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Grand Master Fernando LOIO - History


Fernando Loio (PhD in sports science at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Master's degree in sport sciences in the specialty of sports training and Licentiate degree in sport by the Higher School of Education, Communication and Sport - Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (IPG),  and high grade (Grandmaster) in several Martial Arts and Combat Sports); founder of Pancrace, Free-Fight, MMA in Portugal and one of Pancrace / Free-Fight pioneers in Europe, has been involved with the true martial arts for over forty five years. He is one of the pioneers in Portugal of the Full-contact, Taekwon-do, Muay Thai, Kick-boxing, Submission / Ancient Wrestling, Hapkido and Boxing expert, graduated in 9º Dan by several world organizations and Grandmaster 10th Dan of Pankration (World Pankration Dan Ranking WPDR, WLP World League of Pankration) enshrined as member of Pankration Hall of Fame. Since early that he had dedicated to the competition and, during his competitive career, he became national, Iberian, European and world champion too many time; dedicating himself currently to teaching/coaching, researching, formation of champions and promotion of fighters and events, he holds innumerable international representations, awards, titles of merit and recognition attributed by prestigious organizations and masters of the whole world. He is president of the Portuguese Federation of Full-Contact, trainer at the Viseu Full-Contact Association, world-wide coordinator of the WUFC - World Ultimate Full-Contact, founder and the main promoter in Portugal of the Ultimate Full-contact, Pancrace, Free-Fight, Vale Tudo, MMA and technical director of Ultimate Full-Defense - Self-Defence and Security, Police and Military tactical Training.








Freestyle WAKO

F. LOIO - 1983

Taekwon-do WTF


has been champion many times of TKD, Full-contact and Pancrace /Free-Fight

F. LOIO - 1996

Ultimate Full-Contact/Vale Tudo


F. LOIO - 1979

Full-Contact / Boxing APFC


The fighters of FERNANDO LOIO TEAM / LOIO TEAM have travelled all across the World and won professional and amateur Tournament aftertournament proving and increasing their ability and skill. Fernando Loio has his Academy in Viseu, where he teaches and prepares many fighters at full time, from his experience and knowledge as Martial Arts Master and fighter (Over 100 bouts and multiple titles), he has trained and formed many World, European Iberian and National champions.


In 1970 Fernando Loio

  • begins training Martial Arts (kick, grappling, boxing, weapons) himself together his brother and some Friends.

In 1974 Fernando Loio

  • begins training Ho-Shin-Sull (Self Defence) and Taekwon-do with the Grand Master Chung Sun Yong

In 1975 Fernando Loio

  • begins competing in Taekwondo tournaments where becomes champion several times.

  • begins training the Full-contact.

In 1976 Fernando Loio

  • keeps always dedicating the competition.

  • created his first professional Full-contact Fighting Team "Boxe Americano Loyos Team".

  • won several tournaments.

In 1977 Fernando Loio

  • was APT taekwon-do national champion for the first time.

  • was in Brazil, studding and training Martial Arts during three months. 

  • meets Master Woo Jae Lee ( from: Dep. TKD da Confederação Brasileira de Pugilismo, Inst. da Esc. de Oficiais da Policia Militar, from regime de Choque and Direct. do Lee TKD Club) and others Martial Arts Masters in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Santos and São Paulo.

  • searches and trains weapons combat (I-YON BOM / NUCHACU, CHA-RU or TONFA and TU-KUM SUL - MILITARY KNIFE COMBAT and The Art of FILIPINO KNIFE FIGHTING with BALISONG ...).

  • starts training Luta Livre (Olympic wrestling) at SCP Sporting Clube Portugal (Master Norberto Silva).

  • member of international TKD competition Team under direction of GM Master Chung Sun Yong in SCP.

  • participated in the  International Championship Fiestas de La Mercee - Barcelona, Spain.

  • won several tournaments.

In 1978 Fernando Loio

  • was APT National TKD Champion and won several tournaments.

In 1979 Fernando Loio

  • participated in the 4th Taekwondo World Championship held in Ginbelfingen - Germany organized by Heinz Marx sanctioned by WTF under the direction of the President Un Yong Kim.

  • was APT National TKD Champion and won several tournaments.

In 1980 Fernando Loio

  • was APT National TKD Champion and won several tournaments.

  • starts training Boxing with Master / trainer Ricardo Ferraz at SCP Sporting Club Portugal

In 1981 Fernando Loio

  • was APFC national Full-contact champion for the first time.

  • was graduated as Taekwondo Monitor and Referee by Master Chung Sun Yong.

  • was APT National TKD Champion and won several tournaments.

In 1982 Fernando Loio

  • was APT National TKD Champion, APFC National Full-contact Champion and won several tournaments.

In 1983 Fernando Loio

  • had trained Boxing with Master Ferraz at SCP (Sporting Clube Portugal).

  • was APT National TKD Champion, APFC National Full-contact Champion and won several tournaments.

In 1984 Fernando Loio

  • opened his first school in Apelação (Lisbon) named Taekwon-do Chung-Do-Kwan.

  • was APT National TKD Champion, APFC National Full-contact Champion and won several tournaments.

In 1985 Fernando Loio

  • participated in the 6º Trofeu Internacional Vila de Madrid organised by Master Kim and the Grupo Korespaña.

  • was APT National TKD Champion, APFC National Full-contact Champion and won several tournaments.

  • was the first Portuguese to contact Howard Hanson and Benny Urquidez, Founder and President of the WKA (World Karate Association, now called the World Kickboxing Association)  in Wesminster - USA, keeping contacts with Fred Royers in Holland in the way to be WKA Portugal Representative.

In 1986 Fernando Loio

  • attends a  Competition and Seminar of Big Muay Thai / Boxeo and Taekwon-do  in Pontevedra Spain with Juan C. Ruiz and Ireno Fargas sanctioned by Federación Española de Boxeo and Dpto. Nacional de Kick-boxing (Muay-Thai)

  • was graduated 2º Dan's by WTF (World Taekwon-do Federation).

  • was graduated as official general teacher by CDAM (Comissão Directiva de Artes Marciais) at ISEF (Instituto Superior de Educação Fisica), under the direction of the National Defense Department, State-Major-General of Army Forces and Ministry of Education & Science with representation of Ministry of Interior Administration and Ministry of Justice.

  • attends a Martial Arts (Karate) Tactical Training with Master Raul Cerveira at ISEF, sanctioned by CDAM.

