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Phillips Rabbitry

We Raise These Rabbit Breeds


Welcome to the Phillips Rabbitry homepage. We love raising and showing our rabbits, and hope to convey that to you across the internet. We are so glad you stopped by our page. Our family consists of Ken and Lynette (mom and dad), Geoff and Jon (who got us started in rabbits by wanting just one rabbit to show in the county fair). The rest is history and we are really enjoying the experience. The bunny barn is a wonderful place to really get to talk to your kids and find out what is on their hearts with no TV to get in the way. We have really shared some wonderful things with each other that I just don't think would have been said otherwise. If you ever want to know anything about bunnies, or just happen to want to buy one, just drop us a line at, (try the little clicker on the bottom of the page) and we will do our best to help you.

Our rabbits have won many awards, including champion of the Faulkner County Fair 3 years in a row. We have also done quite well at other ARBA shows. For a list of our achievements, just drop us a line.

The above picture is of Iris Patch Joe Cool, we are proud to have him and one of his beautiful daughters in our barn. We are very excited to have them in our barn. Our Mini Rex line includes rabbits from Walker's Wabbit Wanch, and our own buck, "Caliber" who took best opposite at the 1997 Arkansas State Fair Youth show, and first place fur class. ...News Flash... Jon's Mini Rex doe "Daisy" took Best of Breed and BEST IN SHOW at the Diamond State Rabbit Club Youth Show on April 11 in Malvern Arkansas!!! She also took Best in Show June 6 in Bentonville. She is pictured on page 38 of the Domestic Rabbit magazine in the July/Aug edition. She should also be pictured and listed in the Grand Champion Column in the Nov/Dec issue of Domestic rabbit.

Our Netherland Dwarfs include, "Phillips Hershey Bar" who took Best of Breed at the 1996 Arkansas State Fair youth show, and Phillips Domino, who took best doe at the Faulkner County Fair. They also include many other well known blood lines. We are in the process of selling our chinchillas, squirrels and chrstnuts to focus on our Siamese Sable, Smoke Pearl, Sable Marten, and Smoke Pearl Marten.

Our Mini Lop line has won Best in Show for the last 3 years at the Faulkner County Fair and we are thrilled!!! We have recently added 2 rabbits from Tracy Elston and we are very excited about that. Our first generation cross with the Elston does have proved very promising. Our Mini Lops were 4 months and 2 days old when they won best of breed and Best Opposite at our Faulkner County Fair, beating out some nice seniors.
Our American Fuzzy Lops have some nice bloodlines but are more of "just for fun" right now. One of our 4-H'ers is showing a Fuzzy Lop Buck from our barn and won Best of Breed at the D.S.R.C youth show April 11. Pictures of this show will be here as soon as the scanner gets fixed. I also want to give credit to our son, Geoff who is our "web master". He takes care of our page entirely.

    places to go (also listed below on the scrolling button)
  1. Showbunny Webpage
  2. List of other "Rabbit People"
  3. Geoff's homepage
  4. Unofficial Netherland Dwarf Page
  5. Island Gems Rabbitry

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    Last updated on 6-10-98

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