Clea Info
I have read a fair share of invertviews and such concerning
Clea.. so i gathered up a little information for everyone
to read. If you take any of this info, please let me know..
and at least give me a little credit for it :)
Full Name: Clea Helen D'etienne DuVall
Name Comes From: a book by Lawrence Durell..
part of "The Alexandria Quartet"
Born in:Los Angeles
Place Grew Up: Hollywood
Favorite Place to Visit:New York City
Age Started Acting: 18 professionally
Favorite Color: blue.. any shade
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons
Some Foods She Likes:Cocoa Puffs and chocolate
chip cookies
Favorite Band: Patsy.. a band out of L.A.
Other Music She Likes: PJ Harvey, old Breeders stuff,
Pixies, Geraldine Fibbers
Her Inspiration: her father