  • was graduated as Taekwon-do Instructor by Master Chung Sun Yong.

  • was graduated as Official Martial Arts Instructor and National Referee by CDAM (Comissão Directiva de Artes Marciais) at ISEF (Instituto Superior de Educação Fisica).

  • opened Loios Gym in Sta. Iria de Azóia (Lisbon).

  • was graduated 3º Dan's by WTF (World Taekwon-do Federation)

  • becomes Iberian Taekwondo Champion in São João da Madeira - Oporto

  • won several tournaments.

In 1987 Fernando Loio

  • participated in the 8º Trofeu Internacional Vila de Madrid organised by Master Kim and the Grupo Korespaña

  • received recognition of Merit from Master Chung Sun Yong as  testimony of the relevant services rendered to the development of Taekwon-do.

  • opened LOIOS ACADEMY in VISEU.

  • attends a Big Hapkido and Taekwondo Seminar with Master Lee Pill Yong.

  • won several tournaments.

In 1988 Fernando Loio

  • founded the ASSOCIAÇÃO LOIOS TAEKWON-DO PORTUGAL- ALTP (Ultimate Full Contact) , with combative grappling skills (Hap GI Yu Sull), combative trapping skills (Cha Pyo TA Sull) joint locking techniques (Kwan Jyel GI Sull), street self defence (Oh Shing Sull) from Hapkido, Pancracio and Wrestling / Grappling and all art of kicking and punching from Taekwon-do, Boxing, Full-contact and Muay Thai.

  • promotes the 1ST Feira S. Mateus Trophy - World Ultimate Full-Contact with fighters from Brazil and Portugal.

  • was ALTP Full-contact national champion.

  • won several tournaments.

  • attends with a Portuguese Team and the Brazilian Andre Alex Lima, the 6º International Taekwondo Championship in France.

In 1989 Fernando Loio

  • created the ASSOCIAÇÃO FULL CONTACT DE VISEU - AFCV and has been promoting Martial Arts Full contact events in Portugal since then, about eight events for year.

  • won several tournaments.

In 1990 Fernando Loio

  • was graduated 4º Dan's in Full-Contact and Kickboxing by FPF

  • with his team participate in the IX European Kickboxing Championships in Madrid - Spain sanctioned by WAKO.

  • with his team become national champion of Full-contact in Lisbon.

  • won several tournaments.

In 1991 Fernando Loio

  • attends a Big KickBoxing Seminar with Master Jean Paul Maillet President of WKA (World Kickboxing Association), receiving from him the National WKA Instructor Title.

  • participate in the World Championship in  London - England, sanctioned by WAKO ( World Association of Kickboxing Organisations).

  • won several tournaments.

  • meets Jean Frenette (Karate - Canada),  Marco Zorello (Kickboxing - Brazil) and Ennio Falsoni (WAKO President - Italy).

  • meets John Paul Mitchell and his USA National Karate Team.

  • with his team become national champion of Semi contact in Lisbon.

In 1992 Fernando Loio

  • becomes Iberian Champion of Full-contact.

  • with his team become national champion of Full-contact.

  • promotes the first National Pankration and Ancient Wrestling / Submission Championship in Portugal.

  • promotes the 2nd Feira S. Mateus Trophy -  Ultimate Full-Contact

  • becomes ALTP / AFCV National Champion of Ultimate Full Contact (Pancrace / Vale Tudo)

  • won several tournaments.

In 1993 Fernando Loio

  • with his team participate in the Iberian Full-contact Championship in Barcelona - Spain invited by Jose Luis Aroca, sanctioned by WKA.

  • with his team participate in the Full-contact Championship Portugal vs Belgium in Porto.

  • with his team become national champion of Semi contact in Figueira da Foz.

  • won several tournaments.

In 1994 Fernando Loio

  • with his team participate in ISKA World Full-Contact Championship in Kiev - Ukraine, invited by Alexey Nechaev.

  • was graduated 5 Dan's by ALTP.

  • won several tournaments.

  • attend the World Championships with their fighter's in Lausanne - Switzerland, invited by Jérôme Canabate sanctioned by ISKA (International Sport Kickboxing Association).

  • promotes the 3st Feira S. Mateus Trophy -  WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact

  • created a Martial Arts center in Imaculada Conceição College, where he has been teaching many kids up to now.

  • attends with some fighter's the Velada International Full-contact in Noia - Spain invited by Domingos Muiños.

In 1995 Fernando Loio

  • promotes a big International and the First Vale Tudo / Pancrácio and Ancient Wrestling / Submission Event in Viseu - Portugal.

  • won several tournaments.

In 1996 Fernando Loio

  • attends with some  Fighter's an International Full-contact and Kickboxing Tournament in Leon - Spain, invited by Santiago Bango sanctioned by WKA.

  • meets Javier Gonzalez Pelaez (President of the Federacion de Kickboxing del Principio de Asturias - Spain).

  • promotes a big International American Boxing / ValeTudo / Pancrace Gala with Indian and Portugal fighters.

  • begins to contact with International Mix Martial Arts Organizations like Vale-tudo, Free-Fight, Shootfighting and Pankration sanctioned bodies.

  • becomes International Champion of Pancrase / Vale Tudo

  • won several tournaments.

In 1997 Fernando Loio

  • officially Introduced  the Art of Pankration, Free Fight and Vale Tudo in Portugal, having already promoted eight International Pankration Events (FreeFight Full-contact) in Portugal, holding three European Champions and fifteen World Champions.

  • became European Champion of Full-Contact ITKBF, WUFC, WKL, WKU, WKC.

  • won several tournaments.

In 1998 Fernando Loio

  • Holding International representations to Portugal, namely: L'Union Internationale de Pancrace et Disciplines Assimilées - World Kickboxing Union - International Kickboxing Federation, World Vale Tudo Federation, collaborate with other Organisations as well.

  • brings Alby Bimpson (IKF European Rep.) from England to assist an International Full-contact Event in Viseu.

  • promotes the 4nd Feira S. Mateus Trophy -  WUFC Ultimate Full-Contact - European Titles with England and Portugal.

  • attends a Kung Fu Shaolin / Tai Chi Chuan / Wing-Chun Seminar by Master Fung Ying Shune.

  • attend with a big Loios Academy Team in the Boxing Tournaments, where all of his fighters become Champions.

  • was graduated in 6º Dan by the FPPFF.

