: un análisis de liderazgo y brokerage {Politics and Social Networks in a Urban Toba Community: An Analysis of Leadership and Brokerage} .Anuario Indigenista [México], vol. XXXI: 77-97.
1971 a La experiencia estética ante la narración mítica {The Aesthetic Experience and Mythical Narrative}.Runa, vol.XII: 406-412.
1969 Problemas y métodos en la inducción al cambio tecnológico: análisis de un caso {Issues and Methods in the Promotion of Technological Change}. Etnía[Olavarría, Prov. of Buenos Aires], vol.I, No.11: 8-11.
1968 b El pensamiento mítico en la veterinaria folklórica {The Mythical Thought as Evidenced in Folk Veterinarian Practices}.Runa [Journal of the Anthropological Institute, National University of Buenos Aires], vol. XI: 71-92.
1968 a El simbolismo de asención en un juego infantil: la Rayuela {The Ascension Symbolism in a Children Traditional Game}. Boletín del Centro Argentino de Estudios Americanos, vol.1, No.1: 33-37.


1995 "Sustainable Development in the Mega-City: Can the Concept be made Applicable? (with CA discussion), by Unni Wikan. Current Anthropology, vol.36, No. 4: 635-655.
1984 Social Anthropology in Argentina: First Congress. Current Anthropology, vol. 25, No.2: 213-214.
1977 b [with C.A.Herrán] Social Articulation in Latin America. Current Anthropology, vol. 18, No. 3 : 531.
1977 a "Shifts in Production and Organization: a Cluster-Interaction Model", by B.J.Price. Current Anthropology, vol.18, No.2: 221.
1976 "Environmental Orientations: A Multidimensional Approach to Social Ecology", by Erik Cohen. Current Anthropology, vol. 17, No.1: 62-65.
1974 c Uncertainties in Peasant Farming: a Colombian Case, by Sutti Ortiz. Desarrollo Económico, vol. 14, No. 56: 295-300.
1974 b Structure and Process in Latin America: Patronage, Clientage and Power Systems, edited by A.Strickon and S.Greenfield. Revista Latinoamericana de Sociología,Nueva Series, No.1: 101-104.
1974 a La organización de la unidad económica campesina, by A.V.Chayanov. Desarrollo Económico, vol. 14, No. 54: 414-419.
1971 b "Computer simulation and Analysis of Problems in Kinship and Social Structure", by J.F.Gilbert and A.C.Hammel . Runa, Vol.XII: 458-459.
1971 a Motivi etnologici e di tradizione popolare nel The Waste Land di T.S.Eliot, by F.Alziator.Runa, vol.XII: 457-58.


2000 Bartolome, L. J., de Wet, C., Mander. H., Nagraj, V. K. 2000. Displacement, Resettlement, Rehabilitation, and Development, WCD Thematic Review I.3, prepared as an input to the World Commission on Dams, Cape Town, Published in CD ROM.
2000 (con Christine M. Danklmaier) The Experience with Dams and Resettlement in Argentina. Contributing paper prepared for WCD Thematic Review I.3. World Commission on Dams, Cape Town, <> Published in CD ROM .


