Sigma Alpha Iota
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Sigma Alpha Iota

We are the Eta Eta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota at East Texas Baptist University.

Welcome to our Internet Home! Please feel free to take a look and get better acquainted with our chapter!

Eta Eta Members

Amanda Hampton- Amanda is a sophomore from Tatum, TX, majoring in All-level Music Ed. Her e-mail address is

Heather Irby- Vice President Ritual. Heather is a senior from Kountz, TX, and now resides in Marshall with her husband Thomas. Heather is an All-level Music Ed. major and hopes to become a band director. Her instrument is the flute.

Laurie Lee- Laurie is a sophomore from Orange, TX. She is an All-level Music Ed. major. Her e-mail address is

Amber Miller-Amber is a junior All-level Music Ed. major from Alamagordo, NM.

Sara Nance- President. Sara is an All-level Music Ed. major with a concentration in voice. She is a senior from Atlanta, TX. Her e-mail address is

Laura Rangel- Treasurer. Laura is a senior All-level Music Ed. major with a concentration in voice. Laura is from Pasadena, TX but now resides in Marshall, TX with her husband Abdon. Laura's e-mail addresses are and

Lucy Santos- Editor. Lucy is a junior All-level Music Ed. major from Fort Worth, TX. Her e-mail address is

Kimberly Spurgeon- Vice President Membership. Kim is from Golden, TX. She is a graduating senior majoring in All-level Music Ed. with a double concentration in voice and piano. Kim got engaged this summer to Michael Short, but the wedding date has not yet been announced.

SAI of the Month- Lara Taylor

Lara is a senior elementary ed. major with a specialization in Music and is also working on her early childhood endorsement.

Renee' Turner- Sergeant at Arms. Renee' is a junior. She also got engaged recently and will be married in January of 1999. She is from Pittsburg, Tx, and is a psychology major with a minor in music. Her e-mail address is

Genessa Wells- Recording/ Corresponding Secretary. Genessa is a junior Sacred Music major from Spring, TX. Her e-mail address is

Rachel Willoughby- Rachel is a senior from San Antonio,TX. She is an elementary ed. major with a specialization in Music. Rachel is the current Miss ETBU (the second consecutive SAI to earn the title). Rachel's e-mail address is

Upcoming Eta Eta Events

Informal Rush-- October 13, 1997 at 7:30 pm

ETBU Music Faculty Appreciation Week-- November 3-7, 1997

"Herald's of the Christ Child" an ETBU SAI Tradition-- December 1, 1997 at 9:00 pm

Formal Rush-- December 8, 1997 at 7:30 pm

Kappa B Province "Province Day" at ETBU-- February 28, 1998

Initiation-- April 18, 1998

Laura Rangel and Heather Irby, Senior Recital-- April 24, 1998 at 7:30 pm

Eta Eta's Favorite Links

SAI Homepage

K-12 Resources for Music Educators

East Texas Baptist University

Last Updated- November 14, 1997

by Laura Rangel