In 1999 Fernando Loio

  • formed the National Federation «Federação Portuguesa de Pankration, Free fight, Full-contact - FPPFF»  with several collaborators. Coming from different combat sports like Grapplers, Boxers, Thai / kick boxers and from Traditional Martial Arts.

  • brings Steve Fossum (IKF President) from USA to assist an International Full-contact Event in Viseu.

  • promotes a big International Full-contact / ValeTudo and Ancient Wrestling / Submission Gala with USA, England and Portugal. 

  • promotes an International Gala with Spain and Portugal fighters.

  • brings Francisco Policarpo (IUPAD Vice President) from France to assist an International Pankration Event in Viseu.

  • promotes the 5nd WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact - Pankration and Ancient Wrestling / Submission Gala with Portugal, Pakistan, and France.

  • attends with some fighter's the European Championships  and rules meeting  in Merseyside - England, invited by Alby Bimpson sanctioned by IKF.

  • attend with some fighter's the World Kickboxing Championship in Altenburg - Germany, invited by Mario Hempert, sanctioned by WKU (World Kickboxing Union).

  • meets Fredric Rosenberg (Shootfighting - Sweden) and Muhammad Shafique Marllowe (Thai Boxing & Martial Arts - Pakistan). 

  • was elected President of the European Federation of Pankration with the headquarters in France and joint with L'Union Internationale de Pancrace et Disciplines Assimilées - UIPDA.

  • meets Manuel Martinez  Fernandez (Full-contact & Kickboxing - Spain).

  • meets Jan Gree (Kickboxing - Scotland).

  • becomes European Traditional Pankration Champion EFP, WVF, UIPDA, WUFC.

  • becomes World Traditional / Vale Tudo / Free-Fight Champion EFP, WVF, UIPDA, WUFC.

In 2000 Fernando Loio

  • promotes a big World Full-contact and Pankration Gala with Portugal, Spain and England fighters.

  • meets Mamede Soares (Ju-Jitsu -France) and Patrik Lebreton (Valetudo and  Pankration France).

  •  is also Portugal Representative of the World Kickboxing League and the World Profi Kickboxing Association.

  • attends with some fighter's the European Full-contact Championship in Zwolle - Holland, invited by Martin Van Emmen, sanctioned by WKU (World Kickboxing Union)

  • Participation in  the World Full-contact Championship in Brighton - England, sanctioned by IKF.

  • meets Franc Yarz  (Muay Thai -Spain) and Mike Gregory (Freefight - England).

  • is elected European CBKBT International Representative.

  • was elected President of the FEDERAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE PANKRATION, FREEFIGHT, FULL-CONTACT ( Portuguese Federation of Pankration, Freefight, Full-Contact).

  • was graduated 6º Dan (recognition of Rank) by Master Carlos Silva President of the CBKBT ( Confederação Brasileira de Kickboxing Tradicional) 

  • The both Associations, Associação Full Contact de Viseu and Associação Loios Taekwondo de Portugal together with the Master Fernando Loio establish the PORTUGUESE FEDERATION OF PANKRATION, FREE FIGHT, FULL CONTACT, with its Headquarters in Viseu.

  • receives in Viseu and has a meeting with Javier Peláez (President of the Federacion de Kickboxing del Principado de Asturias - Spain)

  • promotes the 6st WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact - Pankration Championship with France, Portugal and Spain.

  • becomes World Traditional / Vale Tudo / Free-Fight Champion EFP, WVF, UIPDA, WUFC.

In 2001 Fernando Loio

  • was graduated Magister Secvnda Rvdis in Paradosimos Pankration by Master Regis Renault President of IUPAD (L'Union Internationale de Pancrace et Disciplines Assimilées ).

  •  promotes a big International Full-contact and Pankration Gala with France, Spain, Italy and Portugal.

  • in quality of 7º Dan, received a honour title from Master Deffar Abdelkader from Republique Algerienne  Democratique et Popoulaire In manner of acknowledgments for his involvement WPKA Algeria in the different demonstration during the season 2000/2001. 

  • attend with some fighters the Velada International of Full-contact, Kickboxing, Boxing and Muay Thai in Barcelona - Spain, invited by Master Juan Albuixech.

  • promotes an International Full-contact Gala with fighters from Portugal,  Indian and Ukraine.

  • is the new European representative of the World Taekwondo League ( Professional Taekwondo Sanctioned Body).

  • meets Ponce (Kickboxing & Freefight -Spain).

  • promotes the 7 WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact  - Full-contact, Pankration and Ancient Wrestling / Submission with Spain, Ukraine and Portugal fighters.

  • is graduated  7º Dan of Kickboxing by WKL.

  • becomes World Traditional Pankration / Vale Tudo / Free-Fight Champion EFP, WVF, UIPDA, WUFC In the World Championship with Fighters from France, Portugal, Ukraine, Russia, and Indian.

In 2002 Fernando Loio

  • Attends with his team at La Noche de los Gladiadores in Tarragona - Spain, invited by Rafa Martin, sanctioned by FIDAM.

  • Attends with his team at the  Kickboxing Explosion in Kent - England sanctioned by WKU, and invited by Colin Paine.


  • sent a Portuguese team from ACADEMIA LOIOS  - VISEU to assist the International Seminar  of Full-contact, Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Pankration - Vale Tudo in BRASIL  - Rio de Janeiro sanctioned by CBKBT - GO and  WKL under the direction of Master Carlos Silva and Master Guilherme Bringel.

  • is elected with the Title of  the Confederação Brasileira de Kick Boxing Tradicional - Global Organization HALL OF FAME Membership ( Grand Masters, Head Founders, Head Families, Sokeship Council).

  • becomes as part of the CBKBT - GO GRAND - MASTERS COUNCIL in the USA, Brazil and Spain, approved and authorized by Master Carlos Silva (10º Dan USKA / WKL).


  • receives the Honouree Title  and is elected with the position of Ambassador in Portugal of the Martial Arts Association with Headquarter in Germany by the Headmaster Bernd Hohle. 

  • Attends with his team at the  Full-Contact International Event in Rochester - England sanctioned by WKU, and invited by Colin Paine.

  • promotes an International  Full-contact and Ultimate Full-Contact / Pancrace, Vale Tudo Event with fighters from Russia,, Brazil, France, India and Portugal sanctioned by IUPAD and WKL.

  • promotes the 8st World Ultimate Full-Contact / Pancrace/Vale Tudo Championship and European Full-Contact Championship sanctioned by UIPDA and WKL, with fighters from France, Russia and Portugal.