2000 (with Christine M. Danklmaier) Movilizaciones sociales en torno la Proyecto Yacyretá (Posadas, Argentina). Technical Report for EBY.
1999 c (with Christine M. Danklmaier) Posadas y los impactos del Proyecto Yacyretá. Technical Report for EBY.
1999 b (with Chris de Wett and Harsh Mander) Displacement, Resettlement, Rehabilitation, Reparation and Development. WCD Thematic Reviews Social Issues I.3 . Cape Town, SA: World Commission on Dams.
1997 Ciencia, anticiencia y el fetichismo de la epistemología en Antropología. Las vestimentas del emperador en las ciencias sociales. {Science, Anti-Science and Fetichism of Epistemology in Anthropology. The Emperor's Clothes in the Social Sciences.} Paper presented at the V Argentine Congress of Social Anthropology, at the Round Table "Science, Technology and Society." La Plata, Pcia. de Bs. As., from 07/29 to 08/01/97.
1994b "Reservoir Population Resettlemment: A Regional Progress Report." A resource paper prepared for the Seminar on Reservoir Development and Management in the La Plata River Basin, organized jointly by UNCRD-ILEC-UNEP, as an integral part of the Second International Workshop on Regional Approaches to Reservoir Development and Management in the La Plata River Basin, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 16 to 19 August 1994.
1994a "Acerca de la existencia de una teoría de las relocalizaciones poblacionales" [On the existence of a population resettlement theory]. Paper presented to the Round Table on População, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, at the XIX Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Anthropologists, Niterói, Río de Janeiro, March 27-31, 1994.
1993 "Participation of the Affected Population in Resettlement Processes: The Case of Yacyreta (Argentina)".
1992 "Fighting Leviathan: the articulation and spread of local opposition to hydrodevelopment in Brazil". Paper presented at the 41st Annual Latin American Studies Conference: Involuntary Migration and Resettlement in Latin America, Gainsville, Florida, USA.
1991 "The Situation of Brazil in the Last Decade". Brasilia: Report prepared for the International Red Cross [MS].
1990a "Human Societies as Dissipative Structures: The Generation of a New Social Science Paradigm." [IFSSO Award]. Paper presented in absentia to the IXth General Conference of IFSSO, Tokyo, Japan.
1989b "Proyectos de desarrollo rural de base: significado y límites del éxito y del fracaso" [Rural Development Projects: Meanings and Limits of Success].
1989 a "Urban Relocation and the Yacyreta Project (Argentina)." A paper prepared for the Seminar on Involuntary Resettlement, organized by the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of the World Bank in conjunction with the Government of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, June 19-27, 1989. By invitation from the organizers. Was not delivered because of last-minute difficulties for attending the meeting.
1988 "Assessing Success in Rural Development Projects: Some Empirically-Drawn Considerations." Paper delivered at the Symposium on "Development Anthropology in Argentina and Paraguay", Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 16-20, 1988.
1987 b "Social Aspects of Population Resettlement in Latin America: The Urban Dimensions." A paper prepared by invitation from the World Bank, for the Training Course on "Involuntary Resettlement in Bank-Financed Projects", Annapolis, Maryland, USA, May 19-21.
1987 a "Pobreza y marginalidad en la Argentina"{Poverty and Marginality in Argentina}. Posadas: Instituto de Investigaciones, FHyCS, UNaM.
1982 b "Colonias y colonizadores en Misiones" {Colonies and Colonists in Misiones}. Posadas: Working Papers of the Research Institute, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones [Mimeo].
1982 a "Financiamiento de viviendas económicas para no propietarios a ser relocalizados por el Proyecto Yacyretá en Posadas" {Financing of Low-Priced Housing for Non-Owners to be Resettled by the Yacyreta Project in Posadas}. Posadas: Urban Program for Resettlement and Social Action (PRAS), Entidad Binacional Yacyreta [MS].
1979 b "Seguimiento y evaluación de los programas de acción social" {Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Action Programs}. Posadas: Urban Program for Resettlement and Social Action (PRAS), Entidad Binacional Yacyreta [MS].
1979 a [with C.A.Herrán, F.Lockett and R.H.Schamber] "Programa de relocalización y acción social urbano. Margen Argentina" {Urban Program for Resettlement and Social Action. Argentine Side}. Posadas: Urban Program for Resettlement and Social Action (PRAS), Entidad Binacional Yacyreta [MS].
1978 c [et al .] "Caracterización y diagnóstico socioeconómico de la población a ser relocalizada por la construcción del obrador y de la cabecera del Puente Internacional Posadas-Encarnación" {Characterization and Socioeconomic Diagnosis of the Population to be Displaced by the Construction of the Posadas-Encarnacion International Bridge}.Posadas: Center for Social Research, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones for Entidad Binacional Yacyretá. [MS]
1978 b [et al.] "Análisis socioeconómico y tipificación de la población de las zonas de inundación (Posadas): planteo de opciones y factores de decisión" {Socioeconomic Analysis and Classification of the Population of the Areas to be Flooded in the City of Posadas : A Proposal of Alternatives and Decision Factors}. Posadas: Center for Social Research, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones for Entidad Binacional Yacyretá. [MS]
1978 a [et al..] "Vivienda y trabajo en las zonas urbanas y periurbanas de Posadas a ser afectadas por la Represa de Yacyretá"{Housing and Work in the Urban and Suburban Areas of Posadas to be Affected by the Yacyreta Project}.Posadas: Center for Social Research, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones for Entidad Binacional Yacyretá. [MS]
1974 b "The Colonos of Apóstoles: Adaptive Strategy and Ethnicity in a Polish-Ukrainian Settlement in Northeast Argentina." Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms .
1974 a "Apóstoles: origen, evolución y crisis de la colonización agrícola europea en el sudeste de Misiones" {Apostoles: Origin, Development and Crisis of European Agricultural Colonization in Misiones Southeast}. Posadas: Working Papers of the Center for Social Research, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones [Mimeo.].
1971 "Namkom: The Social Ecology of an Urban Toba Community." M.A. Thesis in Social/Cultural Anthropology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. [MS]


