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The Evangelist Page / Christain books,devotions,prayer request CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE WORLD 1000! He Gave His All " But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say not of this building; neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us" (Hebrews 9:11 - 12) Each one of us has the picture of Jesus on the cross of Calvary etched in our minds from when we were a child. I would like to take a few minutes of your time and ask you to reflect back on that same picture in your mind. As I take a look at this memory I see the Lord Jesus being taken down from the cruel cross of Calvary. It is hard for me to imagine how hard it would of been to have pulled his precious hands from off of the nails .I see a man on a ladder that is catching his body as it falls limply in his arms. A man and woman below pulled his feet from off of the nail that was in them. Then together they gently laid him on the ground and wrapped him in a cloth to carry him to the tomb. For it was finished the Pascal Lamb of God was sacrificed. The Old Testament was fulfilled. Man was now redeemed and his sins was washed in the blood of Jesus. Man no longer had to be lost. For Jesus made the way that he can commune with God. No longer was man bound by sin and death had lost it's sting, the grave had lost it's victory. This is what Christ has done for you and me! If you do not know Jesus as your personal savior, then ask him into your heart today. All he is doing is waiting for you to invite him and he will come into your heart and change your life completely. Remember these things he did for you!

Each and every day it seems when we turn on the tv we are being informed by the media about child abduction and abuse. This is a direct atack on our children for their destruction. This attack is growing in intensity day by day. We as the church of Jesus Christ can no longer ignore this attack. Please click on the link and see what you could do. 800go - Click Here!

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