  • meets Américo Silva (Responsible for Kickboxing Self Defense of the FFKB  and  FIBD/DA President ) and Nadine Fondevilla (K.B.F.C.M President)

  • was honoured with a belt of merit and also with the recognition of graduation 8ºDan by the National and World Federation,  as  the pioneers' of Full-Contact  in Portugal and great propulsor of the modality.

  • receives in Viseu and has a meeting with Francis Hamdaoui (Sport Director of the Federation de Kick - Boxing - France).

In 2003 Fernando Loio

  • promotes the WKL - WUFC European Full-Contact Championship with 9 fighters from France and the WUFC - UIPDA Rules ULTIMATE Full-contact Championship.

  • brings  Mario Hempert (WKU President) from Germany to assist an International Full-contact Event in Viseu.

  • promotes  promotes the 9st WUFC Ultimate Full-Contact - Feira S. Mateus WUFC / WKU - International Prestige Full-Contact Fight and the WUFC - UIPDA Rules ULTIMATE Full-contact Championship with fighters from Germany, France, Russia and Portugal.

  • Attends with his team at WKU Pro European Full-Contact Championship in Rochester - England  and meets Colin Paine.

  • Attends with his team at WKU International Prestige Full-Contact Championship in Essex - England  and meets Steve Kerridge.

  • receives in Viseu and has a meeting with Octavio Heras (Jefe Departamento Baston Policial in Academia de Policial del Pais Vasco - Spain), Phillipe (Professional Security & FIBD/DA Instructor - France) and Américo Silva (FIBD/DA Founder - France / Portugal).

  • Attends with his team at WKU Pro European Full-Contact Championship in Cologne- Germany.

  • attends a Military and Security Forces Martial Arts Tactical training unarmed (Hand to Hand Combat) and armed (Knife, Bayonet, Tonfa and Firearms) in Germany.

  • is recognized officially as Legitimate Founder of Ultimate Full-contact by the Council of Worldwide Grandmasters of World Headmaster and Sokeship Union and recognised by the MAA and International Grandmaster Committee as Grandmaster with the graduation of 8º Dan.

  • is recognized member of the International Connection of Bodyguards & International Security Service in Germany, has attained the required standard of Military & Police MA - Tactical Trainer.

  • ministers and instructs special courses of self-defense, security / body guards, military and police tactical trainer with and without weapons to groups of private and public security agents.

  • has attained the required standard of Martial Arts Expert by the Martial Arts Education Institute.

  • is awarded 8º Dan  in the Art of Taekwon-do and Master-Instructor in the Arts of Savate (Silver glove) and Muay Thai (KHAN 13)  in Germany and USA.

  • is recognized member of the Special Operations Research & Development Group "BLACK BERETS COMMANDO"- Special Forces Combat / Office of Strategy and Tactics for Military Affairs, has attained the required standard of MILITARY COMBAT HAND TO HAND Instructor.

In 2004 Fernando Loio

  • promotes the 10 WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact / Pancrace/Vale Tudo Championship  sanctioned by UIPDA and WUFC, with three big teams from France, Spain and Portugal.

  • meets Fred Rado (France - FAST Pancrace ), Dersu Lerda and Antonio Tello (Spain - ALIANZA MMA VALETUDO TEAM) and Izrailtyanko Sergey (Russia - Kung Fu Uchu Sanda).

  • promotes  WKU - International Prestige Full-Contact Fight and the WUFC - FPF Portugal SUPER - HEAVYWEIGHT Title with fighters from England, Russia and Portugal.

  • meets Trevor Spencer (England Full-contact Trainer and Promoter).

  • is qualified member of the International Security Service / Association as Tonfa expert instructor and Personal Protection.

  • has attained the 8º Dan (Thai -Kick - Boxing)  in the International Thai Kick Boxing Association recognised as well by Katsukumaryu Federation - World Martial Arts Weapons Federation, Master  Hessmann - Der Deutsche Kampfkunst Verband, Master Jorg Digulla - World Kickboxing Council, Sifu M. O. Badura - Chinese Kung Fu Connection / International Shaolin Kung Fu Federation and World Boxing Union.

  • has attained the recognition of 4º Dan in Hapkido by Chong Hoshin Sul Mu Do Kwan / KOREA Mu Do Hapkido Federation by Master Koon-Sa Nim 7º Dan Czerwionka Poland.

  • promotes  WKL - WUFC European Full-contact Title, with fighters from Ukraine  and Portugal.

  • is awarded as "Combat Self Defence Trainer of the Year 2004" by the PRACTICAL COMBAT in England founded by Simon Revell member of the Cobra Martial Arts Association.

  • is awarded "Grandmaster of the Year" from US HALL OF FAME of the International Genkotsu-Ryu Honbu Federation.

  • is awarded 8º Dan by (IBA) International Budo Association and its European director D. Blanchet.

  • is awarded with the degree of DOCTORATE in Philosophy of Martial Arts and appointed as ambassador of the International University of Martial Arts Sciences in Portugal from USA and IRAN.

  • Attends with his team at WKU Pro European Full-Contact Championship in London- England.

  • Attends with his team at PLP Cup of Challenge - Ultimate Full-contact - Professional Pancrase Tournament in Barnaul- Russia and meets Mr. Vladimir Klenshev (PLP World President).

  • is appointed as ambassador of The Professional League of Pankration in Portugal by its President Mr. Vladimir Klenshev in Russia.with a FPFPortuguese team participate at KOArena - Vale Tudo in Valencia- Spain  and meets Lautaro and Antonio Tello.

  • is nominated Portugal Representative for Pankration Athlima by the European Union of Pankration Athlima EUPA and International Federation of Pankration Athlima  IFPA in Greece.

  • has attained the required standard of Internation Expert in Tonfa by the Fédération International de Bâtons de Défense et Disciplines Associées F.I.B.D. / D.A. in France, recognized by Ministère du Travail and Ministère Jeunesse et Sports.

  •  is promoted to the rank of 8º Dan (Hachidan) by  (YGKI) Yamaguchi Karate International recognised by Andhra Pradesh Olympic Association and member of Indian Olympic Association and Sports Authority of A. P. India.

  • is nominated member for Portugal of the Yamaguchi Karate International of India by Master S. Mahmood Mohiuddin and its founder Grand Master R. K. Krishna.

  • Attends with his team at Spain Valetudo, K-1, meets Pablo Sanchez (Spain Valetudo and K-1).