1989 Translation to Spanish and technical edition of "Involuntary Resettlement in Development Projects: Policy Guidelines in World Bank-financed Projects", by Michael Cernea. Published by the World Bank as Relocalizaciones Involuntarias en Proyectos de Desarrollo. Lineamientos de políticas a ser aplicadas en proyectos financiados por el Banco Mundial[Washington: The World Bank, TD Nº 80S].


2000 vi congreso argentino de antropologia social. Mar del Plata, September 14-17, 2000. Member of the Academic Committee, Coordinator of the Work Group on Ecologic Anthropology and the Environment. Presentation of a paper.
2000 sao paulo workshop on dams, development and the environment, organized by the World Commission on Water Resources, Sao Paulo, Brazil, February 14-16, 2000. Invited lecturer.
1999 c iii Reunion de antropologia del mercosur (iii ram). Posadas, Misiones, Argentina, November 24-26, 1999. PRESIDENT.
1999 b congress of applied etic: problems of contemporary urban life. Buenos Aires, August 1999. Member of a panel.
1999 a workshop on resettlement issues in argentina and brazil. National Univerity of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina, February 26-28, 1999.
1997 d ii mercosur anthropology meeting, Piriapolis, Uruguay (November). Co-Chair of a Work Group. Presentation of a paper.
1997 c v argentine congress of social anthropology. La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, from 07/29 to 08/01/97. Invited presentation of a paper to a Round Table and commentator of papers, Work Commission on "Socioenvironmental Problems, Population Displacement and Resettlement."
1997 b meeting of specialists of the social sciences area. Organized by CAPES (Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brasil). Río de Janeiro, May 22 and 23.
1997 a seminar argentina-brasil and the formation of national identities; the view from the other. Organized by Fundación Centro de Estudos Brasileiros (FUNCEB), the Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG) and the Centro de Estudios Unión para la Nueva Mayoría. Buenos Aires, May 6 and 7.
1996 b international seminar on analysis of contemporary cultures fom the perspectiva of social and political anthropology.Organized by National University of Quilmen. Quilmes, Pce. of Buenos Aires, August 19 and 20, 1996. Participation in panels.
1996 a seminar from social articulation to globalization in latin american anthropology (in memory of esther hermitte) Buenos Aires, August 15-17, 1996, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (IDES). Invited speaker. Presentation: "On the concept of social articulation, again. History and perspectives of a concept."
1994 c international seminar on energy issues in the amazonia: evaluation and socio-environmental perspectives. Organized by the Universidade Federal do Pará, the Museu Paraense E. Goeldi and the Associação de Universidades Amazônicas. Bélem, Pará, Brazil, September 12-15. Invited presentation.
1994 b seminar on reservoir development and management in the la plata river basin, organized jointly by United Nations Centre for Regional Development-International Lake Environment Committee-United Nations Environment Program, as an integral part of the Second International Workshop on Regional Approaches to Reservoir Development and Management in the La Plata River Basin, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 16 to 19 August 1994. Presentation of a resource paper by invitation.
1994 a xix national meeting of the brazilian association of anthropologists, Niterói, Río de Janeiro, Brasil, March 27-31. By invitation from ABA. Presentation of a paper to the Round Table on População, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento .
1992 41st annual latin american studies conference on involuntary migration and resettlement in latin america, University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida. April 1-4. Honor Speaker. Paper read in absentia by Prof. Art Hansen.
1991 b x general conference of the international federation of social science organizations (ifsso), held in Brasilia (Brazil), December 9-13, 1991. Co-organizer of the meeting (from FLACSO). Presentation of a paper.
1991 a international workshop on regional approaches to reservoir development and management in the la plata river basin: focus on environmental and social aspects, Organized by UNCRD (Nagoya, Japan), ILEC (Otsu, Japan), UNEP (Nairobi, Kenya) and ORPALC (Mexico), São Carlos and Itaipu (Brazil) and Ituzaingo (Argentina), 5-16 August, 1991. Resource person and invited speaker. Presentation of a paper. Chairman of Work Group Nº 1.
1990 d seminar on poverty and social development projects , organized by GADIS, Buenos Aires, Auditorium of the Province of Buenos Aires Bank, May 30-31, 1990. Invited speaker.
1990 c constitutive meeting for the latin american anthropological association, Florianopolis, Brazil, April 9.
1990 b annual meeting of the brazilian anthropological association, Florianopolis, Brazil, April 8-11. By invitation from ABA.
1990 a International Seminar on Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos: a responsabilidade do antropólogo , organized by the Associaçâo Brasileira de Antropología (ABA), Campinas, Brazil, April 5-6, 1990. Presentation of a paper by invitation.
1989 seminar on research institutions and the social sciences in latin america, Brasilia, Brazil, May 2-7, 1989. Organized by FLACSO, CLACSO and the Brazilian Council for Scientific Research (CNPq). Invited in representation of Argentina's CONICET.
1988 e annual meeting of the american anthropological association, Phoenix, Arizona, November 16-20, 1988. Presentation of a paper (see p.7, item 9.4, entry 13).
1988 d vº international congress of research on the latin american jewry, organized by AMIA [Argentine Jewish Community] and LAJSA [Latin American Jewish Studies Association], Buenos Aires, August 14-19, 1988. Chairman for the round-table on "The insertion of national and ethnic groups in Argentina".
