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Written 8/14/1998

I Hope You All Get A Laugh Out of This


I have friends Bill and Maggie
And they live in Jersey,
When you all get together
You are quite at their mercy.*S*
Then there is Cermo
Who is so strong and silent,
And also the type
Who would send you violets.
Then there is Colliebub
What can I say?
She is a rare Lady
Always happy, come what may.
And then there is Crazyace
Who is quite the gentle man,
He will do anything
To help you if he can.
Then there comes Fancy Face
A rare jewel indeed,
When it comes to friends
She is in the lead.
And then there is Bugz
Whatever can I say?
I hope to meet this friend
In person, soon one day.
Then there comes Neenie
Who is as sweet as they come,
I can't wait to meet her too
So I can tell her Mum.
And then there comes Sven
A friend from the start,
He has been so kind
He has stolen my Heart.
Then there are Wattle and Ray
They are quite a pair,
I know they are my friends
Because they show they care.
And then along came Waxingmoon
A crazy gal,Oh my,
She tells you silly things
That make you think you can fly.
Then there is Wentu
My Handsome Italian Friend,
He is so sweet and kind
He will be there til the end.
Then comes Dragon
Whom I've barely met,
But as time passes
Friendship will bloom I bet.
Then along comes NewGuy
A friend in every way,
He makes me laugh alot
Because of the things he will say,
And then along comes TWM
Who is always so sweet,
As a friend and URL man
He cannot be beat!
And then there is Warlock
Who is such a busy man,
We try to keep in touch
And talk as often as we can.
And of course there is Jon
Who is so cute and funny,
I am so glad for him
That he has found a honey.
And last but not the least at all,
There is KlassicRocker
Who I can proudly say is a friend
Upon whom I can always call.LOL

I hope no one is in any way offended by this.
If you are please let me know.
It was only meant in Friendship.

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