  • meets Pablo Espejo from KO Arena (Valencia), Manu Garcia (Asturias), Juan Garcia (Mallorca) and many other Spain trainers and promoters.

  • is awarded the Coach of the highest category by the Professional League of Pankration - Dublin / Ireland and Barnaul / Russia.

  • is awarded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - "Prince Special Council" under the signatures of his Royal Highness Prince Al - Montaser Bin Saud Al - Saud, Prince Mosaaed Bin Ahmed Al-Sudeiri, Sheikh/ Dr. Ali Bin Atiq Al-Atiq and Prof. M. I. Tianero, Soke, Ph.D.Ma.

  • Attends with his team at K.O.Arena 2 in Málaga / Spain and meets the Chute Boxe - Alianza MMA - Wanderlei Silva Team in Spain.

  • meets David Armendariz - Renzo Gracie European representative (Jiu Jitsu), Miguel Benaque (ValeTudo Reus Team) and Juan Carlos Portillo (ValeTudo Defensa Personal).

  • receives the grade equivalence of 7º Grau (Red and Black Belt) in Jiu Jitsu / Vale Tudo from the Organização de Artes Marciais Brazilian Jiu Jitsu / Vale Tudo.

  • meets Lars Besand (Denmark Valetudo/Ultimate Full-contact) and Thomas Henrichsen (Denmark Valetudo/Ultimate Full-contact).

  • is awarded with the Certificate of the Year by World Physical Health Development, Martial Arts Authority of India and Chinese Wushu KungFu Federation of India under the signature of Mr.Gajanand B. Rajput.

  • promotes an International Event of Full-contact, Submission, First-contact and Soft-contact with 17 Fights between the France Team and Portugal Team.

  • meets Da Silva José and Chaves José (managers of the F.I.A.G.F. in Annecy - France).

  • promotes an International Event of Submission Full-contact / Ancient Wrestling and Ultimate Full-contact / Vale Tudo / Traditional Pancration with fighters from Spain, Argentina and Portugal.

  • ministers and instructs special courses of self-defense, security / body guards, military and police tactical trainer with and without weapons to groups of private and public security agents.

  • receives the grade 5º Dan  in Karate Shotokan of the Fédération Camerounaise de Karaté et Disciplines Affinitaires FECAKADA and L'Union des Fédérations Africaines de Karaté recognized by Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports and the World Karate Federation, under the signature of Me Yamthe Jonas.

  • is recognized member of the Military Special Force Close Combat, has attained the required standard of Military Close Combat - empty hands and with knife (Combat, Tactical, shoot, and Bayonets).

  • is graduated with the ranks of: Security-Police & Military Tactical Trainer, Security Close Combat Expert Instructor and Bodyguard & Security Personel Instructor of the ISS and ICB.

  • receives the grade 8º Dan in Kenpo & Kickboxing of the Agni Kenpo Organization of Iran & All Styles Kick Boxing Organization of Iran  recognized by World Head of Family - Sokeship Council, under the signature of Seyed Hossein Moghadasi.

  • receives the BUDO MASTER AWARD from Germany.

  • Attends with his team at International Best Fighter IV - MMA / Vale Tudo and Submission fights in Oviedo - Spain with Teams of Bolivia, Spain and Portugal.

  • is graduated by Portuguese RED CROSS.

  • Attends with his team at International Tournament of Honour in Free-Fight "Water of Peresvit" in Kyiv - Ukraine, with Teams of Japan, Russia, USA, Ukraine and Portugal.

  • meets Igor Vovchanchyn (PRIDE Great Fighter), Keiichi Enami (Japan), Mikio Takeuchi (Japan), Darrell Parrish (USA), Mike Mendoza (USA), Bogdam Khmelnitsky (Ukraine), Serhiy Antropov (Ukraine) and Andriy Starovoyt (Ukraine).

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of IFMA-FF International Federation of Martial Arts - Free-Fight - Ukraine.

  • promotes the UIPDA / WUFC World Championship /04 in Submission Full-contact / Ancient Wrestling, Thai Full-contact / Pugilat and Ultimate Full-contact / Vale Tudo / Traditional Pancration with fighters from Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, France, Brazil and Portugal.

  • receives the Honory Title  and is elected with the position of Ambassador in Portugal of the World Turan do Association WTA with Headquarter in Azerbaijan by the Master Suleyman Mammadli (10º Dan).

  • is graduated with 8º Dan of Turando ( the native Combat Martial Art of Azerbaijan), under the signature of Master Suleyman Mammadli.

In 2005 Fernando Loio

  • is awarded with the WOMA USA and World Organizer of Martial Arts WOMA SPORTS Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia authorized International Instructor's Title and the Rank of Grandmaster - 9º Dan recognized by World Soke Head Council of Japan - International Council of Masters and Granmasters under the Grandmasters signatures of: Shi Gung Brandon F. Sudario, Sijo, Professor M. I. Tianero, Soke, PhD MA and the Sheikh / Ali Bin Atiq Al-Atiq.

  • is recognize as Special Security member of the International Security Services Association and International Member of Police and Law Enforcement & Military Combat Training from Police & Military Combat Close Quarter Association under the signatures of: Roger E. Esperanza (License Private Security issued by Philippine National Police), Rashid Al-Shammari (Saudi Police Officer and Law Enforcement), Meeshal Al-Enezi (Saudi Military Special Marine Forces Director) and Prof. Dr. M. I. Tianero, PhD MA (International Marshal Association HongKong).

  • formed the company ULTIMATE FULL-DEFENSE (Combat Arts) Academy of Martial Arts, Self Defense and Security, Police and Military Tactical Training.

  • is awarded with the "President's Award" from the USA President's Council and USA Freedom Corps by the White House in Washington.

  • is awarded with the "Sportive Award" by the Sports Awards Commission - Germany.

  • is associated with the Shooting Club "Sociedade de Tiro Nº2 de Lisboa" - Grupo Pátria, founded in 1893.

  • is awarded with the Title of Honorable Grandmaster by the International Grandmaster Society.

  • is appointed as Portugal representative / president of Korean Mu Do Kwan - International Moo Sul Tae Kwon Do Federation - Shim Duk Mu Ki Do - Jung Do Kumdo - Korean Hap Ki Do.

  • Attends with his team at FIAG International Martial Arts Championship in France - Annecy, where André Batista (Academia Loios - Viseu) become Champion.