1988 b xxº international congress of anthropological and ethnological sciences, organized by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences [IUAES], Zagreb, Yugoslavia, July 24-August 1º, 1988. Presentation of a paper [see pg. 6, item 9.2, "in press", entry 3] and participation as Chairman of the Commission on Development Studies in Latin America [CDSLA] and member of the Argentine Delegation to the Permanent Council of the IUAES.
1988 a vº workshop on great development projects from a regional perspective: methodological tools for their evaluation, organized by CEUR [Argentina] and CIESU [Uruguay]. Posadas, Misiones, Argentina, May 30-31, 1988.
1987 b viiiº general conference of the international federation of social science organizations (ifsso] , Prague, Czechoslovakia, October 5-10, 1987. In representation of Argentina's National Council for Scientific and Technological Research [CONICET].
1987 a training course con involuntary resettlement in bank-financed projects . Organized and given for World Bank staff. Annapolis, Maryland, USA, May 19-21. Presentation of a paper.
1986 b Seminar on evaluation of environmental and health impacts in development projects , organized by the Paraguayan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Entidad Binacional Yacyreta, the Argentine-Paraguayan Commission for the Parana River (COMIP), and the Pan-American Health Organization (OPS). Ayolas, Paraguay, December 10-12. Coordinator.
1986 a II argentine congress of social anthropology , organized by the Department of Anthropological Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the National University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 6-9. Presentation of a communication on "Urban Poverty in Middle-Sized Cities: the POBUR Project in Posadas, Misiones". Participation in round-tables. Coordinator of the round-table on "The Role of the Social Sciences in the Creation of a New Federal Capital".
1984 d second new world conference on rescue archeology , organized by the Organization of American States and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Dallas, Texas, USA, November 15-17. Special guest and panelist. Paper delivered.
1984 c symposium on research policies in social anthropology , organized by the Argentine Association of University-Trained Anthropologists { Colegio de Graduados en Antropología }. Buenos Aires, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the National University of Buenos Aires, July 7. Panelist and dissertator.
1984 b First latin american and argentine symposium on urban anthropology (social marginality ). Co-organizer [with E.Hermitte]. Buenos Aires, Latin-American Faculty of the Social Sciences (FLACSO), June 20-22.
1984 a seminar on methodological issues in the evaluation of population resettlement components in hydroelectric projects, organized by CIDES and ILPES, with support from the National University of Misiones and the Entidad Binacional Yacyreta. Posadas, April 25-27. Paper delivered. Discussant.
1983 d complementary meeting to the Interamerican seminar on the social consequences of high dams in Latin America , organized by CIDES and ILPES. Buenos Aires: December 12-14. Dissertator.
1983 c first argentine congress of social anthropology, organized by the Department of Social Anthropology of the National University of Misiones. Posadas, Misiones, August 30-September 2. Panelist, dissertator, and coordinator for the symposium on Urban Anthropology.
1983 b xiº international congress of anthropological and ethnological sciences, Canada (Quebec City and Vancouver), August 14-25. Organizer of the symposium on Forced Resettlement and Urban Anthropology, paper delivered, and participation as Argentine Delegate to the Permanent Council of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences [IUAES].
1983 a Interamerican seminar on the social consequences of high dams in Latin America , organized by the Interamerican Center of Economic and Social Development[CIDES, Organization of American States], and the Latin American Institute of Economic and Social Planning [ILPES, CEPAL, United Nations], with support from the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank (BID). Buenos Aires: July 4-8. Paper delivered.
1982 iv meeting of interdisciplinary research, organized by the Sociology Department of the Argentine Catholic University. Buenos Aires: September 1-2. Paper delivered.
1979 technical meeting of anthropologists and archeologists from latin america and the caribbean area , organized by the Organization of American States and the Interamerican Indigenist Institute. Hacienda de Cocoyoc, State of Morelos, México. Paper delivered.
1977 meeting on graduate programs in social anthropology , organized by Brazilian universities with support from the Ford Foundation. Río de Janeiro, Brazil. As special guest and lecturer.
1976 third meeting of the work group on processes of social articulation, organized by the Latin American Social Sciences Council (CLACSO), with support from the Catholic University of Quito. Quito, Ecuador. Paper delivered.
1975 second meeting of the work group on processes of social articulation ,organized by the Latin American Social Sciences Council (CLACSO), with support from the Social Science Research Council (USA). Quito, Ecuador. Paper delivered.
1974 b seminar on the family farm in argentina , organized by the National University of Tucuman and the Latin American Social Sciences Council (CLACSO). Horco Molle, Tucumán. Paper delivered.
1974 a seminar on processes of social articulation , organized by the Torcuato Di Tella Institute with support from the Social Science Research Council (USA). Buenos Aires: paper delivered.
1972 Seminar on Regional Development , organized by the National University of Salta [Salta, Argentina]. Paper delivered.
1967 Seminar on Argentine Ethnology and Folklore , organized by the Anthropology Institute of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, National University of Buenos Aires. Paper delivered.


