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I hope you like this page. The pictures have been collected from various places.
All of the Poetry is original and was written by me Nikka/Debbie Rogers.

I want to give Special Thanks and Appreciation to KlassicRocker.
For the Background and Header on this page.
A True Webpage Master.

This Special Award was won for this Page!


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My woman, she walks so tall and proud,
It is like her head is touching the clouds.

No greater love, have I ever felt,
Her loving looks, make my heart melt.

We were meant for each other, in every way,
Our love grows stronger, day by day.

I am still in awe, that she chose me,
I pray so often, on bended knees.

I will be so proud, when she is big with my child,
All of my dreams will be filled, and my heart wild.

For no greater love, could ever be known,
And my heart sings for her alone.


She was such a thing of beauty, as I saw her standing there,
I knew that to win her love, would be something quite rare.

Her eyes so blue, and hair like the sun,
Oh' how my heart was starting to run.

But would she have me, a warrior so bold,
I felt shivers, that were quite cold.

My love for her was strong and true,
Would her heart, be mine too?

She looked at me, with eyes so bright,
As I stood there, in the pale moonlight.

And as she turned, I saw in her eyes,
That she loved me too, and I felt so wise.

For to have this perfect womans love,
Was to be soaring, like an eagle above.

I will cherish her until my dying day,
Because as a warrior, that is my way.

This Poem will be published in Cassie Edwards Romance Novel "Savage Fires" coming up in August 1999.


Oh' Dream Catcher, Dream Catcher, catch me a dream,
Make it beautiful and pure, and just what it seems.

Make it wonderful and make it real,
Make it something so exotic, that i can feel.

Make it in shades and colors of blue,
Make it the kind, of which I have too few.

Make it come to life and surround me,
Make it so thoughtful, that I can see.

Make it float down, on feathers light,
Make it so real, I feel I've got the sight.

Oh' Dream Catcher, Dream Catcher, do what you can,
To help me see, to help me feel, to be Alive again.


Oh' The Cherokee walked, and they walked some more,
They walked so long, that their spirits were sore.

They walked by day, and they prayed at night,
That someone near, would end their plight.

Their hearts were broke, and their hope was gone,
And it only got worse with each coming dawn.

The old were frail, and the small were weak,
Their immediate future was very bleak.

Strong and proud, they marched right on,
Gritting their teeth, with each new moan.

So strong they were, on the Trail of Tears,
Only God new, of their many fears.

So the Cherokee marched and marched along,
And started each day out with a song.

A song of joy, and a song of hope,
They had no choice, but to learn to cope.

That Trail of Tears was awfully long,
And no one could fix, what had gone wrong.


She walks in beauty, like the night,
So beautiful, so proud, with every right.

For she is my woman, the love of my life,
Without her, in my heart I would plunge a knife.

She is my heart, my soul, my breath,
To lose her, would be a very slow death.

She brings joy and grace, wherever she goes,
She lives and breathes, as a wild red rose.

My need for her is so very strong,
I start each day, out with a song.

A song of thanks, a song of praise,
For the Gods, giving us these precious days.


My love for you, is like a waterfall,
Cascading through my heart.

It lets me know my love,
That we will never be apart.

It's like soaring on eagles wings,
And it makes me feel, a part of all things.

Your thoughts are quiet, your wisdom is deep,
We have so much growing, loving, and living to reap.

Your beauty is there, for all the world to see,
It brings me down, on bended knees.

To give thanks to the Gods, for me and you,
For giving us a love that is so true.


The Indian maid was a beautiful sight,
As she stood there smiling, in the dark of night.

The moon was there behind the clouds,
Hiding as if from a great big crowd.

It peeked out every now and then,
And showed her innocence once again.

She was dark of skin with midnight hair,
And the brave she loved was quite rare.

But watching from behind some trees,
Was another brave, who should not be.

He was jealous with rage and quite insane,
As he stalked her there, as it started to rain.

She heard a noise, and turned her head,
And to his shadow, her eyes were led.

She cried in fear and started to run,
But he was faster, and would have some fun.

As she saw his intent, she plunged the knife in her breast,
And the moon on her face, was her last caress.

Thanks One more time to FIREFAERY!!

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