  • was as honour guest at the 12 º TOURNOI INTERNATIONALE D' ARTS MARTIAUX realized in Annecy - France.

  • meets the Masters: Feodor Tamarsky (Karate - Switzerland & France), Mauro Latini (Full-contact La roche sur Foron) and Hervé Gheldman(Kombat-Sambo - Switzerland).

  • is appointed as WOMA Portugal representative, International Chairman-president of the World Organizer of Martial Arts and member of the World Presidency Council.

  • is authorized in precision shooting by MAI / National Direction of Police and is accepted as member of the Portuguese Federation of Shot.

  • Attends with his team at World MMA Championship in Tenerife promoted by the World Fighting Promotion, International event also with Titles fights in Kickboxing and Muay Thai sanctioned by CEK, FEAM and WAKO.

  • meets Murilo Ninja, Xavi Moya, Raul Gutierrez, Fabricio Werdum, Chinto Mordillo, Nourredin Blal Albettah and Carlos (ACAD).

  • attends a CHUTE BOXE Seminar with Murilo Ninja (Wanderlei Silva Team - Brasil) in Tenerife.

  • with fighters from Russia and Switzerland (Fernando Loio Team) participate at WKL World Full-contact Championship in Terrassa / Spain promoted by the Q Wellness, International event also with Titles fights in Kickboxing and Muay Thai sanctioned by CEK and WKL.

  • meets José Garcia (Q Wellness Team - Spain).

  • promotes the 11 WUFC Ultimate Full-Contact - Feira S. Mateus - UIPDA / WUFC European Championship /05 in Ultimate Full-contact / Vale Tudo / Traditional Pancrase with fighters from Moldova, Ukraine, France, England, Belgium and Portugal. Fernando Loio meets Lee Johnstone (UKMMAC - England) and Jugurtha Zafrane (Impactu Team - France).

  • with his team participated at the EVT "Phoenix" European Vale Tudo - Grand Prix in Stockholm - Sweden, meets Marko Ervasti, Carl Otto Knudsen (EVT Team).

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of LAOFIMAA / International Martial Arts Association in Puerto Rico under the direction of Master Luis A. Ortiz.

  • Attends with his team at the MMA Velada in Madrid - Spain and meets Alvaro Sánchez (Spain).

  • is appointed as WTMAF Portugal representative with the Title of Grand Master 9th Dan by World Tebma Martial Arts Federation in Afghanistan under the direction of Masters Rasool Rezaee and Shaker Saberi.

  • with his team participate at Tournoi international de Full-contact & Kick-boxing in Martigny - Suisse promoted by kick-boxing club Martigny par Michel Bossetti.

  • with his team participate at World Extreme Fighters Championship in Essex - England promoted by UKMMA.

  • with his team participate at Total Impact - International Full-contact Tournament in Rochester promoted by WKU England.

  • meets the Bob Schreiber (Netherlands).

  • is appointed as Portugal representative and Portugal President of the World Taekuk Musul Federation by GrandMaster Prof. Dr. Suk Ku Kim.

  • with his team participate at Tournament of honour in Free-Fight "Wind of Peresvit" in Kyiv - Ukraine.

In 2006 Fernando Loio

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of WSDA World Self Defense Association in Romania.

  • with his team participate at World Professional Kickboxing Championship in Tarremolinos - Spain and meet Antonio Postigo and Antonio Ginés (Shark Boxing).

  • with his team participate at The Best Fighter V- Submission & Ultimate Full-Contact / Vale Tudo in Oviedo - Spain.

  • with a team of FPFullcontact participate at The 15º International Germany Cup - First-contact in Lübeck - Germany.

  • with his team participate at The International Ground Challenger for Kids at the Municipality School Wemmel - in Brussels / Belgium where André Batista, Óscar Nave and Vitaliy Kalynyuk become Champions, meets Alain Leroi (BLESDA) and Edmond Carda (MI).

  • with his team participate at The Octogono Tournament at the Castillo San Miguel - in Tenerife, meets Israel e Cláudio (WFP).

  • with his international team participate at The World Cup in Barnaul - Siberia Russia, sanctioned by Professional League of Pankration PLP and World Ultimate Full-Contact WUFC.

  • promotes the UIPDA / WUFC World Championship /06 in Ultimate Full-contact / Vale Tudo / Traditional Pancrase with fighters from Moldova, Ukraine, France, England, Brazil, Czech Republic and Portugal. Fernando Loio meets Loic Pora and Michal Hamršmíd.

  • is the new Coordinator of the WPTC World Professional Taekwondo Circuit in European Continent.

  • is the new President of the WPTL World Professional Taekwondo League and Vice-President of the World Combat Taekwondo Association with the headquarters in Russia / Azerbaijan.

  • is appointed as part of the administration of the World Universal Combat Arts Association in Azerbaijan.

  • promotes the World Ultimate Full-Contact - Free Fight Championship /06 co-sanctioned by IFMA-FF, WUFC and PLP with the teams from Moldova, Ukraine, France, England, Brazil, Czech Republic, Monaco, Russia, Belgium and Portugal, Andriy Starovoyt (IFMA-FF President), Aleksandr Shabotinskiy (PLP International President), Serhiy Antropov (IFMA-FF International President), Fernando Loio (WUFC Worldwide Coordinator) and the international referees: Netyaga Vigtaliy (Ukraine), Andrey Elenkin (Russia), Julien Zafrane (France) assisted the event.

  • is appointed Portugal Representative of the WOMA World Organizer of Mixed Martial Arts.

  • meets Ludovic Bouvin (Shooto and ADCC Belgium).

  • meets Andranik Ashugyan (Legion Anapa Russia)

  • is awarded as High level promoter by IFMA-Free-Fight (Ukraine) and with the Honor and merit medal by PLPankration (Russia).

  • with his team participated at the EVT "Rebels" European Vale Tudo in Stockholm - Sweden.

  • with his team participated at the World Professional Championship PLP - WUFC in Novosibirsk - Russia.

  • meets Alexei Zhernakov (Rusfighters), Anatoly (Russia Pankration)

  • with his team participated at the IFMA-FF Fire of Peresvit & Grand Prix in Kyiv - Ukraine.

  • meets Zou Guo jun (Beijing wu shu) and Viacheslav Owsiannikov (World Full Contact Association - Baltic)

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of Golden Belt Association in England.