1998 "Evaluation of Social Projects". Graduate seminar taught at the M.A. Program in Management and Administration of Social Projects, National University of Misiones, Argentina.
1998 "Evaluation and Anthropological Practice". Graduate seminar taught at the National University of La Plata. La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1998 "Anthropological Perspectives". Lectures delivered at the National University of Austral Patagonia. Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz, Argentina.
1983/84 "The Human Family from an Inter Cultural Perspective". Several short courses taught as part of the Interamerican Courses on Social Issues , annually organized by the Interamerican Center of Economic and Social Development[CIDES, Organization of American States]. Buenos Aires.
1982 a " Appraisal and Perspectives of Social Anthropology in Argentina". Lecture given at the Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES),. Buenos Aires, August 3.
1982 b "An Appraisal of the Situation of Anthropological Studies in the 25th Anniversary of their Institution in Argentine Universities". Lecture given in representation of the Argentine Association of University-Trained Anthropologists {Colegio de Graduados en Antropología}, in opportunity of the celebration of the 25 Years of the Social Sciences in Argentina. Buenos Aires.
1981 "Hydroelectric Projects and Population Resettlement". Lecture given at the Institute for Sociological Research, Universidad Autónoma "Benito Juárez", Oaxaca, México. Oaxaca, January 29.
1974 "Economic Anthropology for Economists". Course taught at the Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES), Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Thesis Advisor to Estela Teresita Soto {Licenciado en Antropología Social degree, National University of Misiones, 1984}; Lic. Federico Neiburg {M.A. in Social Sciences, FLACSO, 1988; to Lic. Fernando G. Jaume {M.A. degree, FLACSO, 1987-89}; Luis Báez {Licenciado en Antropología Social degree, National University of Misiones, 1989}; Claudia M.H. Pini {Licenciado en Antropología Social degree, National University of Misiones, 1989}; Otilia G.M. Schiavone {Ph.D., National University of Buenos Aires, 1992}; Pablo Schamber {Licenciado en Antropología Social degree, National University of Misiones, 1993 and M.A. in Political Sciences, Patricios Institute, 1996}; Omar Mora Sade (Licenciatura en Antropología Social, UNaM, 1997); Lic. Carlos González Villar (Magister Scientae en Investigación Científica, UNER, 1998) ;Ana M. Rosato {Ph.D., National University of Buenos Aires, 1998}; Lidia Schiavoni (Magister Scientae en Investigación Científica, UNER, 1999); María Laura Yamaguchi (Licenciatura en Antropología Social, UNaM, 2000); Arq. Tito Morales (Maestría en Gerenciamiento de Programas Sociales, UNaM, 2000); Lic. Claudia Pini (Maestría en Gerenciamiento de Programas Sociales, UNaM, 2000); Lic. Aída Beatriz Wagner (MA in Bussiness Administration, School of Economic Sciences, UNaM, 2000); Lic. Gisela Spaciuk (Maestría en Gerenciamiento de Programas Sociales, UNaM, 2000); Prof. Victoria Báez (Magister Scientae en Investigación Científica, UNER, in progress); Lic. Mabel Braun (Maestría en Antropología Social, UNaM, in pregress); Lic. Olga Ndrico (Maestría en Antropología Social, UNaM, in pregress); Prof. Christine M. Danklmaier (Maestría en Antropología Social, UNaM, in pregress); Lic. Esther Lucia Schvorer (Maestría en Antropología Social, UNaM, in pregress); Lic. Brian G. Ferrero (Maestría en Antropología Social, UNaM, in pregress); Lic. Angela Darico (Maestría en Gerenciamiento de Programas Sociales, UNaM, in progress); Mgter. Alina Báez (Doctorado en Adiministración, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, UNaM, in progress); Ing. Domingo Velázquez (Doctorado en Adiministración, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, UNaM, in progress); Lic. Patricia Cabrera (Magister Scientae en Investigación Científica, UNER, in progress); Lic. Eva Okulovich (Magister Scientae en Investigación Científica, UNER, in progress); Lic. Ivonne Drisner (MA in Bussiness Administration, School of Economic Sciences, UNaM, in progress); Mgter. Omar A. Arach (Ph.D. in Social Anthropology, UNaM, in progress); Fernanda M. Figurelli (Licenciatura en Antropología Social, UNaM, in progress); Herberto Martínez (Licenciatura en Trabajo Social, UNaM, in progress); Ana Lucía Girardi (Licenciatura en Trabajo Social, UNaM, in progress).


Fellowship Director (CONICET) for: Lic. María R. Catullo [1984-88]; Lic. Estela T.Soto [1987-88]; Lic. Horacio Sabarots [1986-88]; Lic. Lidia del Carmen Schavoni [1987-88]; Lic. Ana M. Rosato [1984-88]; Dr. Otilia M. G. Schiavoni (Post-Doctoral Fellowship, CONICET, 1994-96); Dra. María R. Catullo (Research Incentives, UNLP, 1966-1998); Lic. Esther Lucía Schvorer (SI&P (UNaM), Graduate F. 1999-2001); Lic. Gisela Spaciuk (SI&P (UNaM), Graduate F. 1999-2000); Lic. María del Rosario Contepomi (SI&P (UNaM), Graduate F. 1999-2000); Lic. Marisa Monzón (SI&P (UNaM), Graduate F. 1999-2000); Lic. Omar Mora Saade (SI&P (UNaM), Graduate F. 1999-2000); Lic. Andrea Mastrángelo (CONICET, Graduate F., 1999-present); Prof. Christine M. Danklmaier (CONICET, Graduate F., 2000-present); Lic. Brian G. Ferrero (CONICET, Graduate F., 2001-present).
Research Career Director (CONICET) for: Dra. Elsa L. Pasteknik [1986-88]; Lic. Ana M. Rosato [1989-1991].