In 2007 Fernando Loio

  • with his team participated at the KOarena 6 " Hight Tension" in Gran Canaria

  • with his team participated at the Copa Cantabria FIDAM in Spain, where two young fighters (Oscar Nave and Vitaliy Kalynyuk) became Vice-Champions, wining two fights each one.

  • promotes the International Tournament "Full-Contact Fighters 1" WUFC / WKL / WKU European Titles with fighters from Brazil, Ukraine and Portugal.

  • is appointed as Portugal official representative of ISKA International Sport Kickboxing Association.

  • with his team participated at the WKU European Full contact Championship in London - England.

  • promotes the International Tournament "Full-Contact Fighters 4" - the European Full contact Title, World female Full contact Title and Intercontinental Ultimate Full contact Title with fighters from France, Brazil and Portugal.

  • with his team participated at the Best Fighter 6 - WUFC European Ultimate Full contact Championship in Oviedo - Spain.

  • with his team participated at the European Tour ISKA - WKA in Valence - France, where his team had eleven first places and meets Thierry Muccini (ISKA - WKA France President) and David Bouain.

  • with his team participated at the GBMA Golden Belt Show Down in Birmingham - England, where one of his fighters Mauro Amaral Draws andmeets Mike Fowles and Steve Gosden (UK Great promoters).

  • with his team participated at the UKMMAC Cage Fighters in London - England.

  • with his team participated at the UFC Ultimate Fight Championship Karlovy Vary in Czech Republic.

  • is appointed as Portugal official representative of the World organizations: WASKO World All Style Kickboxing Organization, WFFO World Free Fighting Organization, WAMO World All Martial Arts Organization and the WCDA World Close Defence Art Association.

  • with his team participated at the Campionat del Món Full-contact WKL in Manlleu, Barcelona - Spain.

  • with his team participated at the GBMA Golden Belt European Amateur Championship in Manchester, St. Helens - England and meets Ronnie Green (World Muay Thai Expert) and Mark Wilson (UK Great promoter).

  • is appointed as Portugal official representative of the World Kick-Boxing Corporation WKBC.

  • with his team participated at the CLOSED FIGHTS in Valencia - Spain, where one of his fighters Mauro Amaral Draws.

  • promotes the WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact Championship /07 co-sanctioned by PLP, UIPDA, EFP, UKMMAC, GBMA, IFMA-FF, WUFC, WKU and WKL with the teams from Dagestan Republic, Russia, Ukraine, France, England, Brazil, Czech Republic, Italy,  Sweden, Angola, Switzerland, Belgium and Portugal, meets Amirhanov Magomed (Russia Mix Fight).

  • with his team participated at the KO Bahia in Santander and meets Ivan Perujo (Vale Tudo Spain).

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of The organizations: World Full-Contact Karate Association, International Independent Kyokushin karate federation and International Simmey-do Karate Federation in Ukraine.

  • with his team (6 Fighters) participated at the International Golden Belt Championship in Liverpool - England.

  • with his team participate at the International Tournament of honour in Ultimate Full contact / Free-Fight "Star of Peresvit" in Kyiv - Ukraine, meets Armen Danelyan (Russia "Legion" President) and Bob Schreiber (Netherland Team).

In 2008 Fernando Loio

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of The World Martial Arts Friendship Society.

  • is elected official member of the Kingdom Martial Arts Institute by its founder - Director Master Ali Atiq Al-Atiq.

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of the International Wushu Kung Fu Times Magazine.

  • with his team participated at the Closed Fights in Valencia - Spain.

  • promotes the WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact Title 83Kg at the Warriors Arena in Porto - Portugal.

  • with his team participated at the Cage Fighters Championship in London - England.

  • with his team participated at the Absolute Adrenaline - Vendetta - IKF European Title in Bournemouth - England, meets Carl Sams and Pete Foley.

  • with his team participated at the World Championship Full-contact - GBMA in Brighton - England.

  • with his team participated at the Hell Cage in Praha -  Czech Republic, meets Dan Severn (USA) and the team Mirko Crocop (Croatia), his trainerMarijan Zizanovic and fight partner Igor Pokrajac.

  • with his team participated at the IKF Last Challenger in Rochester - England, meets the Team Morello (USA).

  • with his team participated at the ISKA W5 Championship “Battle of the Volga” in Tver - Russia.

  • Promotes an International WUFC Event "Full Contact Fighters KX4 in Castanheira de Pêra with fighters from Czech Republic and Portugal

  • promotes the WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact Championship - Feira S. Mateus 2008 co-sanctioned by PLP, EFP, UIPDA, UKMMAC, IFMA-FF, WUFC, WKU and WKL with the teams from Dagestan Republic, Russia, Ukraine, France, Moldova, England, Brazil, Belgium, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Spain and Portugal.

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of the Martial Arts Health & Fitness Association in Germany.

  • is appointed as Portugal representative of the European Federation Koroho in France and Japan.

In 2009 Fernando Loio

  • is awarded Grand-Master in Muay Thai (Khan Sib Hah - Arjarn Yai) and Black Belt 9th Dan in Kickboxing by the BMTA Brazil Muay Thai Association (Official representative of Chakuriki ICO founded by the Grand Master Thom Harinck - Holland), CBKT Confederação Brsileira de Kickboxing & Thaiboxing and FMMT Federação Mineira de Muay Thai.

  • Is appointed as CBKT and BMTA Exclusive Portugal Representative by the Shihan Carlos Silva and the CBKT President Jarbas Junior.

  • Promotes an International WUFC Event "Full Contact Fighters 7" in Santa Comba Dão with fighters from France, Brazil, Ukraine and Portugal

  • with his team participated at the K1 Scandinavia “Rumble of the Kings Qualification Tour 2009” in Norrköping - Sweden

  • is awarded Grand-Master with 10th Dan by the Martial Arts Olympic Committee Organization, World JFC Federation and Martial Arts National United  Union, is also appointed President and representative of those organizations in Portugal by Grand Masters Gilberto Pauciullo (Italy) and Abdolreza Sh Farahani (Iran).

  • with his team participated at the Euskadi Fighters Champinship in Bilbao - Spain

  • with his team participated at the international Gala "Homenaje a Nai Khanom Tom" in Barcelona - Spain

  • Promotes in Viseu the WUFC Intercontinental event "Full Contact Fighters 8" with fighters from Brazil and Portugal

  • with his team participated at the Hell Cage Championship in Prague - Czech Republic

  • with his team participated at the Battle of Botnia in Umea - Sweden.

  • with his team participated at the World Full-Contact Championship - History in the Making GBMA & WKF" in Newark - England

  • with his team participated at the international Gala GBHardcore GBMA Initiation in Liverpool - England

  • promotes the 15 WUFC World Ultimate Full-Contact Championship - Feira S. Mateus 2009 co-sanctioned by PLP, EFP, UIPDA, IFMA-FF, IF FCF, FPRD

  • with his team participated at the Méga Tournoi Elite – Superfights K 1 in Martigny - Switzerland

  • organize a Mix Fight and Russian Wrestling seminar with Tashuev Rustam

In 2010 Fernando Loio

  • promotes the 5th Gala Intercontinental WUFC - Desafio Vale Tudo, Brazil Vs Portugal

  • is awarded with the Golden Glove and K 1 Awards by MAA Awards Committee

  • with his team participated at the M-1 Selection Western Europe promoted by M-1 Global in Hilversum - Holland.

  • with his team participated at the ZONE FC 6 "Evolution" in Lisebergshallen, Gothenburg - Sweden.

  • with his team participated at the Superior Challenge 5 - Pride & Fury in Stockholm - Sweden.

  • with his team participated at the Championnat du Monde Muay Thai WUFC - The Last Fight in Martigny - Switzerland

  • was main International Supervisor at the WUFC Promotion in Switzerland.

  • with his team participated at the Golden Fist of Russia - PLP Professional rules in Moscow - Russia

  • with his team participated at the Euskadi Fighters 5 "El Desafio" in San Sebastian - Spain where his fighters Oscar Nave and Vitaliy Kalynyuk become Champions.

  • with his team participated at the Fight Contender - Muay Thai & MMA in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  • Is appointed as WKF Portugal President by Mrs Alischia Czaja World President of World Kickboxing Federation in Poland.

  • with is team participated at the Initiation III - GBH in Liverpool - England and become European Professional Champions.

  • promotes the 16th WUFC World Ultimate Full Contact Championship - Feira S Mateus co-sanctioned by WUFC, IFMA-FF, PLP and WKL

  • with his team participated at the Fight Champion Club 2010 in Varna - Bulgaria.

  • Is appointed as official member and partner of WSDA World Self Defense Association - Romania.

  • is awarded with the rank of 7 Dan in Jiu Jitsu by AIJJ Asociacion Internacional Jiu Jitsu.

  • with his team participated at the 6ème Mémorial Jorge Martins - WUFC Gala in Switzerland - Martigny.

In 2011 Fernando Loio

  • with his team participated at the Fight Contender 2 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  • with his team participated at the Adrenalin Cage Rivals in Rochester - England.

  • with his team participated at the 10th Legion Championship Fight in London - England.

  • with his team participated at the FighterGalla 20 "Locked & Loaded" in Copenhagen - Denmark.

  • with his team participated at the Fight Senna Championship in Barra Show - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

  • with his team participated at the Honneur et Gloire in Béziers - France.

  • with his team participated at the Fight Contender 3 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  • promotes the 17th WUFC World Ultimate Full Contact Championship - Feira S Mateus co-sanctioned by WUFC, IFMA-FF, PLP and WKL.

  • with his team participated at the NWC Night of World Champions in Recife - Brazil.

  • is awarded with certificate and honor medal “Faixas Negras” by Master Daniel Lucena and the organizations ASIAM, UIAMA, UMA, GJJ in training competition skill of Muay Thai, Kickboxing, MMA and Jiu Jitsu - Brazil.

  • Was official in the "7 Ème Mémorial Jorge Martins" WUFC European Championship of Boxe Thai & K-1 in Martigny - Switzerland.

  • with his team participated at Battle of Champions 6 in Moscow - Russia.

  • Cooperate with WUFC Battle of Champions - Best of the Best in Makhachkala - Dagestan Republic, Russia.

In 2012 Fernando Loio

  • with his team participate at the 100% Fight in "Stade Pierre de Coubertin" - Paris, France.

  • Cooperate with WUFC Fight Night Muay Thai in Basel - Swiss.

  • Is appointed as Portugal representative of IBC Boxing and WBF Boxing.

  • promotes the 18th WUFC World Ultimate Full Contact Championship - Peso da Regua, co-sanctioned by WUFC, IFMA-FF, PL, UIPDA, IBC, WBF and WKL.

  • promotes the 2nd Round of 18th WUFC World Ultimate Full Contact Championship - AFCViseu.

  • Is appointed as Portugal representative of WPC World Boxing Commission.

  • is awarded with official Licence of WPC in Boxing Trainer and Promoter.

  • with his team participated at the MMAA Arena in Prague - Czech Republic.

  • Cooperate with WUFC Memorial Jorge Martins - Muay Thai, MMA and Boxing in Martigny - Swiss.

  • with his team participate at the FMC Premium 2012 in Montpellier - France.

  • with his team participate at the Tech-KREP FC in Krasnodar - Russia.

  • with his team participate at the Primus The Event in Saragoça - Spain.

  • with his team participate at the STRICTLY BUSINESS in Scotland.

In 2013 Fernando Loio


  • promotes the 19th WUFC World Ultimate Full Contact Championship, Lamego.

  • promotes the WUFC International Full Contact Gala - Feira São Mateus, Viseu.

  • with his team participated at the WUFC Portugal Vs Europe- Martigny, Switzerland.

In 2014 Fernando Loio


  • with his team participate at the Challenge XI, Gothenburg, Sweden.

  • with his team participate at the World Cup - Professional Pankration, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia.

  • with his team participate at the The Zone FC 13 Tough Luck, Lisebergshallen - Sweden.

  • with his team participate at the Colosseum Combat Arena, Italy.

  • promotes the 20th WUFC World Ultimate Full Contact Championship, Lamego.


In 2015 Fernando Loio

  • with his team participate at the WUFC World Stars Championship Iran, Teheran and Emirates Arabs Unites, Dubai.

  • was honoured in Iran.

  • promotes the 21st WUFC World Ultimate Full Contact Championship 21, Lamego.

  • with his team participate at the Legion Fight Championship, Taganrog - Russia.

  • with his team participate at the Fight Nights Lichtenfels - Germany.

Fernando Loio - 1998


Fernando Loio - 1997


Fernando Loio - 1995


Fernando Loio - 2000

World Heavyweight Champion

Ultimate Full-contact / Pancrace / Vale Tudo

Fernando Loio - 2004

 Weapons Combat

Fernando Loio - 1997

Martial Arts