1985/2000 Participation as member of the Academic Juries constituted for the provision of tenured teaching positions at the National University of Buenos Aires, National University of the Northeast, National University of General Sarmiento, National University of Jujuy and National University of Cordoba, Argentina.
1986-2000 Member of several Doctoral, MA and Licenciature Dissertation Committees, National University of Buenos Aires and National University of Misiones.
1993-95 Member of the Department Council in representation of professors, Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones, Argentina.
1993-95 Member of the Research Council in representation of researchers, Research Institute, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of Misiones, Argentina.


Latin American Anthropological Association (ALA), founding member.

Colegio de Graduados en Antropología (Argentina), founding member.

American Anthropological Association, Foreign Fellow.

American Ethnological Society, Member.

Society for Latin American Anthropology, Member

Current Anthropology, Associate.

q International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), Individual Associate.

q American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, associate.


Applied Anthropology: Social Impact Analysis with special reference to hydroelectric and irrigation projects; population resettlement; colonization and agricultural development; anthropological practice and social interventions.

Economic Anthropology: social and economic development; domestic economy; the economics of the family farm; decision-making processes.

Urban Anthropology: social marginality; adaptive strategies; household and family organization; social networks.

General Anthropological Theory : non-equilibrium models in anthropology; chaos theory and the social sciences.


Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology [undergraduate level]

Economic Anthropology [both at undergraduate and graduate levels]

Seminar on Economic Anthropology [undergraduate level]

Social Anthropology I : Social Structure and Role Theory [graduate level]

Mathematical Methods in Social Anthropology [ graduate level ]

Seminar on Anthropological Praxis [ undergraduate and graduate levels ].

Thesis Seminars [Graduate level]

Seminars on Anthropological Theory [Graduate level]

Anthropological Ecology (Graduate level)

Seminar on Social Projects Appraisal and Evaluation
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PPAS, UNAM: (0054) 3752 426341 - Posadas, Misiones, Argentina